A libertarian endorsement of Jenner for CA Gov

Let's face it, the state of CA is dominated by some of the worst, most pathetic excuses of human life on the planet. The CA Dem is a bigoted, treasonous, hypocritical, kleptocratic leftwing liar. There is not a person of high character amongst them.

In comes Jenner, former Olympic hero, with the courage to open the closet door (unlike homO and so many other extremely cowardly Dems still hiding in the closet) for all to see. America is supposed to be free. I don't hate people for theirsexuality. I hate liars, bigots, kleptocrats, and traitors (meaning 100 percent of Dems and 95 percent of the current GOP "leaders."

So I am for Jenner. Jenner is a candidate of courage, of documented excellence for America, and the heart and soul of an Olympic champion.

Help Jenner pole vault into the gov mansion.
Give me a liar over a mentally ill moron who thinks he's something he's not.
Let's face it, the state of CA is dominated by some of the worst, most pathetic excuses of human life on the planet. The CA Dem is a bigoted, treasonous, hypocritical, kleptocratic leftwing liar. There is not a person of high character amongst them.

In comes Jenner, former Olympic hero, with the courage to open the closet door (unlike homO and so many other extremely cowardly Dems still hiding in the closet) for all to see. America is supposed to be free. I don't hate people for theirsexuality. I hate liars, bigots, kleptocrats, and traitors (meaning 100 percent of Dems and 95 percent of the current GOP "leaders."

So I am for Jenner. Jenner is a candidate of courage, of documented excellence for America, and the heart and soul of an Olympic champion.

Help Jenner pole vault into the gov mansion.
Give me a liar over a mentally ill moron who thinks he's something he's not.
Amen to that.the world is used to those people in power,if this ever happened,god help the entire world.
Question for the values crowd...
Are you saying you dont have "values"????

Nice try.

Everyone in politics knows the "values voter" is an idiot Christian with an IQ under 5.

Your one value is as follows...

The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until Jesus floats down from the clouds or the US is bankrupt and hijacked by Zionist traitors masquerading as "values" "leaders" with Mike pence being exhibit 1a of all of the above.

My values are

Small and limited government
US national interest as the sole motive for deploying US troops abroad
Truth in science
Truth in justice
Opening all classified CIA and FBi documents immediately
Re opening the 911 investigation
Patriotism to America and only America
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This is an example of why i despise today's "libertarians." One of many reasons, actually.
The problem is that the wrong people speak for libertarianism.

Few who speak for it actually understand it.

OP seems to be a prime example. And it is only by my good grace that I don't make an example of his shortcoming in speaking for it. Seems like just one more smut muppet to me and consequently not worth the effort.

To be libertarian is very simple. It is to be against government-over-man. Though any discussion with regard to both its cause and its principles would be very deep and quite lengthy and require a thorough understanding of American history as well as different forms and types of government. It is critical to understand form of government versus type of popular government.

Libertine, btw, is not libertarian.

Additionally, the big L Libertarian Party does not represent libertarianism very well either.

To your credit, however, one of the main reasons that I left libertarianism as a movement was because it was such a big tent. And you get a lot of people who do not understand it speaking for it and they become a liability to the whole movement. Most are ignorant to it. Some blend in like they're on the bud and do so strategically for the purpose of delegitimizing it.

But I do wonder if you've ever actually discussed principles of governance with a true libertarian. Or the principles of proper man-to-man and subsequently government-to-man relations. As it is, a primary foundation for moral code must be accepted or rejected indivisibly with its principles in order to benefit from their fruits. They cannot be accepted or rejected piece meal. To try to do so will assure that one will benefit from neither.
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Wake up. All these "republicans" pissing on Jenner were all big big supporters of MIKE PENCE, their "values" guy
Why is supporting Pence a problem for you? Not that I really care, just curious
Because Mike Pence is faithful to his wife, the left calls him a pervert.

Mike pence is one of the worst traitors of the steal.

Absolutely amazing how the values crowd still defends him.

If Mike pence had decent values, he would have sent the election back to the states on 1/6, and hence there would have been no leftwing fraud on 1/6.

Donald trump gets re-elected with a GOP house and senate, the true result of the LEGAL election.

Mike pence is and always has been a Zionist traitor, a Jew masquerading as a Christian, and the words he spoke about values meant nothing to him. They were an act.

Do Christians ever figure out they've been had?

Apparently not if the preacher is also the same as pence...
Everybody focuses on the gender issue but nobody really knows what Jenner's politics are. If the Libertarians support her she must be for legalizing marijuana. That's all libertarians are about these days.
Mike pence is one of the worst traitors of the steal.

Absolutely amazing how the values crowd still defends him.

If Mike pence had decent values, he would have sent the election back to the states on 1/6, and hence there would have been no leftwing fraud on 1/6.

Donald trump gets re-elected with a GOP house and senate, the true result of the LEGAL election.

Mike pence is and always has been a Zionist traitor, a Jew masquerading as a Christian, and the words he spoke about values meant nothing to him. They were an act.

Do Christians ever figure out they've been had?

Apparently not if the preacher is also the same as pence...

Everybody focuses on the gender issue but nobody really knows what Jenner's politics are. If the Libertarians support her she must be for legalizing marijuana. That's all libertarians are about these days.

Libertarians are for legal weed.

We are also for

Small and limited government
Truth and accountability in government
Spending cuts
Tax cuts
Non interventionalist foreign policy
Free market health care, not socialism
Huge reductions in number of rules, laws, an d regulations
Personal accountability - anyone using marijuana or anything else is still 100 accountable for their acts, no "I shouldn't go to jail because I was intoxicated" bull
Empowering people, not corrupt big government

Those obsessed with keeping marijuana illegal are 180 degrees from conservative... They are for BIG NANNY BIG GOVERNMENTS socialism, and many get pills paid for by the taxpayer, their FREE DOPE.

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