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CDZ A look at Trump’s racism—is it as bad as people think?

Bullshit. If evidence didn’t matter to Harmonica they wouldn’t have asked you to provide any. You must really think we’re stupid, contradicting yourself as often as you do in your efforts to demean us and undermine our points.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of “Trumpers.” Paul Ryan just called and told me you’re wrong so that should be evidence enough, yes?

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.
Bullshit. If evidence didn’t matter to Harmonica they wouldn’t have asked you to provide any. You must really think we’re stupid, contradicting yourself as often as you do in your efforts to demean us and undermine our points.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of “Trumpers.” Paul Ryan just called and told me you’re wrong so that should be evidence enough, yes?

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

I do think you’re stupid.
I didn’t contradict myself.

Can you quote Paul Ryan citing a source?
I can.

I win, you lose.
And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Well, you and Paul Ryan need to buy dictionaries. The "definition" of racism is believing that Mexicans as a race are inferior to white people. Saying that it's a conflict of interest for a leftist Mexican judge to rule on Mexican illegal aliens isn't the "definition" of racism even if it's true.

Obviously Trump's issue was that he was a leftist, not a Mexican. He'd have had no problem with a conservative Mexican judge making the ruling. Just more fake news

Exactly.....but the reality is democrats cannot get beyond playing the race care over and over even when it has no application whatsoever....doing so has helped them in the past....however they do not understand people are wizing up and beginning to understand that all they crazy cries of white racism are just as phoney as the fake news by cnn....one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results......that is the position the leftwing is in today.

Another element needs to be looked at in the progressives/elitists/establishment obsession with white racism....these folks are out of touch....as in they do not live in the real world. They send their kids to private schools....where they do not come into contact with the lower elements in society....aka negroid kids that have been taught to hate whites. They...the elites do not have to work with the lower elements either.....the truth is they are isolated from the violently inclined minority elements in our society....all they know about Negroes is what they see in the movies and on T.V. thus having no real experience with what the common element of our most violent minority. actually is(violence)..they impose policies on white working people that have severely degraded their quality of life.

Thus the populist movement was ignited by the White Working Class that resulted in a revolutionary change in Washington...which the media, hollywood, and their running dogs ---late night comedians, the elites, and the establishment are resisting and fighting to the best of their ability which is rapidly shrinking. Go Trump--Go!!!
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Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

that's some fine evidence you have there

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.
I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.
..you need a dictionary...your problem is you don't know the meaning of the words you post
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.
And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.
I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.
..you need a dictionary...your problem is you don't know the meaning of the words you post
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.

Candycorn thinks her opinion is "fact." That's wrong on so many levels
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

that's some fine evidence you have there

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.
I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.
Last edited:
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.
I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.
Donald Trump is not a racist. The Democrats have cried wolf on racism for so long that the accusation means nothing anymore
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

And to support his case, the lefties has to lie.
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville

Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


Wow. You read it and you realize that you were led into making a fool of yourself.

That was incredibly honest of you to tacitly admit that. Well, for a lib.

kudos for reading it.
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.
..they are white activists/etc
..they are just like the NAACP, and all the thousands of associations the Asians, blacks and hispanics have....
..if they are white supremacists, then the NAACP, La Raza, etc are supremacists
...he said ''some very fine people on both sides''

...Obama and his ''group'' that went to Rev Wright were black jackass supremacists who
hated America/whites/Jews
one finds that the category many of his anti-Semitic statements fall into is the earlier-mentioned “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor

please provide evidence that Unite the Right is a hate-supremacist group per their manifesto/written policy
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.
..they are white activists/etc
..they are just like the NAACP, and all the thousands of associations the Asians, blacks and hispanics have....
..if they are white supremacists, then the NAACP, La Raza, etc are supremacists
...he said ''some very fine people on both sides''

...Obama and his ''group'' that went to Rev Wright were black jackass supremacists who
hated America/whites/Jews
one finds that the category many of his anti-Semitic statements fall into is the earlier-mentioned “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor

please provide evidence that Unite the Right is a hate-supremacist group per their manifesto/written policy

Do you remember what Troop Tiki Torch was chanting as they marched in their Dockers and cheap knit shirts?
Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.
You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.

he he he

It certainly wasn’t a false accusation. Either you’re retarded, woefully mis/uninformed about what happened, or are being purposefully dense. I don’t always have time to waste on someone who has one (or more) of all of the traits.
There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.

he he he

It certainly wasn’t a false accusation. Either you’re retarded, woefully mis/uninformed about what happened, or are being purposefully dense. I don’t always have time to waste on someone who has one (or more) of all of the traits.

It certainly IS false accusation.

The context was the "sides" of the debate on historical statues, not 'White Supremacists vs Antifa."

This was one of the most vile examples of fake news since Trump was elected.
He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.

he he he

It certainly wasn’t a false accusation. Either you’re retarded, woefully mis/uninformed about what happened, or are being purposefully dense. I don’t always have time to waste on someone who has one (or more) of all of the traits.

It certainly IS false accusation.

The context was the "sides" of the debate on historical statues, not 'White Supremacists vs Antifa."

This was one of the most vile examples of fake news since Trump was elected.

Yes, the complete narrative of the Trump bashers is fallacious.....backed up by hollywood personalities running around mouthing obscenities and late night comedians displaying their vile hatred of an elected President.......the whole leftwing opposition in a nutshell is simply a display of lies and vulgarity unmatched in our political history....a direct result of the obama legacy of dividing the nation.
You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville


She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.

he he he

It certainly wasn’t a false accusation. Either you’re retarded, woefully mis/uninformed about what happened, or are being purposefully dense. I don’t always have time to waste on someone who has one (or more) of all of the traits.

It certainly IS false accusation.

The context was the "sides" of the debate on historical statues, not 'White Supremacists vs Antifa."

This was one of the most vile examples of fake news since Trump was elected.

Yes, the complete narrative of the Trump bashers is fallacious.....backed up by hollywood personalities running around mouthing obscenities and late night comedians displaying their vile hatred of an elected President.......the whole leftwing opposition in a nutshell is simply a display of lies and vulgarity unmatched in our political history....a direct result of the obama legacy of dividing the nation.

Trump supporter complaining about obscenities?
Now that’s the short definition of hypocrisy.

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