A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump

I understand justice just fine. Trump is being tried for illegal shit he's done.

That's justice.
Not that he has done, that the prosecutor imagines he did. The Jury will free Trump.
There was no coup. You would find Generals involved were there a Coup. Waging a coup is my meaning.
Yes, if Trump engaged in a coup, the military would take him out. Milley made it clear to Trump that whatever it was that he was up to the military would not be involved.
Yes, if Trump engaged in a coup, the military would take him out. Milley made it clear to Trump that whatever it was that he was up to the military would not be involved.
I don't want your bullshit. Show us that Milley did as you claim. Trump never asked Milley to engage in a coup.
It really should be an acquittal, but you know that there will be just a few hard-left radicals that don’t care about the law - only getting Trump.

My expectation is that it will be a hung jury, and my fear is that the Soros-funded DA will call for a new trial.
If the jury hangs, there will be a new trial. Count on it.
Yup, you can’t negate my point. You are still unable to name a crime, other than an expired misdemeanor.
The felony charge is election interference. It's clearly stated in the documents that none of us read. Well, maybe one or two. But not you. That's why you don't know anything.
Just how much Stalin-style persecution of political opponents do you think decent Americans will tolerate? There would be massive backlash.
Again, most people realize what Trump did was wrong.

Even if you don't buy that he broke the law, paying off a porn star to keep quiet about a sexual encounter you had while your third wife is at home with your fifth child isn't exactly "Party of Family Values" material.

Your side impeached Clinton for a lot less, and spent 70 million dollars on the investigation.
The felony charge is election interference. It's clearly stated in the documents that none of us read. Well, maybe one or two. But not you. That's why you don't know anything.
Paying a non-disclosure agreement and labeling it Legal Expenses is not election interference.

Now, getting 51 retired intelligence officers to lie and say Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? THAT is election interference.

And this bogus case designed to keep Trump off the campaign trail is election interference.

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