A little perspective on 2014 Senate

.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.
What is your definition of a teabagger? If I'm not mistaken it is the Taxed Enough Already party. What's wrong with that concept, Mr. Progressive?
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.
Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

Too bad he's a weak failure.
.and there is your first mistake.
I'm a dedicated anarchist. I know the real score...you hyperpartisans can call each other names and post fake charts and funny cartoons...useful idiots...

I know...both parties suck, joe... but the border will have to get closed eventually or there will be trouble...and ACA is unsustainable fiscally and now that people are beginning to see the actual results rather than the platitudes of how great it would be...a majority of americans rejects ACA

ACA won't survive..and I doubt he'll pull this amnesty he keeps threatening..his own party is going to chill him out on that one...america doesn't want open borders or
for illegals to bypass the legal immigration system that has been in place and worked for over 200 years.

Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.

sure whatever..it's your fantasy..you never lose debates in your fantasies do you? LMAO

anyway..your evasion of question number 2 is a good answer ...
obama doesn't want the border closed.That's why it isn't closed.
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.

what is all this "teabagger" stuff?..you a homosexual or something?
We don't want to hear about your sex life in here, man.
That's a crock. The Dems showed their displeasure of the beltway circus by staying home Tuesday.

Either that, or they just didn't bother. Midterm elections aren't that big of a deal for much of America.

Ahh, so that's what its all about. Is this how you sugarcoat an ass whoopin'?

Think what you want, but I really can't be sad just because you want me to. I have to spend Thanksgiving with relatives I don't care for. Check back with me then, and I might be able to work up some angst , but it's just not happening today. sorry.

You "have" to? Are you 12?

There are many obligations a man doesn't really want to attend, but does anyway. You should learn this one day.

Coming from a 12 year old? LOL! Grow up and tell me what you "have" to do and what you "need" to do.
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.
Your perceptions and opinions are not reality and apparently not very popular, either.
Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.
What is your definition of a teabagger? If I'm not mistaken it is the Taxed Enough Already party. What's wrong with that concept, Mr. Progressive?

Well, here is one who seams to misunderstand what fascism really is. No matter what they were in the beginning, about the time the Koch's and fox took them over, this is what they became. You might notice the Koch paid for bus in the background. Today they are a bunch of crazy millionaire funded misinformed people who support or oppose what they are told. That's why many of the original organizers refuse to be associated with them.
Just a question for you. The right wing is full of different things they call themselves because they are embarrassed to just admit they are teabagger/Gop dittoheads. Libertarian, Conservative, Independent, some of the silly ones call themselves even more off the wall things , like anarchist. An anarchist wouldn't be voting anyway. My question is, what exactly is the difference in all those silly names when every one of them vote exactly the same way? If I were to look at your ballot, exactly how would I tell the difference between it or any other teabaggers ballot? I truly understand your embarrassment to admit you are the same as all the others listed, but what exactly is the difference?

ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.

sure whatever..it's your fantasy..you never lose debates in your fantasies do you? LMAO

anyway..your evasion of question number 2 is a good answer ...
obama doesn't want the border closed.That's why it isn't closed.

It's hard to lose a debate with a teabagger, but it does happen....rarely.
What exactly, in my response, wasn't true?
ok..your post is dripping with bias and negative descriptions...so I'm not going to let you frame the conversation and then run around and around in circles "defending" things you made up in your own mind...

Can I ask you 2 questions, instead?

Is obama the president right now?

Why is the border open?

I'll be happy to discuss the things you ask, but first answer the question. What is the difference between the way you vote and every other teabagger?
I just explained to you that calling me names and using biased language to frame the conversation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Is obama the president?

Why is the border open?

Ok, I'll take that as an admission that either there is no difference in all the flavors of right wingery, and you are just embarrassed to admit it, or you just aren't smart enough to articulate a difference.
As far as your questions which I won't run from like you did mine,
1. Of course Obama is president. Were you confused about that?
2. We certainly have problems with our boarder. That's why the president has practically begged the congress to address border reform. As expected, the republicans, staying true to their distinction of being the least productive congress in the history of the country, have refused to do anything. It's so bad that if they don't finally do their job, he is going to have to do it through executive order. The country would be better off if congress would do it, but you know how it is trying to get a bunch of teabaggers to do anything but whine.

sure whatever..it's your fantasy..you never lose debates in your fantasies do you? LMAO

anyway..your evasion of question number 2 is a good answer ...
obama doesn't want the border closed.That's why it isn't closed.

It's hard to lose a debate with a teabagger, but it does happen....rarely.
What exactly, in my response, wasn't true?

I didn't make a judgment on whether anything you said was true or not. Don't try to change the subject.

I said the reason the border isn't closed is because obama doesn't want it closed.
Hmm, let's see. Votes from one state are going to equal votes from 50 states? You libs are pathetic in your efforts to minimize the carnage you just experienced.

Progressive ***** will do or say anything to save face. They have to make believe the country still supports the Marxist-in-Chief.
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.

what is all this "teabagger" stuff?..you a homosexual or something?
We don't want to hear about your sex life in here, man.

I've said it hundreds of times. I didn't chose that name for you. Your bunch did. You want to call all democrats lazy, traitorous, communist, socialists, etc. etc. on a regular basis and see nothing unusual about that, but you think it's out of line to call you a name chosen by you? That's crazy.
Well, the good thing about this election is many of the GOP faithful who found themselves in a fetal position after Obama won re-election in 2012, can now climb out of bed....although I am convinced a few committed suicide....since they never returned.....:biggrin:
Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.
Did your proctologist help you gain that perspective?
How could I identify you as Liberal, Progressive or anything else by your ballot? I'm terribly sorry for your butthurt.


The difference is, I don't make a distinction. I'm a Democrat, and that includes all the things you listed. You will never hear a Democrat claim to be a liberal but not a progressive, but the right wing tries to pretend there is a difference between whatever they claim to be all the other flavors of right wingery or teabaggery. I'm just asking what the difference is?
I'm a Conservative. I am registered as a Republican, though I am rarely happy with my party's presidential nominee. I have attended quite a few TEA Party rallies, but I'm not a card carrying member.

If you want to put me on some kind of a scale, think 2 steps right of Rush Limbaugh and one left of Mike Huckaby.

And yes, some here claim to be Liberal or Progressive, but not both.

That puts you square in the middle of teabagger territory. I won't ask you to go back and find examples of someone who claims to be only liberal but denies being progressive, or the other way around, but if you ever see it again, please let me know. I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm pretty sure you are mistaken. Even if you do find one (which I doubt) it's certainly not the widespread way it is for teabaggers.
Your perceptions and opinions are not reality and apparently not very popular, either.

Of course they are reality, and I really didn't expect them to be popular among teabaggers. I guess that's why you have so many trying to prove me wrong right now.

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