A Legal Lesson Guaranteed To Restore GOP Congressional Hopefuls As Trump Nose-Dives

Conservative is the "go-to" flame war role player. So why wouldn't you be thrilled to have him here

He's one your allies in your crusade. He hates gays almost as much as you do.

Also, stop whining. Nobody is trying to get your threads shut down. Quite the opposite, I enjoy watching you twist yourself into knots.
Yeah. Funny how he always shows up in a thread you guys want gone and starts saying "faggots" right and left.

"Conservative"? Really? You couldn't find a more subtle name than that for your role player? Geeze...someone needs some coffee over at the LGBT think tank.

The bottom line is, you want a flame war to kill this thread...and along comes conservative calling "poor LGBTs" "faggots" etc.. Odd, that.

You even blame gay people when your own allies act like assholes. He is one the hateful people that supports your obsession. Your hatred of homos is the glue that binds you together. Own it.
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The bottom line is, you want a flame war to kill this thread...and along comes conservative calling "poor LGBTs" "faggots" etc.. Odd, that.

You likely now over 75 threads whining about queers. If somebody is trying to shut you down they are doing a really piss poor job it. Please, don't let that stop you from acting all victimized, though. lol
In case the poster "mdk" forgot, this is a thread about polygamist-Americans seeking marriage equality. All sexual orientations now have access to marriage because Obergefell found that states cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation. A case like that would "call the cards" on the table, legally speaking. And it would ripe the veil off the fudged numbers of those who actually support the dismantling of marriage.
Rumblings from Montana. Montana polygamist family applies for marriage license
BILLINGS MT- Given the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, a Lockwood family is now looking to solidify rights of its own...The polyamorous movement is a national push to allow marriage between multiple partners...Nathan Collier and his two wives, Vicki and Christine, said Tuesday that they are simply looking for equality.Nathan is legally married to Vicki, but also wants to legally wed Christine....On Tuesday, Nathan and Christine traveled to the Yellowstone County Courthouse to see if they would be awarded the right to marry under the Marriage Equality Act....The Colliers were initially denied the license, and the clerk later returned to tell the couple that they would have to check with the Montana Attorney General's office....When asked for comment, the Attorney General's office referred MTN News to two sections of Montana law, stating polygamy is illegal...The couple's goal is to have their story heard..."All we want is legal legitimacy. We aren't asking anybody for anything else. We just want to give our marriage and our family the legitimacy that it deserves," said Nathan.
And the Brown's case is moving up. Wonder how I missed this??

August 9, 2016
Polygamist Kody Brown of "Sister Wives"
fame have been granted more time to pursue an appeal in their case against Utah, FOX13 reports...U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted the family until Sept. 10 to file a petition of certiorari to have the nation's top court review their case....'Sister Wives' to petition U.S. Supreme Court to recognize plural marriage | Fox News

“While disappointed, the Brown family remains committed to this case and the struggle for equal rights for all families in Utah. We will now take this fight to the Supreme Court,” Brown family attorney Jonathan Turley wrote..: "..The Tenth Circuit did not deny the violation of free speech and free exercise by Mr. Buhman – violations found by the trial court. Rather it barred the Brown family from challenging his actions in federal court. This country rests on the rule of law, which is reduced to a mere pretense if citizens are barred from the courthouse. The Browns respectfully disagree with the panel and will seek relief before the United States Supreme Court.

Wow! The Tenth Circuit tried to BAN the Brown family's right to appeal! Can you imagine that? "Sorry, the right to due process doesn't apply to you citizen" :uhh:

Gee, I wonder what group might have influenced trying to keep the Browns not being able to take their case any further? 20 guesses and the first 19 don't count..
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When did OKTexas become a nudist? :eusa_think:

Feel free to point out where I said I did. I'm simply pointing out, if lifestyle is a basis for rights and not genetics, every argument used to justify faghadist marriage and mixed gender facilities like showers, locker rooms and bathrooms, could be used for the nudist lifestyle. So far in this thread, no one has challenged that assertion.
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