A look back at why we're such a divided country

Never said that and it never happened. In Ferguson the mayor, police chief, state legislature were all black.

Um, the State Legislature in Missouri was "All Black"? Really?

The mayor of Ferguson at the time was a white man and a republican

The chief of police at the time was a fellow named Tom Jackson.

View attachment 436791
Looks white to me.
If you continue to post partial quotes we are done conversing. Jury found the police in Ferguson to be innocent. Being black doesn’t give you the right to commit crimes and cry racism.
Mitt Romney was a serious contender for the nomination in 2008 until all the Evangelicals remembered he was a Mormon.
Mitt Romney was never popular with the Republican base voters

as a governor in a deep blue wacko lib state he had to make too many concessions to the left

such as pushing homosexuality in Mass public schools and other liberal ideas

as for his religion I think he probably offended my godless libs than fundamentalist Christians

republicans have always cared about small business and they have been rewarded by small business support

all the dems have is large corporate donations

and repubs care about healthcare

the argument is over what is the best way provide access

since WWII government interference in the marketplace has been one of the two major causes of high prices

the other cause being advances in medicine that cost more money for better healthcare in return
You libs have been bitchin' and whinin' about the Learned Elders of Zion (the "Zionists") for more than a hundred years. No, they aren't a boogie man.

Can you name another government that has an organization like AIPAC that Congress lives in mortal terror of?

No, neither can I?

Congress isn't in "mortal terror" of anyone, although their leader Speaker Pelosi seems to be in mortal terror of Chairman Xi and the CCP.
So it means that without his push we would not have active vaccines right now. Regardless of what the biased media states. That was actually a nice and humble gesture by the president elect

Yes, it was more classy than Trump deserves, given how little he had to do with vaccines being developed in other countries.
Moderna is in MA. Pretty sure it’s in the US. Subjective in terms of what someone deserves. I believe it to be a kind gesture as Biden states he wants to unify the country. For my kids, I hope he means it.
Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.

You can end the illegal problem in ten minutes merely by going after the white people who hire them.

We won't. Too many rich white people need undocumented labor, and too many white consumers are all too happy to reap the benefits of cheap lettuce and getting a truckload of day laborers to finish your home improvement project.
Never said that and it never happened. In Ferguson the mayor, police chief, state legislature were all black.

Um, the State Legislature in Missouri was "All Black"? Really?

The mayor of Ferguson at the time was a white man and a republican

The chief of police at the time was a fellow named Tom Jackson.

View attachment 436791
Looks white to me.
If you continue to post partial quotes we are done conversing. Jury found the police in Ferguson to be innocent. Being black doesn’t give you the right to commit crimes and cry racism.

It wasn't just the Grand Jury, the Obama-Biden DOJ found nothing wrong with the Ferguson PD's actions either.
The idea that people didn’t know this was coming is ignorance.
We knew something was coming

but since of obama shoved the final product down our throats the onus of a divided country is entirely on him
Republicans can’t refuse offers to work together then complain that Democrats aren’t working together.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
We didnt refuse

obama and pelosi were determined to push obamacare across the finish line and all they wanted from republicans was a yeah or nay

and they got a nay
We didnt refuse
You aren’t in Congress. Congressional Republicans refused to cooperate. They could have had a hand in the drafting of the bill but they walked away.

Then they complain about not having a seat at the table.

This is what I mean about two realities. Republicans have been gaslighting their supporters for decades. They don’t respect you enough to tell the truth.
Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.

You can end the illegal problem in ten minutes merely by going after the white people who hire them.

We won't. Too many rich white people need undocumented labor, and too many white consumers are all too happy to reap the benefits of cheap lettuce and getting a truckload of day laborers to finish your home improvement project.
LOL most illegal Hispanics are likely employed by other Hispanics.
Let’s use the rhetoric of Republicans to describe their own behavior.

Birtherism was a coup attempt against Obama. An effort to remove a duly elected President from office.
Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.

You can end the illegal problem in ten minutes merely by going after the white people who hire them.

We won't. Too many rich white people need undocumented labor, and too many white consumers are all too happy to reap the benefits of cheap lettuce and getting a truckload of day laborers to finish your home improvement project.
LOL most illegal Hispanics are likely employed by other Hispanics.
I say they’re employed by rich assholes like this guy.
Never said that and it never happened. In Ferguson the mayor, police chief, state legislature were all black.

Um, the State Legislature in Missouri was "All Black"? Really?

The mayor of Ferguson at the time was a white man and a republican

The chief of police at the time was a fellow named Tom Jackson.

View attachment 436791
Looks white to me.
If you continue to post partial quotes we are done conversing. Jury found the police in Ferguson to be innocent. Being black doesn’t give you the right to commit crimes and cry racism.

It wasn't just the Grand Jury, the Obama-Biden DOJ found nothing wrong with the Ferguson PD's actions either.
Leftists just want to cry racism. Only card they have.
You aren’t in Congress. Congressional Republicans refused to cooperate
You mean rubber-stamp

its not cooperation when repubs are forced to sit in the back of the bus
Nope. Democrats began negotiations with several moderate Republicans on the ACA. Those Republicans were told to walk away. Cooperating with Democrats was verboten.

As we noted earlier, Democrats started with a major concession by founding the basis of the ACA in a Republican proposal

Do you seriously want me to believe Republicans were willing to work with Obama on the ACA and hand him a major bipartisan victory?

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