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CDZ A look at Trump’s racism—is it as bad as people think?

LOL no it doesn’t. You’re seeing a white guy challenge the country of birth of a black guy and think the only available explanation for why he’s challenging it is because he’s racist. You’re using skin color before anything else to draw your own conclusions, yet you’re calling OTHERS racist?

This is not about whether or not Obama actually was born in Kenya. This is about progressives using their own racial biases to label others racist. That’s what you’re doing. If Obama was white and Trump was speculating he was born outside the US (as he did with Ted Cruz, so you’re wrong that he’s ONLY assumed Obama was born outside the US—hate to break it to you) you wouldn’t give a fuck.

This is your opinion and nothing more.

If Trump (or anyone) had reason to believe a white presidential candidate was born outside the US, would you call that racist?

Hate to break it to you, but non-black people are born outside of the US every day, which proves birtherism isn’t racist.

...no evidence--no racism.....I've asked twice for proof--you have none--you provided 0 evidence after I asked for it
you people hurt yourselves by claiming wolf [ racism ] so many times when it is not true
..the Hispanic judge case is not racism

that's some fine evidence you have there

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.

If he called for one person to prove his citizenship, he should call for all to do it. That he ONLY did it when there was a black candidate running….hate to break it to you but it speaks for itself.
Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.
LOL no it doesn’t. You’re seeing a white guy challenge the country of birth of a black guy and think the only available explanation for why he’s challenging it is because he’s racist. You’re using skin color before anything else to draw your own conclusions, yet you’re calling OTHERS racist?

This is not about whether or not Obama actually was born in Kenya. This is about progressives using their own racial biases to label others racist. That’s what you’re doing. If Obama was white and Trump was speculating he was born outside the US (as he did with Ted Cruz, so you’re wrong that he’s ONLY assumed Obama was born outside the US—hate to break it to you) you wouldn’t give a fuck.

This is your opinion and nothing more.

If Trump (or anyone) had reason to believe a white presidential candidate was born outside the US, would you call that racist?

Hate to break it to you, but non-black people are born outside of the US every day, which proves birtherism isn’t racist.

that's some fine evidence you have there

Self evident truths need no evidence. Birtherism = racism....ask anyone.

If he called for one person to prove his citizenship, he should call for all to do it. That he ONLY did it when there was a black candidate running….hate to break it to you but it speaks for itself.

After being given proof to the affirmative and providing zero proof to the contrary…there is only one reason for the birtherism; racism.
Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.
Good. I like it when others underestimate me. Continue to think I’m stupid. Doesn’t bother me one bit. You don’t know me and I can guarantee the assumptions you’re making about me are dead wrong. You’re the one who won’t acknowledge the points I’m making. You don’t want to debate, you just want others to tell you how right you are and project your beliefs onto them. Debating is about addressing others’ thoughts and opinions. From what I’ve seen of you here, that’s not something you care to do. Anything of merit I’ve brought up you ignore. Can’t have anyone threatening your viewpoints now, can we? Can’t give any seriousness to other points of view, right? Otherwise the sky might fall.

Bullshit. If evidence didn’t matter to Harmonica they wouldn’t have asked you to provide any. You must really think we’re stupid, contradicting yourself as often as you do in your efforts to demean us and undermine our points.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of “Trumpers.” Paul Ryan just called and told me you’re wrong so that should be evidence enough, yes?

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

I do think you’re stupid.
I didn’t contradict myself.

Can you quote Paul Ryan citing a source?
I can.

I win, you lose.
Good. I like it when others underestimate me. Continue to think I’m stupid. Doesn’t bother me one bit. You don’t know me and I can guarantee the assumptions you’re making about me are dead wrong. You’re the one who won’t acknowledge the points I’m making. You don’t want to debate, you just want others to tell you how right you are and project your beliefs onto them. Debating is about addressing others’ thoughts and opinions. From what I’ve seen of you here, that’s not something you care to do. Anything of merit I’ve brought up you ignore. Can’t have anyone threatening your viewpoints now, can we? Can’t give any seriousness to other points of view, right? Otherwise the sky might fall.

Bullshit. If evidence didn’t matter to Harmonica they wouldn’t have asked you to provide any. You must really think we’re stupid, contradicting yourself as often as you do in your efforts to demean us and undermine our points.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of “Trumpers.” Paul Ryan just called and told me you’re wrong so that should be evidence enough, yes?

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

I do think you’re stupid.
I didn’t contradict myself.

Can you quote Paul Ryan citing a source?
I can.

I win, you lose.

Lotsa writing there. Someday I may read it. Today is not the day.

PS: Trump is a racist. Ryan thinks so. Birtherism proves it.

In this specific instance, he called BOTH groups fine people, including violent radical leftists who are no better than white supremacists. He was a fool for saying this bc it was taken out of context from the get-go. Funny how you emit part of the story. I’m not surprised though, not in the least. The “truth” to you is whatever fits your worldview. Anything else is disposable.

I win. You lose.

Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

I see you are just full of evidence/links/quotes
this is the clean debate zone-not the ''fake'' debate zone or the ''bullshit'' debate zone
-you are debating with zero evidence
I can say hamburgers are racist--that doesn't make that so

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

In this specific instance, he called BOTH groups fine people, including violent radical leftists who are no better than white supremacists. He was a fool for saying this bc it was taken out of context from the get-go. Funny how you emit part of the story. I’m not surprised though, not in the least. The “truth” to you is whatever fits your worldview. Anything else is disposable.

I win. You lose.

Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

Really, what is the use…I can quote speaker Ryan who says his comments were racist. But you just come back with him being a member of the “deep state” or something equally as pathetic from the World of Trump….

As for the birther thing…If you don’t think it was racist for your Messiah to question the standing of Obama based on the location of the President’s birthplace….after he found nothing contrary to the truth, after the release of the birth certificate, and doing it for years before and after; nothing will convince you. You’ve drank the kool-aid and deserve whatever ridicule that is sure to come your way.

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

When you call Klansmen “Very fine people” you’re a racist. Sorry.

Great argument!

Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

You either have been mis-informed or you are a liar......here is the full text of the speech regarding the events in Charlottesville that proves you are either a liar or just ignorant of the facts or some combination thereof.

Full text: Trump’s comments on white supremacists, ‘alt-left’ in Charlottesville

Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.
Wow. How extraordinarily sad. Afraid of my words? Poor thing.

Good. I like it when others underestimate me. Continue to think I’m stupid. Doesn’t bother me one bit. You don’t know me and I can guarantee the assumptions you’re making about me are dead wrong. You’re the one who won’t acknowledge the points I’m making. You don’t want to debate, you just want others to tell you how right you are and project your beliefs onto them. Debating is about addressing others’ thoughts and opinions. From what I’ve seen of you here, that’s not something you care to do. Anything of merit I’ve brought up you ignore. Can’t have anyone threatening your viewpoints now, can we? Can’t give any seriousness to other points of view, right? Otherwise the sky might fall.

Bullshit. If evidence didn’t matter to Harmonica they wouldn’t have asked you to provide any. You must really think we’re stupid, contradicting yourself as often as you do in your efforts to demean us and undermine our points.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of “Trumpers.” Paul Ryan just called and told me you’re wrong so that should be evidence enough, yes?

Showing links, proof, evidence, etc.. is a waste of time to Trumpers.

I do think you’re stupid.
I didn’t contradict myself.

Can you quote Paul Ryan citing a source?
I can.

I win, you lose.

Lotsa writing there. Someday I may read it. Today is not the day.

PS: Trump is a racist. Ryan thinks so. Birtherism proves it.
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

Well I was busy “emitting”…..LOL
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

And even Speaker Ryan said the Trump comments about the judge was the definition of racism.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

She makes a false accusation about the President and then when proven wrong all she can say is .............whatever? This is a good example of those who go around bashing the President.

he he he

It certainly wasn’t a false accusation. Either you’re retarded, woefully mis/uninformed about what happened, or are being purposefully dense. I don’t always have time to waste on someone who has one (or more) of all of the traits.

It certainly IS false accusation.

The context was the "sides" of the debate on historical statues, not 'White Supremacists vs Antifa."

This was one of the most vile examples of fake news since Trump was elected.

Yes, the complete narrative of the Trump bashers is fallacious.....backed up by hollywood personalities running around mouthing obscenities and late night comedians displaying their vile hatred of an elected President.......the whole leftwing opposition in a nutshell is simply a display of lies and vulgarity unmatched in our political history....a direct result of the obama legacy of dividing the nation.

Trump supporter complaining about obscenities?
Now that’s the short definition of hypocrisy.

You want to take a moment to admit that your statement about the "good people both sides" issue was incorrect?

That is certainly was fake news.

In this specific instance, he called BOTH groups fine people, including violent radical leftists who are no better than white supremacists. He was a fool for saying this bc it was taken out of context from the get-go. Funny how you emit part of the story. I’m not surprised though, not in the least. The “truth” to you is whatever fits your worldview. Anything else is disposable.

I win. You lose.

Why do you think anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks? You think we’ll just be like, “well if Paul Ryan says it’s racist, it MUST be racist “? We have our own minds to perceive the world around us. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to believe. It’s frightening to me you seem to think we need others to tell us what to think.

You can believe whatever you want. Trump is a racist. That is a fact whether your believe it or not.

There is a lot of evidence that Obama was a black racist....prominently that he followed a waycist so called religious leader for 20 years aka. Rev. Wright whom obama only broke with when he decided to run for the presidency.
Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Now......Let’s take the New Black Panther Party controversy for a moment. This is a group that blatantly espouses anti-white and antisemitic views. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has called them a black racist hate group. When several of their thugs showed up at polling centers at Philadelphia in 2008 carrying police batons and calling out racial slurs at voters, the Obama administration declined to prosecute that for voter intimidation. It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if members of the Klu Klux Klan showed up at an Alabama polling station carrying weapons. Enough said.

One of the most shocking comments I have heard an American president make were the words uttered about Russian president Vladimir Putin. After the media pressed Obama on his relationship with Putin in 2013, Obama stated, “He’s got that kind of slouch, looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.” Can you imagine a white president saying that about a black African leader? Could this be the reason our relationship with Russia has deteriorated so badly?

Then there is the incident where Harvard professor Skip Gates was arrested for disorderly conduct after police were called to the house for a possible burglary. Obama admitted he knew none of the details but proceeded to state that the police acted stupidly in arresting the professor. Don’t we have due process in this country? Is that comment not borne out of an anti-white worldview? Obama is the president of the United States as he famously said, not the president of black America.

Michelle Obama played the racist card by suggesting during a speech to a high school graduation ceremony that students should monitor their relatives and friends for anti-minority comments. Hmmm. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama talk about black racists and their comments around the dinner table. I wonder what the reason could be?

The Obamas took the country backwards and divided the population among racial lines. There is more animosity between the races than I have ever seen in my lifetime. (And, I grew up in the deep south.) Yes, there are racist white people. However, their views are not mainstream, nor are they accepted in society. On the other hand, black racism is tolerated. Just look at the actions and words of our first family. How’s that post racial America working out for ya?

There is no evidence that President Trump is racist.

He called white supremicists “very fine people”.
More evidence abounds.

When you call Klansmen “Very fine people” you’re a racist. Sorry.

Who did that? I suppose you do not say who...because you do not want to be proven a liar....which would be easy to do.
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Yeah, and... what’s your point? Is Paul Ryan some kind of truth-telling messiah? LOL

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

and another lie..........you should be censored and reprimanded for all your lies.................show this board where Trump said someone cannot be a judge because of his heritage....you either made that up, or some moronic liar told you Trump said that. Put up or shut up. Have you no shame...most liars when they are caught slink away but you just tell more lies. It must suck to be you.
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

Ahh, now Ryan is “in on it”…LOL.

Yep…poor donald…everyone and everything is against him. Poor baby.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

and another lie..........you should be censored and reprimanded for all your lies.................show this board where Trump said someone cannot be a judge because of his heritage....you either made that up, or some moronic liar told you Trump said that. Put up or shut up. Have you no shame...most liars when they are caught slink away but you just tell more lies. It must suck to be you.

I think (I'm possibly wrong and am giving your too much credit) that you knew I was speaking to being a judge in a case that features our pervert commander in chief.
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

Don’t put words in my mouth. You seem to think Ryan’s opinion stacks up and the only reason I can come up with for why you’d think that is bc he’s Republican. So since a righty opines that Trump is racist, all righties should follow suit? Um... no. I’m actually disturbed by this apparent “logic” of yours.

Stop insulting my intelligence with your ignorance. I don’t need others to tell me what to think. I’m no sheep.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

and another lie..........you should be censored and reprimanded for all your lies.................show this board where Trump said someone cannot be a judge because of his heritage....you either made that up, or some moronic liar told you Trump said that. Put up or shut up. Have you no shame...most liars when they are caught slink away but you just tell more lies. It must suck to be you.

I think (I'm possibly wrong and am giving your too much credit) that you knew I was speaking to being a judge in a case that features our pervert commander in chief.

Perhaps you are just not good at saying what you really mean? Is English your first language?....I am more linient with those who have a language problem. Let me try and help you out...............Trump said the judge is biased against him because he is building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. He did not say as you claimed that he cannot be a judge....he just wanted the judge to recuse himself in this case....big difference from what you were claiming. Judges recuse themselves all the time....but still are judges.
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

You’re the definition of being a sheep.
One cannot insult something that doesn’t exist.
Ryan’s comment about Trump during the campaign was telling.

Take care.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

and another lie..........you should be censored and reprimanded for all your lies.................show this board where Trump said someone cannot be a judge because of his heritage....you either made that up, or some moronic liar told you Trump said that. Put up or shut up. Have you no shame...most liars when they are caught slink away but you just tell more lies. It must suck to be you.

I think (I'm possibly wrong and am giving your too much credit) that you knew I was speaking to being a judge in a case that features our pervert commander in chief.

Perhaps you are just not good at saying what you really mean? Is English your first language?....I am more linient with those who have a language problem. Let me try and help you out...............Trump said the judge is biased against him because he is building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. He did not say as you claimed that he cannot be a judge....he just wanted the judge to recuse himself in this case....big difference from what you were claiming. Judges recuse themselves all the time....but still are judges.

And why did he want the judge from Indiana to recuse himself.....

Wait for it....
Nope. Keep underestimating me and avoiding my points. You have nothing. You’re getting skewered here and you actually have the nerve to call ME stupid? When provided with evidence that you’re wrong all you can say in response is “whatever” and I’M the stupid one? Stop making me laugh. I’ve said nothing stupid, you just don’t agree with me. Deflect, deflect, deflect, lie, lie, lie, ignore, ignore, ignore—that’s all I’ve seen you do.

I think you should look up the definition of “debate,” bc you’re very poor at it. Saying, “you’re wrong, you’re stupid” or “whatever” aren’t arguments.

I don’t think I called you “stupid”. If I did, I apologize.
Most have figured out how to properly reply to a post though. Just saying.

I think you have a problem with definitions. Stating that someone cannot be a judge because of their heritage (as Trump did) is racist. Sorry. That is just an example of racism that, for some reason, you ignore.

Add in that, the unimaginable cruelty of having a hard and fast policy of ripping kids from their family when you really do not need to do that in every case….

It speaks for itself.

and another lie..........you should be censored and reprimanded for all your lies.................show this board where Trump said someone cannot be a judge because of his heritage....you either made that up, or some moronic liar told you Trump said that. Put up or shut up. Have you no shame...most liars when they are caught slink away but you just tell more lies. It must suck to be you.

I think (I'm possibly wrong and am giving your too much credit) that you knew I was speaking to being a judge in a case that features our pervert commander in chief.

Perhaps you are just not good at saying what you really mean? Is English your first language?....I am more linient with those who have a language problem. Let me try and help you out...............Trump said the judge is biased against him because he is building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. He did not say as you claimed that he cannot be a judge....he just wanted the judge to recuse himself in this case....big difference from what you were claiming. Judges recuse themselves all the time....but still are judges.

And why did he want the judge from Indiana to recuse himself.....

Wait for it....

That has already been explained to you.....because Trump felt he was biased based on Trump's position against illegal mexican immigrants aka his desire to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S.A. a very understandable thing. Perhaps this will explain it better.....If you were being tried for running over a amish kid in your car...would you want a amish judge?

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