A look back at why we're such a divided country

Where have you been? Russia is at the least a strategic ally of Iran and China is very close to becoming their ally as well. That should tell you all you need to know. European countries are Socialist wimps who live in a Utopian universe of lollipops and cotton candy.

The point was, we had a pretty good agreement. Russia and China could have simply said, "Fuck you" and kept trading with Iran. They didn't. They went along with the six nation agreement that effectively brought the Iranians to the bargaining table.

The people who were opposed to this were the Zionists. The Zionists are always happy to sacrifice American soldiers for their fantasies.

You libs have been bitchin' and whinin' about the Learned Elders of Zion (the "Zionists") for more than a hundred years. No, they aren't a boogie man.
The individual mandate. It was a feature of both the Heritage Foundation proposal of the 1990's, and RomneyCare in Massachusetts in 2004.
screw the Heritage Foundation

they write a stupid little white paper that no one read and that obligates me to go along with obamacare?

dont make me laugh
Heritage Foundation proposed an alternative to Hillarycare in the 1990s. It was endorsed by Republicans at the time.

Democrats used much of the recommendations in adopting Obamacare
Unlike your party republicans do not march in lockstep

finding a few to endorse a heritage foundation healthcare plan would not be difficult

but that does not commit me to support obamacare now
In my 20+ years in politics I've never seen the country this divided. It didn't get this way overnight, something had to cause it.

In my opinion, NOTHING any president has done has been as divisive to the country as when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats along partisan lines. That drove a wedge between the two parties and republicans said if we ever get back control we will NOT cooperate or negotiate with liberals. And they stuck to their word.

Even the Gulf War was bi partisan with many democrats voting yes.

Nothing Clinton or Reagan did was along party lines like that.

Neither Bush did anything partisan like that.

It was Obama and Obama only. After Obama, republicans didn't care what democrats thought. Why? Because democrats already showed they didn't care about half the nation when they shoved Obamacare down their throats.

So I would have to lay the blame of division in this country solely on the lap of the democrats and Obama.

A short history of why we the American constituency today are taking it in the shorts. Prez Woody Woodpecker Wilson/Fed Reserve Act 1913(beginning of the end). Prez FDR/New Deal 1933(broke America's legs). Prez LBJ/Great Society program- War On Poverty program-Medicare Act 1964-1967(broke America's back). Prez Nixon/Pulled the dollar of the gold standard 1971(The Day America Died). The various so called small potato presidents after Tricky Dick Nixon just fed off the corpse of America until the American constituency is what it is today, bankrupt, fighting & sniping @ one another while the profe$$ional politician$ sit back smoking those big Macanudo cigars & sipping $$800.00 a bottle Chablis(you're paying for it so why not?) & laughing/partying in their care free world. There remains no one politician to blame as it's an entire carefully planned & constructed global political system crafted through the decades. Legacy leaders & even entire legacy families; Bushes, Rockefellers, Clintons etc. & we the taxpayers have created them.
He also supported anti police rhetoric and BLM was formed while he was POTUS. He was not as bad as Dubya but a close 2nd.

Yes, black people would be totally cool with racist cops shooting their kids in the back if Obama wasn't making them uppity!!

You do realize more unarmed black people were shot by police during Obama’s tenure than Trump’s? Why no rioting and looting?
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
Actually the voting block that mostly resulted in Biden’s win was middle class suburban white people. These were the people that were paying enough attention to look past the nonsense hyperbolic rhetoric of Trump and see the real neglect and damage that was being done to the nation.

Probably all wrapped into one bulldozer push that was enough to shovel Trump out of the way.
The Shah didn't "terrorize" anyone. In fact , he was very friendly to America and other freedom loving nations. He didn't take over the US Embassy , he didn't sponsor terrorism. Some fellows I used to drink with and play poker in the 80's and 90's, they were devout muslims and their fathers were members of the Savak- the Iranian Freedom FIghters who opposed the Ayatollah and were forced to flee to America. Most Iranians are like the Shahs of Sunset, or Dr. Samadi at FOX- not radicals like Ayatollah Khomeini or Val Jarrett.

The Shah was a piece of human garbage.

He was a CIA Stooge and his secret police, the SAVAK, terrorized the Iranian people. Also his corrupt government used the wealth of the country to buy palaces for him and his cronies while the Iranian people went hungry.

The ironic thing is the reason why you are stuck with the Ayatollahs is because after the Shah and Savak murdered and tortured all the secular opposition, the religious heirarchy was the only group left to lead after the Shah was driven out.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
Actually the voting block that mostly resulted in Biden’s win was middle class suburban white people. These were the people that were paying enough attention to look past the nonsense hyperbolic rhetoric of Trump and see the real neglect and damage that was being done to the nation.

Probably all wrapped into one bulldozer push that was enough to shovel Trump out of the way.
Your link is wrong, Jimmy Carter won the south
Sorry, but Democrats talking about sovereignty when they promote open borders(yes, that is what they want) in the US is feckless and carries no meaning whatsoever.
Open borders is meaningless hyperbole. A straw man. You’re better than this.

Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.
but that does not commit me to support obamacare now
No one is asking you commit to anything, but just stop pretending like this was straight orthodox liberalism.

You’re constantly rewriting history to suit your own ego.

What divides this nation more than anything else is our failure to live in the same reality.
Sorry, but Democrats talking about sovereignty when they promote open borders(yes, that is what they want) in the US is feckless and carries no meaning whatsoever.
Open borders is meaningless hyperbole. A straw man. You’re better than this.

Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.
Ah. So Democrats support it because you say they support it.

Very well. I’ll do the same.

Republicans want to stop immigration of all ethnic and religious minorities into this country. They don’t say it but it’s clear from their politics.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
Actually the voting block that mostly resulted in Biden’s win was middle class suburban white people. These were the people that were paying enough attention to look past the nonsense hyperbolic rhetoric of Trump and see the real neglect and damage that was being done to the nation.

Probably all wrapped into one bulldozer push that was enough to shovel Trump out of the way.

The white guilt narrative is starting to take root thanks the public indoctri...I mean education. I will grant you that.
Biden thanked Trump for operation warp speed. True story. You should look into it.


He's probably being more gracious than he should be.

So it means that without his push we would not have active vaccines right now. Regardless of what the biased media states. That was actually a nice and humble gesture by the president elect
He also supported anti police rhetoric and BLM was formed while he was POTUS. He was not as bad as Dubya but a close 2nd.

Yes, black people would be totally cool with racist cops shooting their kids in the back if Obama wasn't making them uppity!!
Never said that and it never happened. In Ferguson the mayor, police chief, state legislature were all black. Not sure what the people were upset about. Funny how leftists make everything about race. The only card they can play. Your post is case in point.
Sorry, but Democrats talking about sovereignty when they promote open borders(yes, that is what they want) in the US is feckless and carries no meaning whatsoever.
Open borders is meaningless hyperbole. A straw man. You’re better than this.

Actually no it isn’t. Democrats don’t come out and say it(yet), but clearly their policies support it. It isn’t a straw man, it is common sense. When they support policies that encourage illegal immigration(sanctuary cities, free healthcare, drivers license’s), etc. it should be clear.
Ah. So Democrats support it because you say they support it.

Very well. I’ll do the same.

Republicans want to stop immigration of all ethnic and religious minorities into this country. They don’t say it but it’s clear from their politics.
Bullshit legals are fine, illegals are not.
They broke the treaty like NK broke the treaty will Bill

They didn't break the treaty. IN fact, they largely held to it even after Trump broke it.

Right on cue, the stereotyping. Like I said, I pay for losers like you.

sure you do, Cleetus... sure you do.

None of which were ever proven, which is exactly why Trump is still your president. Just curious, but how can a person be bribed and extorted and not realize it? If the Ukraine really thought they were being bribed, they would have actually acted upon the request, but they didn’t, because they didn’t realize it was a requirement...which is wasn’t.

Actually, they just kept out of our political squabbles, which was probably the smart thing to do, realizing it would sort itself out.

All of these military and state department professionals proved Trump did exactly what he was accused of. The GOP just didn't act on it... just like the Democrats didn't act on Clinton's crimes of perjury.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.

No. Obama was elected because he appealed to a large section of people of color and got a lot of white, educated suburban voters to come along for the ride. That was message and the fact that these people saw him as a ray of hope. Nothing wrong with that. Biden?? He was elected in large part because Trump absolutely blew the response to the virus. And the elderly and people of color suffered disproportionately. This was the voting block that put Biden over the top. It is also the reason this whole "fraud" charade is focusing heavily on cities and counties that contain a large number of people of color...cause there had to be fraud here. :)
Actually the voting block that mostly resulted in Biden’s win was middle class suburban white people. These were the people that were paying enough attention to look past the nonsense hyperbolic rhetoric of Trump and see the real neglect and damage that was being done to the nation.

Probably all wrapped into one bulldozer push that was enough to shovel Trump out of the way.

The white guilt narrative is starting to take root thanks the public indoctri...I mean education. I will grant you that.
I didn’t understand what it’s like to be a minority until I worked a few years providing medical care for the extremely poor, minority urban population.

We tend to live in our silos with very poor understand of the experiences of other people we are supposed to share the nation with.
Never said that and it never happened. In Ferguson the mayor, police chief, state legislature were all black.

Um, the State Legislature in Missouri was "All Black"? Really?

The mayor of Ferguson at the time was a white man and a republican

The chief of police at the time was a fellow named Tom Jackson.


Looks white to me.

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