A look back at why we're such a divided country

Who cares whose money it was. You don’t return the millions of dollars confiscated from a drug kingpin when he is release from prison.

Iran isn't a "Kingpin". It's a sovereign nation.

Now, you can't just seize a kingpin's assets in a bank, either. YOu have to first prove that they were the results of criminal activity. You then have to get a court finding.

The courts have CONSISTANTLY found that the assets we seized after the 1979 revolution were legitimately the property of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and should be returned. This was done as part of a treaty where western assets seized by the Iranian government were also returned.

So what you are saying is the US should act like an outlaw nation because this country we abused pushed back a little bit?

What is it with you lefties. The US is always the bad actor in every situation.

MOVE OUT instead of trying to convert us to whatever perverted world you want to live in.

Yes, I am saying we should not have given them the money which they put from day one into developing their nuclear capabilities. They were laughing their butts off at the deal cooked up by Obama and Kerry. You and your commie ilk seem to have no problem with Obama sympathizing with a Muslim country that sponsers terrorism.
It has nothing to do with color or gender. I knew you wouldn’t get it. I like Candace Owens because I like her politics. Need I remind you what Biden said about Obama being a “clean-cut” black guy. It is Democrats who have race and gender at the forefront of their minds ALL the time. Candace Owens, for example, does get some extra play because she is black and it does make it more difficult for Democrats to throw out the race/gender card with every comment which forces them to actually argue their points using a pragmatic, fact based approach, which is never a good thing for a Democrat, but again, that has nothing to do with why I like her.

Naw, Candace Owens gets extra play because she tells stupid white people what they want to hear.


What percentage of Trump’s problems were manufactured? I would guess 95% or so.

Naw, 95% of Trump's problems were self-inflicted.

Heck, if he had acted like Bush did after 9/11 when dealing with Covid, he'd have probably been universally praised for it. Instead, he made it about himself, and not the millions who were suffering either from the disease or from economic fallout. Everyone was being unfair to HIM.

The difference is the Democrats have the MSM pushing false narratives for them and they are so corrupt they even impeached the man for nothing. Maybe the Republicans should have impeached and removed Obama from office? Using the Democrat’s criteria for Trump(nothing), Obama would have been removed, but Republicans didn’t do that.

Well, they also didn't have grounds to... that was the thing.

Trump actually did break the law, and a lot more serious of a law than "Lying about a blow job", which is what Republicans tried to impeach Clinton for.

The problem is, impeachment is an inadequate remedy for a misbehaving president. Three impeachments, and only one member of a president's party has ever voted to convict. The presidency is effectively a license to commit crimes now.
It's says something when the richest, hardest working by far nation in the world cannot make good healthcare both affordable and good for every last, even homeless citizen. Something ominous in fact.

They could....if we get government out of the way and allowed competition back into the healthcare system....the same way cellphones, and LED televisions became better, more sophisticated and cheaper.....

If the government was in charge of Cell Phones and LED televisions, only the rich would have them and they would suck....
There has ALWAYS been competition in the healthcare system.
Among doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, health insurers

Wrong......there is less competition in the healthcare system than anywhere else except eduction at the elementary and high school level.....and education at that level sucks just as bad as healthcare competition does....
Not true at all
I can choose my insurance provider, level of coverage, doctor or specialist, pharmacy, hospital

Its called competition
Obama actually tried working with Republicans on healthcare reform but Republicans decided they would not work with him no matter what.
Nevertheless Obama still forced obamacare without bipartisan support

and the nation has been divided ever since
He also supported anti police rhetoric and BLM was formed while he was POTUS. He was not as bad as Dubya but a close 2nd.
Who cares whose money it was. You don’t return the millions of dollars confiscated from a drug kingpin when he is release from prison.
The rules are different when you’re talking about sovereign nations.

Sorry, but Democrats talking about sovereignty when they promote open borders(yes, that is what they want) in the US is feckless and carries no meaning whatsoever.
It has nothing to do with color or gender. I knew you wouldn’t get it. I like Candace Owens because I like her politics. Need I remind you what Biden said about Obama being a “clean-cut” black guy. It is Democrats who have race and gender at the forefront of their minds ALL the time. Candace Owens, for example, does get some extra play because she is black and it does make it more difficult for Democrats to throw out the race/gender card with every comment which forces them to actually argue their points using a pragmatic, fact based approach, which is never a good thing for a Democrat, but again, that has nothing to do with why I like her.

Naw, Candace Owens gets extra play because she tells stupid white people what they want to hear.

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What percentage of Trump’s problems were manufactured? I would guess 95% or so.

Naw, 95% of Trump's problems were self-inflicted.

Heck, if he had acted like Bush did after 9/11 when dealing with Covid, he'd have probably been universally praised for it. Instead, he made it about himself, and not the millions who were suffering either from the disease or from economic fallout. Everyone was being unfair to HIM.

The difference is the Democrats have the MSM pushing false narratives for them and they are so corrupt they even impeached the man for nothing. Maybe the Republicans should have impeached and removed Obama from office? Using the Democrat’s criteria for Trump(nothing), Obama would have been removed, but Republicans didn’t do that.

Well, they also didn't have grounds to... that was the thing.

Trump actually did break the law, and a lot more serious of a law than "Lying about a blow job", which is what Republicans tried to impeach Clinton for.

The problem is, impeachment is an inadequate remedy for a misbehaving president. Three impeachments, and only one member of a president's party has ever voted to convict. The presidency is effectively a license to commit crimes now.
Biden thanked Trump for operation warp speed. True story. You should look into it.
What is it with you lefties. The US is always the bad actor in every situation.

MOVE OUT instead of trying to convert us to whatever perverted world you want to live in.

Can you objectively look at US Iranian relations and not see the US as the bad actor?

We put the Shah back into power after he was voted out in 1953. For the next 26 years, he terrorized his people until he was overthrown.

We then sponsored Saddam Hussein in his attempt to invade Iran. Until he turned on us and invaded Kuwait.

We've spent the last 40 years punishing Iran for picking a government that we didn't like. We've tried to interfere in their elections, which has usually backfired on us.

And then we finally actually tried talking to Iran, we got most of what we wanted, and Trump fucked that up.

Yes, I am saying we should not have given them the money which they put from day one into developing their nuclear capabilities. They were laughing their butts off at the deal cooked up by Obama and Kerry. You and your commie ilk seem to have no problem with Obama sympathizing with a Muslim country that sponsers terrorism.

Except the IAEA found that Iran had been complying with the treaty all the way up until Trump broke it...

The other nations in the treaty - Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China aren't mad at Iran, they are mad at us for fucking it up.
Naw, Candace Owens gets extra play because she tells stupid white people what they want to hear.

I am one of those “stupid white people” and the reality is that am smarter and more successful than you. Many of us “stupid white people” pay for all you ”smart” white folks who can’t seem to get over the hump.

Trump actually did break the law, and a lot more serious of a law than "Lying about a blow job", which is what Republicans tried to impeach Clinton for.

What law did he break? You can’t be talking about saying “Do me a favor” in a phone call? LOL!
Sorry, but Democrats talking about sovereignty when they promote open borders(yes, that is what they want) in the US is feckless and carries no meaning whatsoever.
Open borders is meaningless hyperbole. A straw man. You’re better than this.
I am one of those “stupid white people” and the reality is that am smarter and more successful than you. Many of us “stupid white people” pay for all you ”smart” white folks who can’t seem to get over the hump.

Yes, I am sure you are very proud of your Double Wide, Cleetus.

What law did he break? You can’t be talking about saying “Do me a favor” in a phone call? LOL!

Bribery, extortion, misuse of federal funds...

Come on, this was all documented.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
The other nations in the treaty - Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China aren't mad at Iran, they are mad at us for fucking it up.

Where have you been? Russia is at the least a strategic ally of Iran and China is very close to becoming their ally as well. That should tell you all you need to know. European countries are Socialist wimps who live in a Utopian universe of lollipops and cotton candy.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
Actually the voting block that mostly resulted in Biden’s win was middle class suburban white people. These were the people that were paying enough attention to look past the nonsense hyperbolic rhetoric of Trump and see the real neglect and damage that was being done to the nation.
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It's says something when the richest, hardest working by far nation in the world cannot make good healthcare both affordable and good for every last, even homeless citizen. Something ominous in fact.

They could....if we get government out of the way and allowed competition back into the healthcare system....the same way cellphones, and LED televisions became better, more sophisticated and cheaper.....

If the government was in charge of Cell Phones and LED televisions, only the rich would have them and they would suck....
There has ALWAYS been competition in the healthcare system.
Among doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, health insurers

Wrong......there is less competition in the healthcare system than anywhere else except eduction at the elementary and high school level.....and education at that level sucks just as bad as healthcare competition does....
Not true at all
I can choose my insurance provider, level of coverage, doctor or specialist, pharmacy, hospital

Its called competition
What is it with you lefties. The US is always the bad actor in every situation.

MOVE OUT instead of trying to convert us to whatever perverted world you want to live in.

Can you objectively look at US Iranian relations and not see the US as the bad actor?

We put the Shah back into power after he was voted out in 1953. For the next 26 years, he terrorized his people until he was overthrown.

We then sponsored Saddam Hussein in his attempt to invade Iran. Until he turned on us and invaded Kuwait.

We've spent the last 40 years punishing Iran for picking a government that we didn't like. We've tried to interfere in their elections, which has usually backfired on us.

And then we finally actually tried talking to Iran, we got most of what we wanted, and Trump fucked that up.

Yes, I am saying we should not have given them the money which they put from day one into developing their nuclear capabilities. They were laughing their butts off at the deal cooked up by Obama and Kerry. You and your commie ilk seem to have no problem with Obama sympathizing with a Muslim country that sponsers terrorism.

Except the IAEA found that Iran had been complying with the treaty all the way up until Trump broke it...

The other nations in the treaty - Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China aren't mad at Iran, they are mad at us for fucking it up.

The Shah didn't "terrorize" anyone. In fact , he was very friendly to America and other freedom loving nations. He didn't take over the US Embassy , he didn't sponsor terrorism. Some fellows I used to drink with and play poker in the 80's and 90's, they were devout muslims and their fathers were members of the Savak- the Iranian Freedom FIghters who opposed the Ayatollah and were forced to flee to America. Most Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, or Dr. Samadi at FOX- not radicals like Ayatollah Khomeini or Val Jarrett.
Where have you been? Russia is at the least a strategic ally of Iran and China is very close to becoming their ally as well. That should tell you all you need to know. European countries are Socialist wimps who live in a Utopian universe of lollipops and cotton candy.

The point was, we had a pretty good agreement. Russia and China could have simply said, "Fuck you" and kept trading with Iran. They didn't. They went along with the six nation agreement that effectively brought the Iranians to the bargaining table.

The people who were opposed to this were the Zionists. The Zionists are always happy to sacrifice American soldiers for their fantasies.
What is it with you lefties. The US is always the bad actor in every situation.

MOVE OUT instead of trying to convert us to whatever perverted world you want to live in.

Can you objectively look at US Iranian relations and not see the US as the bad actor?

We put the Shah back into power after he was voted out in 1953. For the next 26 years, he terrorized his people until he was overthrown.

We then sponsored Saddam Hussein in his attempt to invade Iran. Until he turned on us and invaded Kuwait.

We've spent the last 40 years punishing Iran for picking a government that we didn't like. We've tried to interfere in their elections, which has usually backfired on us.

And then we finally actually tried talking to Iran, we got most of what we wanted, and Trump fucked that up.

Yes, I am saying we should not have given them the money which they put from day one into developing their nuclear capabilities. They were laughing their butts off at the deal cooked up by Obama and Kerry. You and your commie ilk seem to have no problem with Obama sympathizing with a Muslim country that sponsers terrorism.

Except the IAEA found that Iran had been complying with the treaty all the way up until Trump broke it...

The other nations in the treaty - Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China aren't mad at Iran, they are mad at us for fucking it up.

They broke the treaty like NK broke the treaty will Bill

Try to keep up meth head joe
Yes, I am sure you are very proud of your Double Wide, Cleetus.

Right on cue, the stereotyping. Like I said, I pay for losers like you.

Bribery, extortion, misuse of federal funds...

None of which were ever proven, which is exactly why Trump is still your president. Just curious, but how can a person be bribed and extorted and not realize it? If the Ukraine really thought they were being bribed, they would have actually acted upon the request, but they didn’t, because they didn’t realize it was a requirement...which is wasn’t. Oh you poor ignorant sole...I kind of feel sorry for you.
In my experience, I can trace it to Newt Gingrich Republicans and the rise of Rightwing Media.

Newt abandoned any attempt at Compromise and bipartisanship.
Rightwing media took it further in punishing any Republican who dared to compromise. A Win/Win solution was unacceptable because it allowed the other side to win also. The term RINO a was coined to label any Republican who tried to work with the other side

I believe it started in the 80’s. Congress still worked together however it was getting contentious and Democrat to this day have hated Reagan and blame all of America’s woes on him.

Clinton and Gingrich worked well together, the Republican Congress and the Democratic President reduced the deficit. They created a decent economy until 2000 when the dotcomproduct bubble burst.

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