A liberals view of "Conservatism".

How much Howard Zinn have you read?

Far too much, "A Peoples History of the United States." I only read this because my son was forced to use these fairy tales instead of history in his IB classes in high school.

And what proof do you that it is not true, and what you believe is true?
Zinn tells you what he's up to.

“Objectivity is impossible,” Zinn once remarked, “and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”​
He tells you that facts are less important that the agenda. Just because you believe in his agenda doesn't mean his version of reality is accurate. It just means you're easily led.
Liberals think that all Conservative are religious fanatics which is untrue. I have not been to church since I was 16. I got married by a Justice of the peace. I just believe that liberals feel that they are entitled to everything and want big government. Conservatives believe you should work hard and you will benefit from your hard work. Liberals always know they have the government to fall back on. I on the other hand save for the rainy day. I believe if a person is truly needy then yes they should get help but they should not depend on it for the rest of their lives. I believe a lot ( Not all) think why work when I can get free money , free health care and if I pop out more kids the more money I get. I believe that welfare should have a limited time. Make them learn a trade or get an education and after no more then 3 years if you did not accomplish that then you get cut off. IF they had the fear of that maybe just maybe they might get off their ass. I also believe that Liberals think taxes is their charity while conservatives give above and beyond their taxes. I give to many charities. Like Make a wish, Toys for tots. I take two angels off the angel tree and get gifts . I always chose teens because I feel they get overlooked. That is what I feel if you dont agree . So be it..
We're waiting Dean-O.. and I will hound you every chance I get that I see you posting here without providing your proof backing up your claim... matter of fact... I will paste it in my sig so you do not forget
Actually, what I said was the party applauds executions, but since you brought it up, when Ron Paul was asked who should pay for a young 30 year old who goes into a coma after something terrible happens? Paul answers: "He should assume responsibility for himself". Hello, the guy is in a coma. When Paul is pushed, he said, "That's what freedom is all about. Taking your own risks." It's then that members of the audience shout out "let him die". But Paul has a more humane plan. He says, "Let the churches take care of him". THE GUY IS IN A FUCKING COMA! Churches aren't prepared to take care of someone in a coma. That's just a "polite" way of saying, "Let the fucker die".

And Notice. Not a single one of those guys on state said a thing about members in the audience yelling "Let him die". Not one. Remember, McCain corrected the audience when they called Obama a terrorist.

I have to ask you, have YOU got a Living Will? What are YOUR desires for YOURSELF should you have a horrific accident or a stroke and are in a coma. Do you want everything done for you? All heroics? Keep you alive with ventilator and heart pumps?

I guess I am confused, because I thought it was the liberals who wanted people to be allowed to die and the Republicans didn't. But, never mind that, I don't want to be kept alive artificially. I would rather be dead than be quadriplegic or brain damaged. I would rather my husband be dead than be quadriplegic or brain damaged. I think if anyone truly WANTS to die, they should be allowed to do so. I'm sorry, that's the way I feel. This is definitely one thing which each individual should be allowed to decide and direct for himself/herself. Don't you agree?

and as far as the Terry Schiavo incident, her PARENTS contacted Pres. Bush and asked for help in keeping their daughter alive. They wanted to take care of her, not let her die as her husband wanted. Why they wanted to put themselves through this, I do not know, but they did and they should have been and were allowed to do so.
The slaves and gold part were a result of his discovering the Americas.

Ah yes, the slave trade from America, millions taken to work the fields in England...

Y'all just make shit up, don't you?

I knew a woman who is an American Indian and she told me the reason Indians weren't made into slaves is because they would just sit down and if they had to, die. They couldn't be forced.
Anyway, that was what she told me.
Your uneducation is glaring in this post as well as your political ignorance...

RDean is a mindless, partisan hack. Nothing he posts has merit.

Which is merely a way of saying, "I can't dispute anything you said, so I will attempt to marginalize you by calling you names".

Too bad for you it didn't work.
And marginalizing conservatives by calling us names in the OP worked for you?
RDean is a mindless, partisan hack. Nothing he posts has merit.

Which is merely a way of saying, "I can't dispute anything you said, so I will attempt to marginalize you by calling you names".

Too bad for you it didn't work.
And marginalizing conservatives by calling us names in the OP worked for you?

I went back and read the opening post. I think the only name I used was "conservative", but I could be wrong.
Which is merely a way of saying, "I can't dispute anything you said, so I will attempt to marginalize you by calling you names".

Too bad for you it didn't work.
And marginalizing conservatives by calling us names in the OP worked for you?

I went back and read the opening post. I think the only name I used was "conservative", but I could be wrong.
You don't think you were insulting?

You're always insulting to conservatives, because you continually lie about us.
Yes. Pretty damn pathetic.
Isn't so much about what happened in the past but changing the future? Really?

If one doesn't learn from the past? They will stand to have no future...
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

You don't seem to have learned anything.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy while Bush was president.

Money invested in education, healthcare, technology, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Tax cuts for oil companies and the wealthy is not what helps an economy.
It's irrelevant of how liberals view Conservatism. What is relevant is those who claim to be conservative and show no signs of it.
And what proof do you that it is not true, and what you believe is true?

I prefer history to fairy tales.

Zinn's collection of fables and myths is less accurate as a representation of American history than the "Harry Potter" saga is.

It isn't that Zinn was biased in the recounting of history, it's that he fabricated out of whole cloth. It has no validity at all.

You have no proof, only opinion. From what you wrote earlier it is obvious that you did not read the first chapter of A People's History of the United States. Why would you read a book without reading the first chapter?
I've seen your version of the American way. It came to a halt when the Soviet Union collapsed.

My version is how America was when it was a great country.
You're nostalgic for a nation that never existed in North America. Well, except for Cuba.

You are not making any sense. Why does this not surprise me? I am nostalgic for the country where people used to say "I might not agree with what you say, but I will die for your right to say it".
Isn't so much about what happened in the past but changing the future? Really?

If one doesn't learn from the past? They will stand to have no future...
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

You don't seem to have learned anything.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy while Bush was president.

Money invested in education, healthcare, technology, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Tax cuts for oil companies and the wealthy is not what helps an economy.

Sums things up nicely.

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