A little perspective on 2014 Senate

That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.
whatever, joe..it's all about, you..the only reason those people got elected is because they were candidates you could "live with"...you're more off the rails than usual, joe..rattled?


Bruce Rauner didnt' get elected talking about abortion or gay marriage or any of the fire-breathing shit you guys talk about.

Back in 2012, I made a list of 8 things the GOP should do to reach out to the middle. They did about half of them.

They stopped talking about abortion, they stopped talking about gays, they reached out to minorities, they stopped dancing to Talk Radio's tune.

Notice you didn't hear much about limbaugh this cycle. THere's a reason for that.
That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.
whatever, joe..it's all about, you..the only reason those people got elected is because they were candidates you could "live with"...you're more off the rails than usual, joe..rattled?


Bruce Rauner didnt' get elected talking about abortion or gay marriage or any of the fire-breathing shit you guys talk about.

Back in 2012, I made a list of 8 things the GOP should do to reach out to the middle. They did about half of them.

They stopped talking about abortion, they stopped talking about gays, they reached out to minorities, they stopped dancing to Talk Radio's tune.

Notice you didn't hear much about limbaugh this cycle. THere's a reason for that.

I often wonder how it must feel to live in this type of denial. I mean, that is a very bold statement to make right after losing a large chunk of power in the govt. all the while claiming it wouldn't happen in th efirst place.

Again, you are working on the assumption that control of the senate is a huge hunk of power.

and I never claimed they wouldn't lose the Senate this year. I thought it was probably going to happen simply because the democrats were defending too many vacancies and too many seats.
Uh ... Ronald Reagan won re-election with 58% of the popular vote which is higher than President Obama ever achieved. He also carried every state but Minnesota in the Electorial College.


He still got less votes than Obama did.

The fact you don't know the significance of the comment is why you are always wrong in interpretation and a short-sighted insignificant partisan hack.

Any thread Joey is in they always turn into, all about him.

He thinks his "perspective" is something people here really cares about.

So what do we get, those damn Backwater states voted out the Democrat party and Obama is still going to act like a thug dictator
Do you like being a republican bitch? Lol..stupid post. Wow..

I used to like being a Republican, until I realized they only gave a fuck about rich people.

Boenher is already backing off his pledges to dismantle ObamaCare.
you idiot liberfools keep repeating this same :bsflag: over and over......, WHY ?

we conservatives and a few Republicans do NOT support most "rich people", did you know that Bill Gates, Bloomborg, Pelousy, Soros, Buffet, Tom Steyer, Bill Clinton,
Rockefellers, Larry Page and Sergei Brin, Ketchup King Kerry (KKK), Fineswine and few thousand other liberliars are NOT Republicans ??

IF you can, please explain this "rich people" obsession you have and feel that only Republicans are the "RICH" ??

Of the ten richest zip codes in the U.S. eight gave more money to Democrats than Republicans in the last two presidential cycles.

explain this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i bet you can not ! :lmao: .... :up:
Do you like being a republican bitch? Lol..stupid post. Wow..

I used to like being a Republican, until I realized they only gave a fuck about rich people.

Boenher is already backing off his pledges to dismantle ObamaCare.
you idiot liberfools keep repeating this same :bsflag: over and over......, WHY ?

we conservatives and a few Republicans do NOT support most "rich people", did you know that Bill Gates, Bloomborg, Pelousy, Soros, Buffet, Tom Steyer, Bill Clinton,
Rockefellers, Larry Page and Sergei Brin, Ketchup King Kerry (KKK), Fineswine and few thousand other liberliars are NOT Republicans ??

IF you can, please explain this "rich people" obsession you have and feel that only Republicans are the "RICH" ??

Of the ten richest zip codes in the U.S. eight gave more money to Democrats than Republicans in the last two presidential cycles.

explain this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i bet you can not ! :lmao: .... :up:

You're wasting your breath on them. but good post:beer:

Here's some "perspective" for you,your side was/is so dispirited it didn't show up.

The Republican's now have both Houses and you are relegated to the bench.
And that changes the results of the midterms or there impact on Obama's final two years as President how?

It doesn't. Liberals are looking for any explanation as to why they were so swiftly humiliated in the elections. We call that being in a state of denial.

Doesn't matter what you call it. We are well aware of the outcome of the election, and know it doesn't amount to as much as you want it to. You're just disappointed because we didn't melt down and cry behind the couch like you did when Obama won two times.

CLEARLY you haven't been paying attention, you kids are turning yourselves into pretzels trying to spin this away.
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Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.

And these were regional elections, looks like the last harrah for the white christianist party, with the national elections coming up and the demographic shift it won't matter what the red states do, like in 2014 . The fly lover jesusland states cannot defeat the larger educated blue states. In addition there aren't enough rightwing crackers to have any affect on national elections
Uh ... Ronald Reagan won re-election with 58% of the popular vote which is higher than President Obama ever achieved. He also carried every state but Minnesota in the Electorial College.


He still got less votes than Obama did.

Damn Joey...I would never claim you are dumb, but really?

Are you aware the population increases over time? In 1980 the US census shows about 225 million and in 2010 about 310 million.

Math may not be your strong point.
And that changes the results of the midterms or there impact on Obama's final two years as President how?

I means Obama shouldn't be any under obligation to pretend you clowns have a mandate to do anything.
Funny you lefties clowns sure didn't feel that way after the 2006 midterms you spin much harder you might fall down and hurt yourself.
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