A look back at why we're such a divided country

It was read, debated, modified extensively over 8 months of negotiations in Congress. There were no surprises for anyone who paid any attention at all to the bill.
No, it wasn't- or nancy is a liar. So, IYO, which is it?
Obama's idea of "working" with Republicans was getting them to agree to what he wanted, and little else.

Just a little bit of history that democrats like to forget...

Not really true.

Obama extended the Bush Tax Giveaways to the rich for four more years than he wanted to. ObamaCare was really a national version of Romneycare, instead of the Single Payer System most Democrats wanted. Obama went far out of his way to work with Republicans even when he didn't have to.

Ha! No he didn't....Republican's were locked out of sessions that determined what was going to be in the bill. What Obama did in crafting it in the fashion of Romney's MA care, (which we know now, Romney might as well be a progressive democrat) was to have a way to stifle debate about what the final destination of the bill was to be....Remember Pelosi, "we must pass the bill, to see what's in the bill...." Then when the bill passed you had Reid saying that Obamacare was just a step toward single payer...

" ...on PBS’ Nevada Week In Review, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) was asked whether his goal was to move Obamacare to a single-payer system. His answer? “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”

So, If you ask me, at some point we are going to end up at single payer sooner, or later.....And a sad day that'll be....
I'll play. Name one republican idea in the Obamacare bill.

You can't so you won't.

The individual mandate. It was a feature of both the Heritage Foundation proposal of the 1990's, and RomneyCare in Massachusetts in 2004.
Republicans are in lock step with Big insurance mandates. Years earlier Republicans Mandated Auto Insurance, Seatbelts, Helmets, Airbags, etc.
Obama's idea of "working" with Republicans was getting them to agree to what he wanted, and little else.
That’s simply untrue, just more revisionist history, the types of which is actually dividing the nation

I'll play. Name one republican idea in the Obamacare bill.

You can't so you won't.
Individual mandate.
Well good thing we still have to pay
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

It had nothing to do with his skin color. He is a left wing asshole who believes in doing anything to take power.
It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

In other words, you are fine with black people who tell you what you want to hear.

Hey, there's a lady down on the corner of Lake and Cicero, she'll totally tell you whatever you want to hear for $60.00. And she has as much integrity as Candace Owens.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Not sure what a minority is, but systematic racism and sexism are a thing in this country.

35% of women have been sexually harassed in the workplace.

42% of employees have witnessed racial discrimination in the workplace. Heck, I've seen it dozens of times. I've also seen one case of Affirmative Action gone horribly wrong, but that's another story.

Started in 1983 when Ted Kennedy offered control of the democrat Party to the KGB to defeat Reagan.

After the collapse of the USSR, the KGB had to sell their ownership to the CCP for pennies on the dollar

I'm gonna see your "Kennedy offered control of the democrat Party to the KGB".....

...and raise you with....

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?
Good call! Their psuedo-GOAT President for his submission to Uncle Joe and allowing Stalin to run the White House
So let's review, shall we. In 1993, Hillary developed what was called "HillaryCare". The way she went about it was wrong, she really didn't engage congress, including Democrats who had been working on the issue for years. But the concept was sound. You'd create a program for people who can't get health coverage because their employers don't offer it, but they aren't poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. It would be paid partially be a tax on businesses that don't offer health care.
The disaster of Hillarycare heavily informed how the ACA was developed. Congress does the real heavily lifting in drafting the bill, White House working as more of an advisory role, guiding the process.

Hillarycare relied heavily on HMOs which became demonized, rightly or wrongly, in the 90s but actually were rather effective at stemming health care expenditure growth. Obama couldn’t go that route so the next best option was competitive healthcare marketplace. It had so much potential of not for the petty politics of the era, if only Republicans could get past the hatred of Obama.
It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

In other words, you are fine with black people who tell you what you want to hear.

Hey, there's a lady down on the corner of Lake and Cicero, she'll totally tell you whatever you want to hear for $60.00. And she has as much integrity as Candace Owens.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Not sure what a minority is, but systematic racism and sexism are a thing in this country.

35% of women have been sexually harassed in the workplace.

42% of employees have witnessed racial discrimination in the workplace. Heck, I've seen it dozens of times. I've also seen one case of Affirmative Action gone horribly wrong, but that's another story.

Tara Reade was sexually harassed by her boss at her workplace
Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

yes, there were a total of 200 guns that were lost in sting operations out of 250,000 the gun industry ships across the border every year...

Kind of like floating in a sea of shit, picking up one turd and saying, "This Turd here really pisses me off!!!"

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Except that $150 Billion rightfully belonged to Iran and international courts have ruled for decades we needed to return it.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

You mean, THEY DID THEIR JOBS? Why, that's horrible.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

It had nothing to do with his skin color. He is a left wing asshole who believes in doing anything to take power.

No he didn't. Let's just drop the silly conspiracy theories. We've been over this debunked ground so much we're going to start owing taxes on it. You didn't like him. Mostly because he was black and you saw that as a threat. I don't doubt that some of it was policy based. Anything to take (and hold on to) power??? Example A is sitting in the Oval Office right now...well, for another 17 days anyway. :)
Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.
Geezus- you're an idiot- you guys (demopublicans and republicrats) play the Politics of Personality Game- and make no mistake, to those in the political spotlight, it is a game- Obama was no different than Trump, nor, Bush- or their predecessors in my life time (73 years and counting)- the difference was/is personality- we're living the results, stupid, of NO discernible difference in policy of Borrow to Spend- one time you like it (depending on the personality selling it) and the next time you don't like it (depending on the personality selling it- the Politics of Personality = ignorance run amok.
We get it. You didn't like the black guy in the Oval Office and the fact that we will have a black VP is killing you. Deal with it.

It is not the color of their skin or their gender. Most Republicans aren’t like Democrats In that way. Democrats put race and gender above all. Pragmatism is far down the list of their concerns. Kamala Harris is left-wing lunatic much like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders. I don’t like any of them and it has nothing to do with race or gender. I like Candace Owens, but not because she is a black female, but because I agree with her political stances.

It is hard for most Democrats to understand this mentality because they are ingrained with the idea that systematic racism and sexism is the predominate reason for all failures of women and minitorities. In their minds, there is no way that a person like me could possibly put gender and race completely aside when making a decision because they themselves can’t do so.

Well, sorry, beg to differ. The reason you like people like Candace Owens or let's say Clarence Thomas for example is because not only do they share your viewpoint (given), they visually fit what you consider a person of color should look like and comport themselves as. Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway). Obama represented the first ray of hope for people who've been disenfranchised their entire lives. And what did the right wing do? Lose its shit. Trump made all of his own problems. 70% of Obama's issues..were manufactured. Again, he wasn't perfect. Won't be remembered as great. Just good.

Cleanly cut hair, nice clothing, maybe a wedding ring, well spoken (in your view anyway).

Obama wasn't?
Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

yes, there were a total of 200 guns that were lost in sting operations out of 250,000 the gun industry ships across the border every year...

Kind of like floating in a sea of shit, picking up one turd and saying, "This Turd here really pisses me off!!!"

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Except that $150 Billion rightfully belonged to Iran and international courts have ruled for decades we needed to return it.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

You mean, THEY DID THEIR JOBS? Why, that's horrible.


During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000[1]:203[15] firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012.[1]:203 A number of straw purchasers have been arrested and indicted; however, as of October 2011, none of the targeted high-level cartel figures had been arrested.[6]

Obama actually tried working with Republicans on healthcare reform but Republicans decided they would not work with him no matter what.

Just a little bit of history that Republicans like to forget.
......Obama was the Great Divider--he hates whites/cops/America--I've linked this many times
Obama sent guns to drug cartels to push gun control.

yes, there were a total of 200 guns that were lost in sting operations out of 250,000 the gun industry ships across the border every year...

Kind of like floating in a sea of shit, picking up one turd and saying, "This Turd here really pisses me off!!!"

Obama sent 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, easily moved cash, to get around the banking restrictions on the terrorist regime.

Except that $150 Billion rightfully belonged to Iran and international courts have ruled for decades we needed to return it.

Obama used the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. like personal goon squads to spy on and persecute Trump and his people.........

You mean, THEY DID THEIR JOBS? Why, that's horrible.

You don't give the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars in cash so they can avoid restrictions against them that were put in place to keep them from sponsoring terrorism.....you doofus....
Tara Reade was sexually harassed by her boss at her workplace

This would be the same Tara Reade (AKA Tara McCabe, AKA Alexandra McCabe, and about three other names she's operated under to keep out of trouble) who has had a long history of fraud and deceit? Where everyone who worked with her said it never happened?

So really, you guys had years to dig up dirt, and this was the only person you could find?

So you have this guy who has employed hundreds of staffers over the years, and you only fine one who has bad things to say, when she wasn't saying good things.

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