A little perspective on 2014 Senate

You were.
Nah...they really where not...remove the media hype and you have nothing.
That's a crock. The Dems showed their displeasure of the beltway circus by staying home Tuesday.

Either that, or they just didn't bother. Midterm elections aren't that big of a deal for much of America.

Ahh, so that's what its all about. Is this how you sugarcoat an ass whoopin'?

Think what you want, but I really can't be sad just because you want me to. I have to spend Thanksgiving with relatives I don't care for. Check back with me then, and I might be able to work up some angst , but it's just not happening today. sorry.

You "have" to? Are you 12?
Ok by next week just for fun we have to run a poll on the most pathetic whine fest thread posted over this election.

This one by Joe is up there although I'm kinda partial to the "Republicans won a historical victory smacking the Democrats into a new eternity and the win is the worst thing that could ever happen to the GOP forever"


Great example of how teabaggers see what they want. You want us to be devastated so badly till that's what you convince yourself that's what you see, even though reality is nothing resembling that.

You were nuked into another galaxy in the mid terms.How you wish to respond personally is up to you. I've just been monitoring boards, comment sections and blogs and the liberals are freaking out and trying to spin this devastation into something it's not.

Just the truth. Not only did R's take the Senate, the Congress, Governorships but also state legislatures now have more R's than any time since I believe it's the 20's.

Of course liberals and progressives are flipped out. I don't blame them. I'm having fun with it though.


I don't want to throw a wet blanket on your celebration. Think what you want. Teabaggers always do anyway.
Ok by next week just for fun we have to run a poll on the most pathetic whine fest thread posted over this election.

This one by Joe is up there although I'm kinda partial to the "Republicans won a historical victory smacking the Democrats into a new eternity and the win is the worst thing that could ever happen to the GOP forever"


Great example of how teabaggers see what they want. You want us to be devastated so badly till that's what you convince yourself that's what you see, even though reality is nothing resembling that.

You were nuked into another galaxy in the mid terms.How you wish to respond personally is up to you. I've just been monitoring boards, comment sections and blogs and the liberals are freaking out and trying to spin this devastation into something it's not.

Just the truth. Not only did R's take the Senate, the Congress, Governorships but also state legislatures now have more R's than any time since I believe it's the 20's.

Of course liberals and progressives are flipped out. I don't blame them. I'm having fun with it though.


I don't want to throw a wet blanket on your celebration. Think what you want. Teabaggers always do anyway.
:laugh2: :lame2:
Are you daft? 7 low population states compared to a country wide election?WTF Joe? this is stupid, even for you.

Exactly. 2012 was a nation wide election and the people in those states spoke.

As opposed to 9 low population states in an off year election where only 40% of the electorate participated.
The Dems were more apathetic. They stayed home, not wanting to vote in support of the failed policy of their party and unable to bring themselves to vote for sanity.

We won, Joe Deal with it.
Nah...they really where not...remove the media hype and you have nothing.
That's a crock. The Dems showed their displeasure of the beltway circus by staying home Tuesday.

Either that, or they just didn't bother. Midterm elections aren't that big of a deal for much of America.

Ahh, so that's what its all about. Is this how you sugarcoat an ass whoopin'?

Think what you want, but I really can't be sad just because you want me to. I have to spend Thanksgiving with relatives I don't care for. Check back with me then, and I might be able to work up some angst , but it's just not happening today. sorry.

You "have" to? Are you 12?

There are many obligations a man doesn't really want to attend, but does anyway. You should learn this one day.
This chest beating by the rightttards is halarious. You guys and gals have had your skirt up around your necks for 6 years , bunch of fools , Issa & clowning have made fools of you , solindra , fast n furious , irs , bengazie. Talk about whining !! that is all you dumbasses have done , so enjoy your little circle jerk . Please run a tea party member so in 2016 I can continue to taste your delicious tears . Ps Obama still has Two years left ...ENJOY !!
Ahh, so that's what its all about. Is this how you sugarcoat an ass whoopin'?

What ass-whupping, Runs-With-Scissors?

Frankly, your guys did LESS well in these states than Romney did in 2012. Let's look at those numbers again, compared to the votes that Romney got in these states in 2012. (He won all of them except CO and IA).

StateCandiateTotal2012 Romney
So these guys all got LESS votes than Romney did in 2012, just mostly the same people who voted for him did so in lesser numbers.

And it will be interesting to see what the numbers are in the LA runoff. My guess is that Cassidy will get more votes than Landrieu in the runoff (He didn't in the preliminary) but he won't get anywhere near what Romney got.
Perhaps GOP candidates did get somewhat less votes Tuesday than they did in 2012, but Dems got FAR fewer. Your side just gave up, Joe. They surrendered because the realized their general is incompetent.

Lets take Iowa as an example. The Democrat candidate, Bruce Braley, received 491,708 votes. In 2012, barack obama received 816,429 votes.
Do the math. Jodi Ernst received 81% of the votes Romney received vs. Braley's 60% of obama totals
Joey boy, if you keep up those great wars, on women, gays and blacks, that will help you boys win big in 2016, look how well that war has done for you in 2014. Keep it up Joey boy, you guys are on to something.

Guy, your candidates won in states that never should have been a contest for them to start with.

When the whole country gets to vote again, it will be a different story because you all haven't addressed your problems with women and minorities.
How many GOP Senate seats were gained in states obama won in 2012? How many Dem seats were gained in states Romney won?
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Look what you've lost Joe:

I haven't lost anything. I'm not a Democrat. I'm a republican who is horrified that the rich people have manipulated the Religious stupids into voting against their own economic interests.

So essentially, you guys are back to where you were in 2000. You controlled both houses of Congress and the other party controlled the White HOuse.

So it's ebb and flow. People have forgotten why they chased you out to start with, and the Daddy party has come home like a penitent drunk and promised they'll stop promoting wars and overspending and religous crazy.

No, really, they really will this time.

I'm a Republican

That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?
That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
That's pretty juvenile..you set up false "goals" that the republicans have to accomplish.
The object isn't to send him bills that please him so he can sign them....america is tired of what obama wants..people are more interested in what's good for the country.

At this point the goal st to try to prevent further damage due to illegal immigration and open borders...and to dismantle ACA.

Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.
Except the establishment in your own party
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

wants an Amnesty deal on immigration. and they really stopped talking about "dismantling' the ACA (notice you are calling it the ACA now) and instead "fixing" it.

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

So they'll pass a few things around the edges and Obama walks out in 2017 being able to say he reformed health care.

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.

By border reform, I'll assume you mean immigration reform.

Please tell us what you want to see reformed.

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