A Lot of Murders. . . in cities with strict gun control


I do believe that's one of them there "inconvenient truths". :clap2:
So let's do this mathematically: What would the murder rates be for these countries if you took out the following cities: Moscow, Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City and Bogota, London, Paris and Rome?

Nice try, but you are short of critical thinking skills and long on blogger ogling.

P.S. I would mention Tokyo but Japan has what is statistically referred to as zero death by guns.
The Japan lesson: Can America learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?
An', an', an' if we took out ALL the murders, the US would be the safest place in the world! :cuckoo:

If you applied some of those critical thinking skills you claim other people lack, you'd realize that the reason the US is so high on the list of murder rates is:



Way to go, liberals. Once again, your policies are proven a complete failure. :clap2:

You are an idiot. Here is some critical thinking for you. If all guns were banned, the murder rate would drop. I am not proposing that we ban all guns because we have a Constitution that says we have a right to own guns. What is ridiculous is to say that by adding more guns, there would be less murders. That's just plain stupid. Of course, you will use an example of some small town that is 99% white and where everyone owns a gun, and they have zero or very few murders per year. Towns like that have low murder rates because they don't have ghettos full of poor people selling drugs.

If Chicago had no gun control laws, how many murders would that stop? None, that's how many. The vast majority of deaths are gang related or pre-meditated murders. It's extremely rare that someone breaks into a person's house to rob them and then kills them because they didn't have a gun. One last thing; the murder rate in Chicago during the 90's was double what it is now. Please explain that one to all of us if gun control laws are the reason for high murder rates.
I see lots of lip-flapping, but I don't see any links.

Come back when you've got some proof of your assertions. REAL proof, not gun-grabber bullshit, mmmkay?


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