A house divided

The division can't last much longer.

But there IS a risk with a Trump presidency.

The risk is that he will somehow outlaw abortion and then we'll be overrun with Democrats. As things stand now the native ones are not reproducing - or when they forget their pills they just abort. Closing the borders to illegals won't be sufficient to stem the tide unless Democrats are not only allowed to abort at will but also to get paid time off from work to have it done - and at taxpayer expense.

So please, President Trump, make the borders effective but don't fuck with abortion! The country you save may be ours.
Instead of aborting the babies who could end up growing up and become the scientists to discover warp drive or the cure for cancer, lets start eliminating the overcrowding of prisons which ends up costing US billions of dollars. Those on death row, instead of having appeal after appeal, escaping prison to kill again, with the DNA evidence today, if found guilty then a quick pull of the rope down comes the blade and no more repeat offenders. Those with a rap sheet a mile long, cannot be corrected and they also end up being executed. I am tired of unborn and born babies being executed who never got a chance, while those who abused their chances time and again, get to live life with US paying for them. OF course to the liberals, prison is a thriving business that employs some people who could never get a job outside the government.

Jesus once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" America is very much a "house divided" For over 200 years American citizens and lawmakers built a great nation knowing that not everyone will get everything they want. Conservatives and Liberals compromised on legislation in order to get laws passed. Conservatives and Liberals were willing to listen to each other, and though they disagreed, were respectful of each others opinion. Unless American citizens and lawmakers can return to this "age of civility" America will continue to decline as a nation.
Absolutely. Perhaps the most constructive thing Trump can do as President - and something Obama could have done but chose not to - is to re-open lines of communication between the two parties. And not just at the top ends.

I don't care if it's regular meetings, regular dinners, or regular trips to Chuck E. Cheese™. The two sides have to get to know and respect each other away from the teevee cameras and bloggers. That's where it has to start. The longer and wider they are separated, the easier it is to throw mud.

Good luck to him on this. Right now narcissism is in charge.
Jesus once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" America is very much a "house divided" For over 200 years American citizens and lawmakers built a great nation knowing that not everyone will get everything they want. Conservatives and Liberals compromised on legislation in order to get laws passed. Conservatives and Liberals were willing to listen to each other, and though they disagreed, were respectful of each others opinion. Unless American citizens and lawmakers can return to this "age of civility" America will continue to decline as a nation.
Absolutely. Perhaps the most constructive thing Trump can do as President - and something Obama could have done but chose not to - is to re-open lines of communication between the two parties. And not just at the top ends.

I don't care if it's regular meetings, regular dinners, or regular trips to Chuck E. Cheese™. The two sides have to get to know and respect each other away from the teevee cameras and bloggers. That's where it has to start. The longer and wider they are separated, the easier it is to throw mud.

Good luck to him on this. Right now narcissism is in charge.
There is one side who wants to completely fundamentally transform America, and almost did in the past 8 years, using a pen and phone. We do not need to reach across the aisle now that those EVIL ones are no longer in power, but we need to completely destroy that EVIL just like we did back in the 1940's. They wont work with US, so we either get them out of this great country, or we start Nuremburg trials, and the constitution and liberalism do not work. The Citizens of the US have spoken.
Jesus once said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" America is very much a "house divided" For over 200 years American citizens and lawmakers built a great nation knowing that not everyone will get everything they want. Conservatives and Liberals compromised on legislation in order to get laws passed. Conservatives and Liberals were willing to listen to each other, and though they disagreed, were respectful of each others opinion. Unless American citizens and lawmakers can return to this "age of civility" America will continue to decline as a nation.
Absolutely. Perhaps the most constructive thing Trump can do as President - and something Obama could have done but chose not to - is to re-open lines of communication between the two parties. And not just at the top ends.

I don't care if it's regular meetings, regular dinners, or regular trips to Chuck E. Cheese™. The two sides have to get to know and respect each other away from the teevee cameras and bloggers. That's where it has to start. The longer and wider they are separated, the easier it is to throw mud.

Good luck to him on this. Right now narcissism is in charge.
There is one side who wants to completely fundamentally transform America, and almost did in the past 8 years, using a pen and phone. We do not need to reach across the aisle now that those EVIL ones are no longer in power, but we need to completely destroy that EVIL just like we did back in the 1940's. They wont work with US, so we either get them out of this great country, or we start Nuremburg trials, and the constitution and liberalism do not work. The Citizens of the US have spoken.
Well, there ya go. An example of the problem, loud and clear.

And the citizens of the country HAVE spoken, if you look at the numbers.

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