A look at the democrat party Martyrs of today.....this shows us we are not a racist country...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When the racist democrat party was actively keeping blacks in America from having access to their full Constitutionally protected Rights, the martyrs of the Civil Rights movement were law abiding men and women who peacefully protested....actually peacefully protested, for their Rights......and the democrat party racists beat them, and murdered them for it...

They were true martyrs.

Today, the martyrs of the democrat party anti-American movement......show us that the United States is not the racist country the democrat party claims.....because as you look at the martyrs they create, they are not law abiding citizens simply seeking their Rights as American citizesn...but made up martyrs who are all criminals of one sort or another, or at a minimum, the ex-girlfriend of a criminal...who all fought the police during lawful arrests for actual crimes........


When Breonna Taylor died in a hail of police bullets, she joined the pantheon of Black Lives Matter martyrs, men such as George Floyd, Michael Brown, Jacob Blake, and Trayvon Martin. Initially, she seemed anomalous because she was not engaged in criminal activity or resisting arrest when she died. New evidence, though, shows that, in addition to her relationship with a drug dealing ex-boyfriend (which is what caught the policeā€™s attention), the boyfriend who shot the police was also a drug dealer. Taylor hung out with the wrong people.

BLM needed Taylor. While mobs were making shrines to George Floyd and congresspeople performed kneeling theater, other people observed that Floyd was a criminal who threatened a pregnant woman with a gun and had rotated in and out of prison. On the day of his death, heā€™d passed counterfeit money, guzzled illegal drugs, and resisted arrest. We also know now that the officersā€™ understanding of the situation and their decision to restrain Floyd was consistent with their training.

Jacob Blake was also a problem. Rather than being a loving father, he stood accused of sexual assault and violating a restraining order. Blake then wildly resisted arrest and attacked police with a knife. He may also have been planning either to stab the police or kidnap children.

Michael Brown, whose death triggered the Ferguson riots, wasnā€™t much better. The police were looking for the so-called ā€œGentle Giantā€ because he had committed a strong-arm robbery. When Officer Darren Wilson wanted to question him, Brown tried to steal Officer Wilsonā€™s gun, justifying a self-defense shooting.

As for Trayvon Martin, while the initial narrative was that he was a sweet-faced choir boy brutally set upon and murdered by a white racist, the facts told a different story. Martin was a low-level thug and drug user. George Zimmerman, a Hispanic man, saw him skulking, called 911, and kept an eye on Martin to keep the 911 operator apprised of Martinā€™s activities. Martin attacked Zimmerman and was beating him to death when Zimmerman killed Martin.

When Breonna Taylorā€™s death came to light, it seemed like a dream come true for BLMā€™s martyrology. At last, a police shooting victim was a gainfully employed young woman whom the police wantonly slaughtered when they charged into her apartment during a no-knock raid.

Except that this narrative was also false and finally fell apart. While Taylor may not have had a record, her ex-boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, was at the heart of a massive drug sting in Louisville. Taylor may have been holding drugs and weapons while managing his money. (Neither drugs nor money were found in her house.)

Taylor was in constant contact with Glover and helped provide bail money for his criminal associates. Because of her ongoing relationship with Glover, the police set up a raid on Taylorā€™s apartment.

It was also untrue that the police did a no-knock raid. Despite being authorized to execute a no-knock raid, the police repeatedly banged on the door, announcing themselves, and demanding admission. When the police entered the apartment, Taylor and her current boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, were standing at the end of the hallway. One of them immediately opened fire, hitting a police officer in his femoral artery.
(Walker initially said Breonna fired that shot, although he later changed his story.)

Only then did the police open fire. And thatā€™s how Breonna died, not in bed, as the initial reports held, but standing in the hallway with her boyfriend as one or the other of them deliberately shot at police who had loudly announced their presence.

And now thereā€™s even more information challenging the tattered halo on Breonnaā€™s head. Kenneth Walker was also dealing drugs:


You really are stupid........

I explained this to joe, I will explain it to you.....

1) Government agents breaking down your door to take you to the gulag or death camp violating your Rights and life...

You can shoot them with your gun to defend yourself.

2) Police...with an actual, lawful warrant....because they have evidence you might be an actual criminal, engaged in actual criminal activity.........announcing their presence and waiting for you to answer the door, you refuse to answer the door and they force their way in.......and then you shoot the first officer...and they return fire.....

You do not have the Right to shoot police officers executing a lawful order.......

Now....find someone who can explain this to you since you are obviously too stupid to get it the first, second or 3rd time you read it....
More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.
More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.

They didn't enter the wrong house, they had a warrant for that place you dumb twit, they announced they were police and the two inside did not answer the door.....they fired on the cops, who fired in self defense....

Taylor is not a martyr, she was a facilitator of a criminal, living with a suspected drug dealer....

The only racist here is you, and your racist democrat party.

You really are stupid........

I explained this to joe, I will explain it to you.....

1) Government agents breaking down your door to take you to the gulag or death camp violating your Rights and life...

You can shoot them with your gun to defend yourself.

2) Police...with an actual, lawful warrant....because they have evidence you might be an actual criminal, engaged in actual criminal activity.........announcing their presence and waiting for you to answer the door, you refuse to answer the door and they force their way in.......and then you shoot the first officer...and they return fire.....

You do not have the Right to shoot police officers executing a lawful order.......

Now....find someone who can explain this to you since you are obviously too stupid to get it the first, second or 3rd time you read it....

Or if you're black, it's open season if you're the cops....
Just like Amber Guyger did, just like these cops did.

PS: The charges against the guy who was shooting at them were dropped.. It was important enough to raid the place but they dropped the charges?

Someone got some 'splainin' to do.
More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.

He thinks Amber Guyger--who murdered a black man in his own home for no reason at all--should face no jail time. I guess he thinks another woman roaming the streets increases his non-existent chances of getting laid.

It doesn't.
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More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.

They didn't enter the wrong house, they had a warrant for that place you dumb twit, they announced they were police and the two inside did not answer the door.....they fired on the cops, who fired in self defense....

Taylor is not a martyr, she was a facilitator of a criminal, living with a suspected drug dealer....

The only racist here is you, and your racist democrat party.

You are lying. It's that simple.
More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.

They didn't enter the wrong house, they had a warrant for that place you dumb twit, they announced they were police and the two inside did not answer the door.....they fired on the cops, who fired in self defense....

Taylor is not a martyr, she was a facilitator of a criminal, living with a suspected drug dealer....

The only racist here is you, and your racist democrat party.

You are lying. It's that simple.
It says "The warrant for Taylor's address was approved due to Taylorā€™s prior association with a suspect in a drug case."

More white racist bullshit from the OP. The police entered the wrong house and the subject had already been caught.

He thinks Amber Guyger--who murdered a black man in his own home for no reason at all--should face no jail time. I guess he thinks another woman roaming the streets increases his non-existent chances of getting laid.

It doesn't.
yeah and no black man ever robbed, raped or murdered a white person...course not

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