A little perspective on 2014 Senate


We didn't LOSE The Republicans just won by a small margin

so chin up you sheep in the Democrat party. It really really wasn't your all's fault the, DEMOCRATS GOT their asses handed to them

Did I get that translation right Joey? lol

Translation- we didn't lose. You won backwaters that really shouldn't count, and the country still has a negative opinion of you.

And once you start snatching food from the mouths of children like you normally do, people will remember why they voted you out the first time.

We didn't LOSE The Republicans just won by a small margin

so chin up you sheep in the Democrat party. It really really wasn't your all's fault the, DEMOCRATS GOT their asses handed to them

Did I get that translation right Joey? lol

Translation- we didn't lose. You won backwaters that really shouldn't count, and the country still has a negative opinion of you.

And once you start snatching food from the mouths of children like you normally do, people will remember why they voted you out the first time.

backwater blah blah blah backwater blah blah blah
You should be checked for dementia. You do repeat yourself quite a bit. blah blah blah:eusa_dance::eusa_doh:
backwater blah blah blah backwater blah blah blah
You should be checked for dementia. You do repeat yourself quite a bit.

Well, yeah, I guess I don't take parts of the country where they fly the Confederate Flag proudly terribly seriously.

So a bunch of slackjaws sent some slackjaws to the Senate after the GOP establishment made sure they didn't nominate any complete nutjobs like they did in 2010 and 2012.

Because none of your guys talked about abortion or gays and some of you actually admitted that inequality is a bad thing. so you won by becoming - gasp- more liberal.

We didn't LOSE The Republicans just won by a small margin

so chin up you sheep in the Democrat party. It really really wasn't your all's fault the, DEMOCRATS GOT their asses handed to them

Did I get that translation right Joey? lol

Translation- we didn't lose. You won backwaters that really shouldn't count, and the country still has a negative opinion of you.

And once you start snatching food from the mouths of children like you normally do, people will remember why they voted you out the first time.

Please Joey stop the whining...

Boner and dickhead McConnell will make sure you keep getting your welfare check, section 8 allotment, and those wonderful food stamps you can use to buy your meth.

We didn't LOSE The Republicans just won by a small margin

so chin up you sheep in the Democrat party. It really really wasn't your all's fault the, DEMOCRATS GOT their asses handed to them

Did I get that translation right Joey? lol

Translation- we didn't lose. You won backwaters that really shouldn't count, and the country still has a negative opinion of you.

And once you start snatching food from the mouths of children like you normally do, people will remember why they voted you out the first time.


I often wonder how it must feel to live in this type of denial. I mean, that is a very bold statement to make right after losing a large chunk of power in the govt. all the while claiming it wouldn't happen in th efirst place.
Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.
do you kids have any idea how fucking stupid this 4th grade post appears to us who have an adult brain ? i know it is impossible to embarrass a libernut, but you should be, for posting this type of illiterate :bsflag:

We didn't LOSE The Republicans just won by a small margin

so chin up you sheep in the Democrat party. It really really wasn't your all's fault the, DEMOCRATS GOT their asses handed to them

Did I get that translation right Joey? lol

Translation- we didn't lose. You won backwaters that really shouldn't count, and the country still has a negative opinion of you.

And once you start snatching food from the mouths of children like you normally do, people will remember why they voted you out the first time.


I often wonder how it must feel to live in this type of denial. I mean, that is a very bold statement to make right after losing a large chunk of power in the govt. all the while claiming it wouldn't happen in th efirst place.

It's some ugly stuff in my book. Calling people who voted out Democrats as living in backwater states. that's typical of a uppity snob which Joey is
Illinois is a Confederate backwater? Who knew?

well it should be considered one Obama came from there.
I was raised in Illinois and let me tell you they have some backwater corruption going in that disgusting State Government.
I often wonder how it must feel to live in this type of denial. I mean, that is a very bold statement to make right after losing a large chunk of power in the govt. all the while claiming it wouldn't happen in th efirst place.

Again, you are working on the assumption that control of the senate is a huge hunk of power.

and I never claimed they wouldn't lose the Senate this year. I thought it was probably going to happen simply because the democrats were defending too many vacancies and too many seats.
It's some ugly stuff in my book. Calling people who voted out Democrats as living in backwater states. that's typical of a uppity snob which Joey is

Yes, I know, it's snobby to point out the backwater assholes who plunged this country into a civil war and gave us 100 years of racism are beneath my contempt.

But I will show it for them, anyway.
do you kids have any idea how fucking stupid this 4th grade post appears to us who have an adult brain ? i know it is impossible to embarrass a libernut, but you should be, for posting this type of

So how about addressing the point.

How does less than five million votes for slackjawed morons in backwater states nullify 66 million votes nationally?

I often wonder how it must feel to live in this type of denial. I mean, that is a very bold statement to make right after losing a large chunk of power in the govt. all the while claiming it wouldn't happen in th efirst place.

Again, you are working on the assumption that control of the senate is a huge hunk of power.

and I never claimed they wouldn't lose the Senate this year. I thought it was probably going to happen simply because the democrats were defending too many vacancies and too many seats.


Man, the comedy keeps on rolling!
Look what you've lost Joe:

In 2009, Democrats had 60 senators, when you include the two independents who caucused with them.
In 2015, they will have 45.

In 2009, Democrats had 256 members of the House; in 2015, they will have 192.

In 2009, Democrats had 28 governors; in 2015, they will have 18.

In 2009, Democrats controlled both legislative chambers in 27 states.
In 2015, they will control only 11.

In 2009, Democrats controlled 62 legislative chambers; in 2015, they will control only 28 (with one tie and two still undecided).
do you kids have any idea how fucking stupid this 4th grade post appears to us who have an adult brain ? i know it is impossible to embarrass a libernut, but you should be, for posting this type of

So how about addressing the point.

How does less than five million votes for slackjawed morons in backwater states nullify 66 million votes nationally?

If thats your idea of a point your fucked and the libs are really fucked. You should have quit and not responded.
Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.
And not one of those votes made him a better president,or helped his party keep seats.
You have no perspective what so ever.
Look what you've lost Joe:

I haven't lost anything. I'm not a Democrat. I'm a republican who is horrified that the rich people have manipulated the Religious stupids into voting against their own economic interests.

So essentially, you guys are back to where you were in 2000. You controlled both houses of Congress and the other party controlled the White HOuse.

So it's ebb and flow. People have forgotten why they chased you out to start with, and the Daddy party has come home like a penitent drunk and promised they'll stop promoting wars and overspending and religous crazy.

No, really, they really will this time.

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