A list of things republican voters should be outraged the GOP does but they aren’t

Um okay. Regardless of your dumb justification of scarring them by separating them from their parents, none of this explains why they are still in the country when for years before Trump, there was a process of sending them home WITH their parents besides the RARE occurrence that their parents committed a separate crime. Also, you pretending that asylum seeking was never a thing just makes you look dumber.
1. Are you feeling OK ? Kids are ALWAYS separated from parents when parents are arrested, no matter what kind of crime it is. Do you know of any cases where they aren't ? :confused:

2. Thousands of migrant kids are here BY THEMSELVES (no adult with them), you haven't heard. Also, many of the ones with an adult are being child trafficked. The kids do not know the adult they're with. Not their parent. You're too up to speed on this,

3. The parents committing a crime is not a rare occurance. All illegals crossing the border without inspection, have committed a crime (US Code 8, Section 1325)

4. I don't know what you're talking about regarding asylum seeking. I wonder if you know. :rolleyes:
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s fundings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street
Republicans are supposed to be outraged by a list of leftist whining?

Billy000 See that? Go to Drudgereport or FoxNews or Breitbart. If you glance at their headlines you'll start to think we're living in the apocalypse and Christ himself is preparing to return. THAT is the only way to get these people's attention. You're better off just convincing people who have never voted to go vote Democrat.
I think republicans hate democrats more than they love the GOP. Deep down they know voting republican is completely moronic, but they are comforted by their hate for democrats and that’s all they feel they need to know. Frankly, I think it is more realistic to convince them to either not vote at all or vote for any independent candidate they want. The first step is making sure republicans won’t be elected at all costs. I’ll also add that I am not particularly fond of the Democratic Party either despite being a hard left progressive.
Who are these "Republicans" that you apparently just made up out of nothing?
Democrats, " we will destroy every white american, we will take your home and your health. You will live like rats on the street, no where will be safe, we will hunt and kill you. Our mobs are already on the rise, we are destroying the police, we are filling the military with illegal aliens. Soon the color of the military will be brown and not american. It will be easy to get illegal aliens to kill you, for they know to hate you, from how we dictate revisionist history to our control of google, facebook, even this message board."
1) Eliminating tax credits for the poor and middle class and only giving tax relief to the wealthy

2) Undoing worker’s rights in the work place

3) Trying to prevent those with pre-existing conditions to get adequate medical care for the sake of health insurance profit.

4) Doing nothing about the greed of high drug prices that make egregious profit for Big Pharma

5) Cutting social security

6) Using the 9/11 emergency responder’s fund as a political football.

7) Completely ignoring climate change policy altogether (a rational person would at least try to investigate the validity of the scientific community’s findings)

8) Blocking any attempt to make our election process more secure despite the findings of so many intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election

9) Putting migrant children in cages and holding them here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime.

10) Refusing to put any regulations on Wall Street

Once again rderp expects GOPers to publicly adopt the dimocrap agenda in total.
Fuck that.

What they ought to be outraged about:
Deficit spending
Trade restrictions
Maintaining an empire that encircles the globe
Domestic surveillance

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