A house divided


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Jesus once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" America is very much a "house divided" For over 200 years American citizens and lawmakers built a great nation knowing that not everyone will get everything they want. Conservatives and Liberals compromised on legislation in order to get laws passed. Conservatives and Liberals were willing to listen to each other, and though they disagreed, were respectful of each others opinion. Unless American citizens and lawmakers can return to this "age of civility" America will continue to decline as a nation.
That has always been a good point. Trouble is when our Republican politicians practice bipartisanship and put the national interest first they're accused of being Rino's. The Democrats on the other hand seem more united which isn't such a good thing because they all seem to listen to opposition views with closed ears and shut minds

Perhaps we begin to favor politicians that show respect to the practice of listening and not speaking in sound bites?
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Jesus once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" America is very much a "house divided" For over 200 years American citizens and lawmakers built a great nation knowing that not everyone will get everything they want. Conservatives and Liberals compromised on legislation in order to get laws passed. Conservatives and Liberals were willing to listen to each other, and though they disagreed, were respectful of each others opinion. Unless American citizens and lawmakers can return to this "age of civility" America will continue to decline as a nation.
Drain the swamp, get rid of the corrupt politicians, take their pay away, make them earn a living like the rest of US, and soon they would be working for US again. Until then they will work for their next reelection, keep passing bills that increase their stocks that they own, keep increasing their wages, while ours stay low and benefits fit for a king/queen/whatever.
That has always been a good point. Trouble is when our Republican politicians practice bipartisanship and put the national interest first they're accused of being Rino's. The Democrats on the other hand seem more united which isn't such a good thing because they all seem to listen to opposition views with closed ears and shut minds

Perhaps we begin to favor politicians that show respect to the practice of listening and not speaking in sound bites?
So we would favor no democrats....
That has always been a good point. Trouble is when our Republican politicians practice bipartisanship and put the national interest first they're accused of being Rino's. The Democrats on the other hand seem more united which isn't such a good thing because they all seem to listen to opposition views with closed ears and shut minds

Perhaps we begin to favor politicians that show respect to the practice of listening and not speaking in sound bites?
So we would favor no democrats....
Back in 2007, the Democrats blamed George Bush for the Housing market collapse. They lied about who really was the cause of it. It is the liberal/progressive/Marxist/Socialist/Fascist/Communist way. The real architects of the housing collapse was Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd, who were warned in 2004 that Fannie/Freddie were on their way to disaster. But they lied that there was nothing wrong.

Every time the bed wetters lose an election, they begin to lament about "compromise". They were utterly divisive and downright fuckin mean for the last 8 years, it's time they got their comeuppance.

Never mind that in 2009 their meat puppet faggot gloated and condescended to the republicrats. The democrooks gave not a fuck about "compromise"

"We won, you lost", and "Get in the back of the bus".

Bush "compromised" with bed wetters, he kept Clinton appointees on staff, and gave Ted Kennedy a blank check in order to reduce the resistance for the war. Meanwhile the left never stopped for a second to undermine everything Bush endeavored to accomplish. So fuck the goddamned democrooks. I wouldn't even let the slimy bastards on the fucking bus.

Trump has a few democrooks as his pick so far, and not surprisingly he has gotten absolute zero credit for "compromising". I see it as folly, but we'll see. He may not put up with petty politics.

The democrooks are WRONG about almost every issue. When you "compromise" with wrong, you're never better than half right. Regressive policies are destructive to the economy, society and our culture. The democrook agenda must be rolled back if our country is going to return to a productive, prosperous and homogeneous nation of states. Liberalism can not be allowed to incrementally advance as Both Bushes and Reagan did. Regressivism can't even be allowed to hold it's ground. It must be pushed back to 1980's levels when it was annoying, but not in your face or in your pocket.

DEFEAT THE DEMOCROOKS. It's up to them to "compromise" with us now.

Every time the bed wetters lose an election, they begin to lament about "compromise". They were utterly divisive and downright fuckin mean for the last 8 years, it's time they got their comeuppance.

Never mind that in 2009 their meat puppet faggot gloated and condescended to the republicrats. The democrooks gave not a fuck about "compromise"

"We won, you lost", and "Get in the back of the bus".

Bush "compromised" with bed wetters, he kept Clinton appointees on staff, and gave Ted Kennedy a blank check in order to reduce the resistance for the war. Meanwhile the left never stopped for a second to undermine everything Bush endeavored to accomplish. So fuck the goddamned democrooks. I wouldn't even let the slimy bastards on the fucking bus.

Trump has a few democrooks as his pick so far, and not surprisingly he has gotten absolute zero credit for "compromising". I see it as folly, but we'll see. He may not put up with petty politics.

The democrooks are WRONG about almost every issue. When you "compromise" with wrong, you're never better than half right. Regressive policies are destructive to the economy, society and our culture. The democrook agenda must be rolled back if our country is going to return to a productive, prosperous and homogeneous nation of states. Liberalism can not be allowed to incrementally advance as Both Bushes and Reagan did. Regressivism can't even be allowed to hold it's ground. It must be pushed back to 1980's levels when it was annoying, but not in your face or in your pocket.

DEFEAT THE DEMOCROOKS. It's up to them to "compromise" with us now.

Defeat the Demoblicans and the Republicrats. Any liberal from Mitch(turkey neck) McConnell to Nancy(Blinkie) Pelosi needs to be investigated for insider trading, directing tax payer funding to family members, and when found guilty, and they will be guilty, bring them to the Capital steps and put them in stocks for them to be treated as the criminals that they are. Then post the pictures in the states that they are running in, so their voters see them for the thugs that they are.

Defeat the Demoblicans and the Republicrats. Any liberal from Mitch(turkey neck) McConnell to Nancy(Blinkie) Pelosi needs to be investigated for insider trading, directing tax payer funding to family members, and when found guilty, and they will be guilty, bring them to the Capital steps and put them in stocks for them to be treated as the criminals that they are. Then post the pictures in the states that they are running in, so their voters see them for the thugs that they are.

View attachment 102003

Good point. The issue transcends party lines. It's an issue of ideology.

The collectivists generally occupy the democrook machine, but there are plenty of republicrats who are globalist kensyians and just as malignant as any democrook.
Defeat the Demoblicans and the Republicrats. Any liberal from Mitch(turkey neck) McConnell to Nancy(Blinkie) Pelosi needs to be investigated for insider trading, directing tax payer funding to family members, and when found guilty, and they will be guilty, bring them to the Capital steps and put them in stocks for them to be treated as the criminals that they are. Then post the pictures in the states that they are running in, so their voters see them for the thugs that they are.

View attachment 102003

Good point. The issue transcends party lines. It's an issue of ideology.

The collectivists generally occupy the democrook machine, but there are plenty of republicrats who are globalist kensyians and just as malignant as any democrook.

I see we still have a long way to go....
The division can't last much longer.

But there IS a risk with a Trump presidency.

The risk is that he will somehow outlaw abortion and then we'll be overrun with Democrats. As things stand now the native ones are not reproducing - or when they forget their pills they just abort. Closing the borders to illegals won't be sufficient to stem the tide unless Democrats are not only allowed to abort at will but also to get paid time off from work to have it done - and at taxpayer expense.

So please, President Trump, make the borders effective but don't fuck with abortion! The country you save may be ours.
The division can't last much longer.

But there IS a risk with a Trump presidency.

The risk is that he will somehow outlaw abortion and then we'll be overrun with Democrats. As things stand now the native ones are not reproducing - or when they forget their pills they just abort. Closing the borders to illegals won't be sufficient to stem the tide unless Democrats are not only allowed to abort at will but also to get paid time off from work to have it done - and at taxpayer expense.

So please, President Trump, make the borders effective but don't fuck with abortion! The country you save may be ours.

Subsidizing abortion is actually a "progressive" idea. From now on I will refer to them as regressive, but in the 1920's Eugenics was a major tenet of regressive policy. They had forced sterilizations, and even sterilized people without their consent or knowledge if they were on the regressive list of "unfit".

Regressives were sick fucks BEFORE hitler came to power.

The United States was the first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for the purpose of eugenics.[45] The heads of the program were avid believers in eugenics and frequently argued for their program. It was shut down due to ethical problems.

At some point regressives figured out that eradicating imbeciles worked against creating a collectivist society. People with better cognitive skills do not give away everything they work for in exchange for bullshit promises of "peace, bread, land" from Lenin or "Hope " and "Change" from the meat puppet faggot. Stupid people are easier to manipulate and control.

Since regressives want to thin out the minorities they keep their abortion mills in their neighborhoods, but the bottom line is, if future democrook voting parasites are being sucked out and eaten as hors d'oeuvres by hitlary I really don't care as long as we end up with less collectivists.
Petey, I am american born. Please deport me. You ain't got the moxy. I even owned my own business now my son has it. Cmon deport me.
Every time the bed wetters lose an election, they begin to lament about "compromise". They were utterly divisive and downright fuckin mean for the last 8 years, it's time they got their comeuppance....
Democrats-Liberals-Progressives have a great deal to lament...

They've just lost the White House...

They've lost the Senate (again)...

They've lost the House (again)...

They've lost the Supreme Court, for a generation or two...

They've lost heavily in most State legislatures and Governor's mansions...

They have the fewest Elected Officials under their own party banner since 1929...

They have the fewest Elected Officials in Eighty-Seven (87) years...

The damned fools even managed to lose White Working-Class America... a demographic that they've owned since FDR's time...

The butt-hurt is strong in these fools...

Basically, they're phukked, good-and-proper, and for a very long time to come...

Squeal, little LibTards... squeal...

Enjoy the sidelines...
Democrats-Liberals-Progressives have a great deal to lament...

They've just lost the White House...

They've lost the Senate (again)...

They've lost the House (again)...

They've lost the Supreme Court, for a generation or two...

They've lost heavily in most State legislatures and Governor's mansions...

They have the fewest Elected Officials under their own party banner since 1929...

They have the fewest Elected Officials in Eighty-Seven (87) years...

The damned fools even managed to lose White Working-Class America... a demographic that they've owned since FDR's time...

The butt-hurt is strong in these fools...

Basically, they're phukked, good-and-proper, and for a very long time to come...

Squeal, little LibTards... squeal...

Enjoy the sidelines...

Don't count those cock suckers out yet. When Moscow fell they didn't abandon communism, they rebranded it as "progressivism" again and proceeded to coddle every deviance and tear down the entire culture. They will regroup and work to undermine the only significant nation left that isn't completely subjugated by a centralized state.
When was the last time the left did NOT break a compromise deal 50 years ago? Its simply not possible to have bipartisan compromise with the left, they fully intend to break any deal they make at the first opportunity.

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