A libertarian future


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.
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The poor areas will be like the slums of india with no pollution standards, food will be rotting in the side of the street meat cart shops and the roads(if any) will be utter crap. Living standards will be as low as those slums.

The rich areas of course will look nice and the corporations will do everything in their power to impress their clients.

We will have a class based system.
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A basic medication could be jacked up to 10,000 dollars a dose.

Clean water will cost a lot of money and will be only available to the rich.

A quality education will be only available for the children of those that were successful.

The problem with gutting the 20th century is most of what the government put into place protects the lower and middle class.
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When I say rich and poor I mean 5-8% rich and the rest poor.

The poor will slave away as serfs for the rich.

What makes life so much better is the fact that we all share to grant each other the benefit of the right to drive down a nice road.

Our middle class was built by the ability to bargain through unions and federal protections(minimum wage, workers rights laws, safety standards, and a lot more).

You won't be able to go to the ER to get help if you're poor as you will be treated like a black person in the 1940's in the south. You will be forced to go to a charity office within your community that will give very cheap and poor medical help....

Everything you can imagine will be this way....
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Those charter schools? Well, remember the roads? Those will be completely taken out of the hands of the government in the future and you as a poor person won't be able to get into the quality ones.

Instead if you're part of the low class = probably home schooling for your children or church school....Or hell, maybe a charity will set up something like they do in africa!

The rich of course will have full exist and will go to the best colleges!!! They will remain rich and only grow richer...Remember, children,,,Libertarianism is all about the rich man!!!
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.

Sounds like paradise. Sign me up.

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You think this will help ones mobility upwards? Go to India and go into the slums. hahha

Look at the sweat shops of vietnam or even china to realize that the poor that work in them don't have any rights. Hell, in a libertarian America the government won't have the power to say shit! So you're working 16 hours per day, 6 days per week for 1.50 per hour. Well, our libertarian friends here thinks that's ok.

Most of the profit to the extreme is flowing into the ceo's bank account!! hahaha!!! hahahaha!!!!!!!!

Driving home on a corporate paid road? Let say you're poor and that bridge is 40 years old? That corporation won't be forced to maintain it.

Have fun electing men that believe in 1788 because there's a damn good reason we choose to run away from that in the first place.
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.

Sounds like paradise. Sign me up.


If you're successful. ;) There's a new show on netflicks that show the rich living in their nice area, while everyone else lives as I described.
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.

You couldn't even predict what was going to happen in 2016, we're supposed to care what you imagine 2050 will be?
You think this will help ones mobility upwards? Go to India and go into the slums. hahha

Look at the sweat shops of vietnam or even china to realize that the poor that work in them don't have any rights. Hell, in a libertarian America the government won't have the power to say shit! So you're working 16 hours per day, 6 days per week for 1.50 per hour. Well, our libertarian friends here thinks that's ok.

Most of the profit to the extreme is flowing into the ceo's bank account!! hahaha!!! hahahaha!!!!!!!!

Driving home on a corporate paid road? Let say you're poor and that bridge is 40 years old? That corporation won't be forced to maintain it.

Have fun electing men that believe in 1788 because there's a damn good reason we choose to run away from that in the first place.

40 year old bridges? Dude, most in this area are older, some MUCH older! (I drove over one Friday that is 65 years old.)
Matthew, until you learn how the privately owned central bankers own the majority of all politicians or how this worthless fiat currency is created? You are always gong to come across as an ignorant, purse-swinging leftard.....
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.

You couldn't even predict what was going to happen in 2016, we're supposed to care what you imagine 2050 will be?
Mattieboy thinks big government is a wonderful thing.

Now if he had bothered to learn history, rather than picking his nose, he would KNOW big government is a criminal enterprise that enslaves the people, but enriches and empowers the elite.
Within my opinion the future as of 2050 will likely be a mixture of the 19th century politically and economically. What does this mean? It means that the government within the United states will have far less say over the economy if libertarians are successful and we will likely see an economic model appearing to be more like the late 19th century...It will of course be different as there are far more corporations, far larger population and we will of course have other economic means(crowd sourcing, aka kickstarter)...

One thing I fear with the late 19th century model is income inequality exploding. There will be people that are American citizens by 2050 that will be as poor as some people in the third world today without the safetynet and easy exist to a education...The rich of course will enjoy more advance medications and tech...If you have a lot of money,,,well, you will be better and more deserving. That is the libertarian model. The poor will have to kill them self's just to eat as they won't be able to get food stamps...Society based on I don't want to pay for that bum will be a reality. Charity will do very little and in fact greed will get so bad that even helping anyone if you're part of this nations upper class will be looked down upon.

I could imagine in the future for just one example where just driving down the street, you need to buy a road package from a "road corp". What is a road corp? Well, it is kind of modeled after cable t.v, satellite t.v, or some other multi staged packaging etc. and it maintains the roads(probably owns the road construction companies too). You will be able to drive on certain roads for a premium and better roads for more money. Maybe 500 dollars per month allows you to drive locally within town. Oh'yesss, most cities(as in markets) will be monopolies as it is cheaper and more efficient this way.

Once you wish to drive outside of the city on the highways you would have to buy a more expensive package. These packages would be enforced by private police that work for our corporate ruled society 30-50 years in the future. They will have the power to arrest you if you're driving without paying for a package.

Our court system will also be private and by the mid part of this century I could four-see our corporate ran society also taking over mayorships, governorships and even the presidency as people(extreme liberterians) lose all trust in politicians. This will of course be more like a ceo that is put in charge by all the hundreds of corporations that make our society function...You see, since it is unconstitutional for the state or federal government to run the things that we enjoy today...Who do you think will take it over? Believe me, we the people won't stop wanting it. The private sector will work together to set the rules as we won't have a fda, epa, cdc, or much of anything but we will still want the benefits of them. The private sector will form a shallow government based on profit to give us what we want....Even as our state and federal government is forced back into the 18th century.

At the end of the day if you're successful, people with money will still want what we have now. The losers will be anyone that isn't successful.

Sounds like paradise. Sign me up.


If you're successful. ;) There's a new show on netflicks that show the rich living in their nice area, while everyone else lives as I described.
yeah and Netflix is a great place to get a line on what the future holds

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