A little perspective on 2014 Senate

And not one of those votes made him a better president,or helped his party keep seats.
You have no perspective what so ever.

I think it was on the guys IN those seats to keep them, don't you?

Half of those seats were vacant to start with.

Point was, Obama won two national elections. You guys won a handful of local elections.
Look what you've lost Joe:

I haven't lost anything. I'm not a Democrat. I'm a republican who is horrified that the rich people have manipulated the Religious stupids into voting against their own economic interests.

So essentially, you guys are back to where you were in 2000. You controlled both houses of Congress and the other party controlled the White HOuse.

So it's ebb and flow. People have forgotten why they chased you out to start with, and the Daddy party has come home like a penitent drunk and promised they'll stop promoting wars and overspending and religous crazy.

No, really, they really will this time.


Comedy Fuckin' Gold!!!!
And not one of those votes made him a better president,or helped his party keep seats.
You have no perspective what so ever.

I think it was on the guys IN those seats to keep them, don't you?

Half of those seats were vacant to start with.

Point was, Obama won two national elections. You guys won a handful of local elections.

You call that a point? Obama isn't up for re-election on any level.


You drinkin' this morning?
No, but it sounds like you are. Dude, seriously, I think it's starting to dawn on you that the new toy you got for christmas isn't as cool as you thought it would be.

Because the GOP is already backpeddling on all their smacktalk.
And not one of those votes made him a better president,or helped his party keep seats.
You have no perspective what so ever.

I think it was on the guys IN those seats to keep them, don't you?

Half of those seats were vacant to start with.

Point was, Obama won two national elections. You guys won a handful of local elections.

"handful of local elections

Today there are 38 Republican governors, and a Republican Senate and House of Representatives with more Republicans than there has been in modern times.

You must really be distressed.
from hyperpartisan joe?

That's rich.

Again, guy, the thing was, the GOP won because they stuck the crazy teabaggers like you in the closet like Crazy Uncles.

The big winner on Tuesday was Chris Christie- the guy who engineered most of the wins.

sure, joe...sure..whatever you say.:laugh2:
..retreat to your standard fallback position of name calling and hyperbole...it's such a great debate tactic when you're losing to call people names...everyone respects and admires people who do that.

poor, sad little hyperpartisan...
No, but it sounds like you are. Dude, seriously, I think it's starting to dawn on you that the new toy you got for christmas isn't as cool as you thought it would be.

Because the GOP is already backpeddling on all their smacktalk.

Stop worrying Lil' Joe...your beloved socialist state will keep on rolling and your meth will too..

The Rs are so dumb they are talking about working with BO, in a bipartisan basis. Have they learned nothing these past six years about BO?

Apparently not....and as such, they have be playing another game to snow much of the electorate.

And Joe they can ALWAYS count on you to be duped.
"handful of local elections

Today there are 38 Republican governors, and a Republican Senate and House of Representatives with more Republicans than there has been in modern times.

You must really be distressed.

Not really. Most of those gains in governors were guys like Rauner who rejected the religious crazy and didn't talk about gays and abortions and even support raising the minimum wage.

this might be a numerical victory, but it isn't a philosophical one.

The GOP Establishment triumphed over the Tea Party. The real distress is going to be when you guys watch them cut deals with Obama on things like Amnesty and modifying ObamaCare.
sure, joe...sure..whatever you say.:laugh2:
..retreat to your standard fallback position of name calling and hyperbole...it's such a great debate tactic when you're losing to call people names...everyone respects and admires people who do that.

poor, sad little hyperpartisan..

The only sad person I see is the one who doesn't understand you guys lost this election in the primary.

The GOP won because the Tea Party lost.
Joey isn't a Democrat, he just SOUNDS like one in all his postings.

and I'm not the Queen of England I just sound like her sometimes. :laugh2:
sure, joe...sure..whatever you say.:laugh2:
..retreat to your standard fallback position of name calling and hyperbole...it's such a great debate tactic when you're losing to call people names...everyone respects and admires people who do that.

poor, sad little hyperpartisan..

The only sad person I see is the one who doesn't understand you guys lost this election in the primary.

The GOP won because the Tea Party lost.

ok, joe...whatever you say....
The Rs are so dumb they are talking about working with BO, in a bipartisan basis. Have they learned nothing these past six years about BO?

Apparently not....and as such, they have be playing another game to snow much of the electorate.

No, they are doing what grownups do. they are passing laws the President can actually sign.

You see, before they could blame Harry Reid for nothing getting done. now they either have to send up bills Obama can sign, or they can send up crazy shit that he'll veto to popular acclaim.

And Obama's got nothing to lose. His presidency ends Jan 2017, regardless.
ok, joe...whatever you say....

Guy, it was over for the Tea Party when the Establishment invited democrats to your primaries to keep them from winning.

Electing Republicans I can live with is not a victory for you guys.

I can live with Rauner. I can live with President Christie. I might even apologize for comparing him to Jabba the Hutt.
The Rs are so dumb they are talking about working with BO, in a bipartisan basis. Have they learned nothing these past six years about BO?

Apparently not....and as such, they have be playing another game to snow much of the electorate.

No, they are doing what grownups do. they are passing laws the President can actually sign.

You see, before they could blame Harry Reid for nothing getting done. now they either have to send up bills Obama can sign, or they can send up crazy shit that he'll veto to popular acclaim.

And Obama's got nothing to lose. His presidency ends Jan 2017, regardless.

That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.
ok, joe...whatever you say....

Guy, it was over for the Tea Party when the Establishment invited democrats to your primaries to keep them from winning.

Electing Republicans I can live with is not a victory for you guys.

I can live with Rauner. I can live with President Christie. I might even apologize for comparing him to Jabba the Hutt.
whatever, joe..it's all about, you..the only reason those people got elected is because they were candidates you could "live with"...you're more off the rails than usual, joe..rattled?
President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

Uh ... Ronald Reagan won re-election with 58% of the popular vote which is higher than President Obama ever achieved. He also carried every state but Minnesota in the Electorial College.


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