A Kurdish State Could Become a Reality by 2030, US Intelligence Report Says


Kurdistan is my homeland
Oct 13, 2012

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A Kurdish state could become a reality by 2030, according to a new US intelligence report.

The report by the National Intelligence Council said that greater pressures on Turkish territorial integrity could be the main impetus behind the emergence of a Kurdish state, together with greater fragmentation of Iraq, Syria and Iran.

“In event of a more fragmented Iraq or Syria, a Kurdistan would not be inconceivable,” said the report, released Tuesday.

It is possible that by 2030, the “Middle East Borders are redrawn with an emerging Kurdistan,” said the publication, titled Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds.

It predicted that Turkey could face pressures over its territorial integrity, carrying risks of divisions and major regional conflicts.

“The rise of Kurdistan is a blow to Turkish integrity, increasing the risks of major conflict in its surrounding neighborhood,” the report added.

It said that in Syria, where the embattled President Bashar al-Assad’s government is locked in a civil war with opposition forces, the Kurds could become part of a ruling coalition if the regime collapses.

“In post-Assad Syria, it is likely that an urban Sunni would take power in a coalition comprising the Muslim Brotherhood, religious minorities, Druze, Kurds, and others,” the report said.

It added that in Iraq, “The government is already showing signs of reverting to factionalism, in this case the Shia are willing to share power with the Sunni Arabs or Kurds.”

The aspiration of a Kurdish homeland is shared by the vast majority of the world’s Kurds, who live in regions of Turkey, Syria, Iran and the autonomous Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq.
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Syria and Iraq ARE breaking down, and when Israel fucks Iran up the Kurds need to rise up and take back what is theirs. They need to have the pieces in place ready to move them.
Syria and Iraq ARE breaking down, and when Israel fucks Iran up the Kurds need to rise up and take back what is theirs. They need to have the pieces in place ready to move them.

Indeed your right, kurds have the right to a state just like anybody else, especially considering what we have been through in the last century.
Original report and some passages of it:

In the coming decades, not only will the big emerging powers like China, India, and Brazil make relative economic gains, but Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and potentially Nigeria also will make their marks.

Regionally, weak governments mired in domestic violence and civil strife are unlikely to play a strong role, leaving non-Arab powers, especially Turkey, Iran, and Israel, as the major players.

In event of a more fragmented Iraq or Syria, a Kurdistan would not be inconceivable.

Turkey will increase its role in global economy and will be a major player in its region.

"Kurdistan" is conceivable if Syria and Iraq fragment.

But Syria won't fragment, and Maliki backed by US F-16s intends to strengthen central-government's authority over all of Iraq's issues.

To Syria:
Arabs are 90,3% of Syria's population.

Inside Syria there's currently a proxy-war happening involving countries like Iran and Russia.
Sunnite Syrian-Arabs take all the casualities fighting Assad.
Winner takes it all.
And Obama who is reluctant to get the USA involved has recognized the Free-Syrian-Army and its political wing as the sole legitimate representative of Syria.
A lot of important countries have done the same.
Obama also didn't send any "Paul Bremer" into Syria to write a constitution under US-occupation like it happened in Iraq.
If the FSA needs help in writing a constitution, they'll get that support from one of its main sponsor: Turkey.
The other main sponsor is the Gulf-Cooperation-Council, primarily Saudi-Arabia and Qatar. From there the money for Syria's reconstruction will come.

New rulers in Damascus will have strong backing and they won't give an inch away from their territory. All Sunnite countries in the region will support their cause, like they're doing now against Russia and Iran.
Dealing with troublemaking "Kurds" who don't have any backers will be no problem. In fact, groups like Kurdish PYD cooperate with Assad and there already have been clases between FSA and PYD, and they'll pay the price soon enough. First priority is Damascus, winner takes it all and by extension also Lebanon.
FSA clashing with Kurdish PYD.
Battle of Ras al-Ayn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) is a Syrian affiliate of the militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). It is one of the most important Kurdish opposition parties in Syria as well as a charter member of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change and the People’s Council of Western Kurdistan.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

We share Turkey's determination that Syria must not become a haven for PKK terrorists, whether now or after the departure of the Assad regime.

FSA is 100.000 fighters.
They'll get hold on Syria's conventional Army and then they're going to visit your "Kurdistan" you intend to carve-out from Syria.
There's no way PKK will be allowed a presence in Syria or carve-out territory from Syria.
Not in this universe.
Original report and some passages of it:

In the coming decades, not only will the big emerging powers like China, India, and Brazil make relative economic gains, but Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and potentially Nigeria also will make their marks.

Regionally, weak governments mired in domestic violence and civil strife are unlikely to play a strong role, leaving non-Arab powers, especially Turkey, Iran, and Israel, as the major players.

In event of a more fragmented Iraq or Syria, a Kurdistan would not be inconceivable.

Turkey will increase its role in global economy and will be a major player in its region.

"Kurdistan" is conceivable if Syria and Iraq fragment.

But Syria won't fragment, and Maliki backed by US F-16s intends to strengthen central-government's authority over all of Iraq's issues.

To Syria:
Arabs are 90,3% of Syria's population.

Inside Syria there's currently a proxy-war happening involving countries like Iran and Russia.
Sunnite Syrian-Arabs take all the casualities fighting Assad.
Winner takes it all.
And Obama who is reluctant to get the USA involved has recognized the Free-Syrian-Army and its political wing as the sole legitimate representative of Syria.
A lot of important countries have done the same.
Obama also didn't send any "Paul Bremer" into Syria to write a constitution under US-occupation like it happened in Iraq.
If the FSA needs help in writing a constitution, they'll get that support from one of its main sponsor: Turkey.
The other main sponsor is the Gulf-Cooperation-Council, primarily Saudi-Arabia and Qatar. From there the money for Syria's reconstruction will come.

New rulers in Damascus will have strong backing and they won't give an inch away from their territory. All Sunnite countries in the region will support their cause, like they're doing now against Russia and Iran.
Dealing with troublemaking "Kurds" who don't have any backers will be no problem. In fact, groups like Kurdish PYD cooperate with Assad and there already have been clases between FSA and PYD, and they'll pay the price soon enough. First priority is Damascus, winner takes it all and by extension also Lebanon.

I don't expect, to take your words seriously, you guys are the ones that constantly cry for palestinians, but ignoring a nation that's atleast 10+ times larger.
FSA clashing with Kurdish PYD.
Battle of Ras al-Ayn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) is a Syrian affiliate of the militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). It is one of the most important Kurdish opposition parties in Syria as well as a charter member of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change and the People’s Council of Western Kurdistan.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

We share Turkey's determination that Syria must not become a haven for PKK terrorists, whether now or after the departure of the Assad regime.

FSA is 100.000 fighters.
They'll get hold on Syria's conventional Army and then they're going to visit your "Kurdistan" you intend to carve-out from Syria.
There's no way PKK will be allowed a presence in Syria or carve-out territory from Syria.
Not in this universe.

You said the same thing about iraqi Kurdistan, yet it happened anyway, and now Peshmerga controls all of our territory (Including Kirkuk)

Remember that Peshmerga is also active in West Kurdistan. Also, we many more than 100000 fighters, you actually think that's impressive? By the time war arrives (Since you only want bloodshed) then i assure you, that all 3 million kurds are ready to protect their homelands.
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ekrem mr delusional guy, the F16 is to be given to iraq in 2014, by then Kurdistan will divorce iraq. the only thing now holding Kurdistan and shaky iraq together is economy and the budget Kurdistan gets from iraq, once the currently oil and gas pipelines finished in late 2013, Kurdistan will divorce shithole and chaotic iraq once and for all, then all your kind can do is watch and cry, like how you are doing in your above lame posts.

Kurdistan has its own parliament, government, president, prime minister, army, flag , 3 international airports and its own borders with iraq, turkey iran and syria, now tell me what is missing for statehood??? just stop jerking off to your hatred towards 40 million kurds, god still exists, and turks are not superior than any nation out there not even the extinct assyrians which you genocided against in your so called lotto-man empire.

kurdish state in KRG will be announced as soon as the oil and gas pipelines are finished in late 2013, which will have a capacity of 1 mbp by 2015, the world needs our energy and they will do everything to get our natural resources to the international market, of course beggar turkey will get commission for us "using" turkish lands, that is it. lots of your kind also predicted turkey and iraq and iran to attack KRG and destroy it once US pulled back in 2010, but KRG is only getting stronger LoL.

the US oil giants Exxon and Chevron have 20-30 year old contract with kurdistan government, it is inthe US's interest to have a safe and prosperous Kurdistan there is no god damn thing lame kemalist turks like your kind can do about it.

Kurdistan pipeline (oil & gas) under construction to be operational by late 2013
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ekrem mr delusional guy, the F16 is to be given to iraq in 2014, by then Kurdistan will divorce iraq. the only thing now holding Kurdistan and shaky iraq together is economy and the budget Kurdistan gets from iraq, once the currently oil and gas pipelines finished in late 2013, Kurdistan will divorce shithole and chaotic iraq once and for all, then all your kind can do is watch and cry, like how you are doing in your above lame posts.

Kurdistan has its own parliament, government, president, prime minister, army, flag , 3 international borders and its own borders with iraq, now tell me what is missing for statehood??? just stop jerking off to your hatred towards 40 million kurds, god still exists, and turks are not superior than any nation out there not even the extinct assyrians which you genocided against in your so called lotto-man empire.

kurdish state in KRG will be announced as soon as the oil and gas pipelines are finished in late 2013, which will have a capacity of 1 mbp by 2015, the world needs our energy and they will do everything to get our natural resources to the international market, of course beggar turkey will get commission for us "using" turkish lands, that is it. lots of your kind also predicted turkey and iraq and iran to attack KRG and destroy it once US pulled back in 2010, but KRG is only getting stronger LoL.

the US oil giants Exxon and Chevron have 20-30 year old contract with kurdistan government, it is inthe US's interest to have a safe and prosperous Kurdistan there is no god damn thing lame kemalist turks like your kind can do about it.

Kurdistan pipeline (oil & gas) under construction to be operational by late 2013

And that's just south Kurdistan. Imagine Ekrem's facial expression, when the northern kurds will strike:lol:

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