A look back at why we're such a divided country

We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

It had nothing to do with his skin color. He is a left wing asshole who believes in doing anything to take power.

No he didn't. Let's just drop the silly conspiracy theories. We've been over this debunked ground so much we're going to start owing taxes on it. You didn't like him. Mostly because he was black and you saw that as a threat. I don't doubt that some of it was policy based. Anything to take (and hold on to) power??? Example A is sitting in the Oval Office right now...well, for another 17 days anyway. :)

It must be nice to be able to take a pause from shilling for communist China..........
The reason Obama couldn't do anything in a bipartisan manner is because he didn't want to share credit with Republicans and that has become the new Democrat method of operation concerning everything.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

It has nothing to do with color or gender. I knew you wouldn’t get it. I like Candace Owens because I like her politics. Need I remind you what Biden said about Obama being a “clean-cut” black guy. It is Democrats who have race and gender at the forefront of their minds ALL the time. Candace Owens, for example, does get some extra play because she is black and it does make it more difficult for Democrats to throw out the race/gender card with every comment which forces them to actually argue their points using a pragmatic, fact based approach, which is never a good thing for a Democrat, but again, that has nothing to do with why I like her.

What percentage of Trump’s problems were manufactured? I would guess 95% or so. The difference is the Democrats have the MSM pushing false narratives for them and they are so corrupt they even impeached the man for nothing. Maybe the Republicans should have impeached and removed Obama from office? Using the Democrat’s criteria for Trump(nothing), Obama would have been removed, but Republicans didn’t do that. If Trump wins or would have won this election and the Democrats took the Senate, they would impeach him and remove him from office in the first 6 months for an overdue parking ticket or some such nonsense. There are only two types of Democrats, those that are ignorant, which is a large percentage, and those that are vile, immoral, Godless human beings who know exactly what they are doing.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?
You don't give the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can avoid restrictions against them that were put in place to keep them from sponsoring terrorism.....you doofus....


The US Sponsored the Taliban until they turned on us.
We sponsored Saddam until he turned on us.
We sponsored the Libyan Rebels before they turned on us

Seems to me that if we want to complain about "Sponsors of Terror", we need to look in the mirror.

It was THEIR MONEY. It was money that Iran had put in out banks to buy weapons for the Shah, which we should have returned when we decided to not sell them the weapons after all.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

It had nothing to do with his skin color. He is a left wing asshole who believes in doing anything to take power.

No he didn't. Let's just drop the silly conspiracy theories. We've been over this debunked ground so much we're going to start owing taxes on it. You didn't like him. Mostly because he was black and you saw that as a threat. I don't doubt that some of it was policy based. Anything to take (and hold on to) power??? Example A is sitting in the Oval Office right now...well, for another 17 days anyway. :)

It must be nice to be able to take a pause from shilling for communist China..........

And the cherry picker goes immediately to an "ist" when he gets schooled. Someone's already covered your list of conspiracy theories so I'll refrain. You got a policy beef with Obama, I'm all ears. But let's ditch the conspiracy theories. They were just dreamed up to take him down.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.
You don't give the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can avoid restrictions against them that were put in place to keep them from sponsoring terrorism.....you doofus....


The US Sponsored the Taliban until they turned on us.
We sponsored Saddam until he turned on us.
We sponsored the Libyan Rebels before they turned on us

Seems to me that if we want to complain about "Sponsors of Terror", we need to look in the mirror.

It was THEIR MONEY. It was money that Iran had put in out banks to buy weapons for the Shah, which we should have returned when we decided to not sell them the weapons after all.

Who cares whose money it was. You don’t return the millions of dollars confiscated from a drug kingpin when he is release from prison.
The reason Obama couldn't do anything in a bipartisan manner is because he didn't want to share credit with Republicans and that has become the new Democrat method of operation concerning everything.
Backwards man. Republicans refuses to allow Obama to have any victories. Remember McConnell’s primary goal was to make Obama a one term president?
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama was never "disenfranchised" at all. He was a prep school kid, attended the most elite prep school in the Pacific rim. Attended Harvard. His putative father was a high Mucky Muck in the Kenya government, his step dad a Big Oil executive in Jakarta, his grandmother was the most powerful banktress in Hawaii.

His mum was a doctor, and his BFF was the Grand Poobah of the Weather Underground.

Obama chose to move to the ghetto and pretend to be a hood rat. He didn't rise from the ghetto, he moved there.
It was not bipartisan because Republicans walked away. Blame Obama all you want but reality is that Republicans made it that way.
Maybe, just maybe, having to pass it before reading it might have had an effect-

That said- it was coming, it's here, and Republicans have not done anything to hinder it- rhetoric doesn't count.
The only real difference between the opposing sides of the Duopoly Party is a public display and partisan consumption- and that applies to every issue, substantive or not. Then, there is the man who wears a black dress, in public, pretending to be an omnipotent, who says a fine is a tax- I don't recall seeing that authority granted in the rules for the pretentious- can someone cite it for me so I can better understand the divide- just asking for clarification.
The same destination at a different rate of descent is still the same destination- tweaking a *policy* to make it more amenable (by either or D or R) is still policy already in place and that is all the feckless (on both sides) do-

Congress critters are, by and large, lawyers and have staffs filled with lawyers (interns) and as all should know, lawyers pay others to teach them to lie, legally-

There's really no need to look back- just look around. The results are where we are.
It was read, debated, modified extensively over 8 months of negotiations in Congress. There were no surprises for anyone who paid any attention at all to the bill.

The Democrats actually CUT OFF debate and amendments to the bill.
Who cares whose money it was. You don’t return the millions of dollars confiscated from a drug kingpin when he is release from prison.

Iran isn't a "Kingpin". It's a sovereign nation.

Now, you can't just seize a kingpin's assets in a bank, either. YOu have to first prove that they were the results of criminal activity. You then have to get a court finding.

The courts have CONSISTANTLY found that the assets we seized after the 1979 revolution were legitimately the property of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and should be returned. This was done as part of a treaty where western assets seized by the Iranian government were also returned.

So what you are saying is the US should act like an outlaw nation because this country we abused pushed back a little bit?
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama was never "disenfranchised" at all. He was a prep school kid, attended the most elite prep school in the Pacific rim. Attended Harvard. His putative father was a high Mucky Muck in the Kenya government, his step dad a Big Oil executive in Jakarta, his grandmother was the most powerful banktress in Hawaii.

His mum was a doctor, and his BFF was the Grand Poobah of the Weather Underground.

Obama chose to move to the ghetto and pretend to be a hood rat. He didn't rise from the ghetto, he moved there.

Didn't say HE was. He just represented millions who felt they were. And right wingers saw that shift in power as a threat.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

So you saying a well educated and civilized person of color is just wrong?

No. I'm saying that's the type of person of color that most people on the right hand side of the aisle are comfortable with. A package that's palatable to your ears and eyes.

This is exactly why Obama was elected. This is exactly why Biden may be President. It is the left that is wooed by soft-poetic speech by someone that carries themself well. Again, pragmatism is far down the list of qualities most Democrats look for in a candidate. Biden is the absolute PERFECT example of this.
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You don't give the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can avoid restrictions against them that were put in place to keep them from sponsoring terrorism.....you doofus....


The US Sponsored the Taliban until they turned on us.
We sponsored Saddam until he turned on us.
We sponsored the Libyan Rebels before they turned on us

Seems to me that if we want to complain about "Sponsors of Terror", we need to look in the mirror.

It was THEIR MONEY. It was money that Iran had put in out banks to buy weapons for the Shah, which we should have returned when we decided to not sell them the weapons after all.

Would you have said the same thing if Hitler needed money in 1944 and we were holding his funds?
Who cares whose money it was. You don’t return the millions of dollars confiscated from a drug kingpin when he is release from prison.
The rules are different when you’re talking about sovereign nations.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama was never "disenfranchised" at all. He was a prep school kid, attended the most elite prep school in the Pacific rim. Attended Harvard. His putative father was a high Mucky Muck in the Kenya government, his step dad a Big Oil executive in Jakarta, his grandmother was the most powerful banktress in Hawaii.

His mum was a doctor, and his BFF was the Grand Poobah of the Weather Underground.

Obama chose to move to the ghetto and pretend to be a hood rat. He didn't rise from the ghetto, he moved there.

Didn't say HE was. He just represented millions who felt they were. And right wingers saw that shift in power as a threat.

All of the Democrats SAY they represent the "poor colored folk"and promise them the moon. So, really, Obama was no different than the Clintons, Gores, LBJ or John Kerry then.
We are supposed to be a divided country. However, we are supposed to be united under the notion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of religion and expression. Freedom of speech.

We are supposed to be divided in SPEECH. Anyone calling for "bipartisanship" is being manipulated by the marxist propagandists to stifle Freedom of speech, expression and religion. Make no mistake, bipartisan means ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

Who rejects Freedom of speech? Let's see.


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