A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump

Seymour Flops does not understand the voting public at all, never has.
Not true. He’s saying that a guilty verdict would go to the appellate court, and they would outline all the shenanigans the prosecution and biased judge pulled - including the prosecution of a non-crime to keep Trump off the campaign trail.

There was a reason other prosecutors refused this case - it’s a nothingburger. Finally, a SOROS-funded prosecutor took it.

What has happened here is reveal how far the Left will go to keep the American electorate from choosing their president.
If a relative of a judge had an effect on a judges impartiality, we would have no judges.
That’s absurd. There are plenty of judges, even elected state judges, who do NOT have immediate family members who partisan operatives who are cashing on that judge’s position presiding over the trial of an opposition leader.

If it’s a case of “all judges do this” which family member of Aileen Cannon is raking in millions since she got Trump’ documents case?
Cohen is a reliable prosecution witness in part because of his candor about his own propensity for dishonesty and criminal chicanery. In other words, he was honest about his own lies.
Cohen lied in THIS case about a key claim: that he had called Trump, through a Trump bodyguard, to inform Trump about Cohen paying off the porn star.
The underlying crime is one of the reasons Cohen went to jail, an illegal campaign contribution. This case is about the falsification of business records to conceal this illegal campaign contribution. How can we come to the end of this case without knowing this?
If that’s what it is, and it’s so straightforward, why is the judge going to leave it to the jury to pick the underlying crime?
Of the five only the last could even remotely be called Trump's responsibility. "Putting kids in cages" was an Obama policy and separating kids from their criminal parents is a universal practice in the USA. If you doubt that look for photos of children living in prison with their prisoner moms and/or dads. The reason they couldn't reunite the "families" is that the parent scattered to the four winds AND used fake names when they were apprehended. The "parents" have made no efforts that I am aware of to reunite their families for the most part.
Trump separated kids from their families and caged them like free range chickens.
What? Rolling his eyes? You’re ready to discount the testimony of a credible attorney who rolled his eyes in favor of the testimony of a convicted perjurer who on in record as saying he wants to see Trump in prison?
He perjured himself to protect Trump!
Sure he wants to see Trump in prison. Trump ruined his fucking life.

There's a message there. Everyone who has ever been in proximity to this man have had their lives ruined, but you want to put him back in charge to ruin the lives of people he failed to the last time he was in.
A case like this - with a DA who elevated a misdemeanor long expired by saying it was to cover up an unidentified underlying crime, a judge with a big anti-Trump bias who wouldn’t let an expert defense witness testify that Trump violated no election law, a prosecution who put on a convicted perjurer knowing he would likely lie, and a jury made up of Trump haters - should have been televised so that voters could see for themselves the length the Lefists will do to keep Trump off the campaign trail, smear him with a guilty verdict over a nothingburger, and rob the American electorate from choosing their president.
seymour flops is lying about Cohen supposedly lying in testimony in this case.

^^^ see? This is why the trial should have been televised. Leftists like the one above get the news coverage from liberal media, and thus he honestly doesn’t know that Cohen was caught in a lie right on the stand.

He also confessed to embezzlement from Trump. And yet this is the guy Slow Horses thinks is an honest, credible witness?

The reason the case wasn’t televised is because they didn’t want the voters to see all the shenanigans committed by the anti-Trumpers.
A case like this - with a DA who elevated a misdemeanor long expired by saying it was to cover up an unidentified underlying crime, a judge with a big anti-Trump bias who wouldn’t let an expert defense witness testify that Trump violated no election law, a prosecution who put on a convicted perjurer knowing he would likely lie, and a jury made up of Trump haters - should have been televised so that voters could see for themselves the length the Lefists will do to keep Trump off the campaign trail, smear him with a guilty verdict over a nothingburger, and rob the American electorate from choosing their president.
I would have loved for the public to see Trump snarling, grumbling and falling asleep during trial.

Trump robbed America of it's choice of Hillary, who won by 2 million votes.
He tried to rob America again by staging a coup on January 6th, 2021.
^^^ see? This is why the trial should have been televised. Leftists like the one above get the news coverage from liberal media, and thus he honestly doesn’t know that Cohen was caught in a lie right on the stand.

He also confessed to embezzlement from Trump. And yet this is the guy Slow Horses thinks is an honest, credible witness?

The reason the case wasn’t televised is because they didn’t want the voters to see all the shenanigans committed by the anti-Trumpers.
Actually, no trials in NY State are televised. Just as Federal trials aren't televised.
What crime did Trump violate? I want you to be in Trump's frame of mind. How can they convict Trump?

The jury was pretty well hand picked to be sure of a pre-determined conviction. The only hope is two lawyers on the jury will want to protect their reputation and not vote guilty in a trial with no crime identified. Hopefully they will be able to influence the other 10 jurors, but I suspect the outcome will be a hung jury at best. Overturned on appeal at worst.
If that’s what it is, and it’s so straightforward, why is the judge going to leave it to the jury to pick the underlying crime?
I was digging through the Federal rules on sentencing and double-jeopardy a while back, and I ran across something interesting.

I don't know if New York has a similar rule but it wouldn't surprise me.

It is this- when a misdemeanor is elevated to a felony due to an underlying crime, the sentence cannot be greater than the sentence for the underlying crime.

It makes sense when you think about it.

If that applies here, it would mean the maximum sentence would still be a misdemeanor, because the two NY Laws that are possible object crimes are also misdemeanors.

I'm expecting a hung jury or an acquittal, but I thought it was an interesting detail.
Trump separated kids from their families and caged them like free range chickens.
You mean these cages?


^^^ see? This is why the trial should have been televised. Leftists like the one above get the news coverage from liberal media, and thus he honestly doesn’t know that Cohen was caught in a lie right on the stand.

He also confessed to embezzlement from Trump. And yet this is the guy Slow Horses thinks is an honest, credible witness?

The reason the case wasn’t televised is because they didn’t want the voters to see all the shenanigans committed by the anti-Trumpers.
The left loves to change definitions of words we've been using for a thousand years.

Now "honest" means "hates Donald Trump."
The jury was pretty well hand picked to be sure of a pre-determined conviction. The only hope is two lawyers on the jury will want to protect their reputation and not vote guilty in a trial with no crime identified. Hopefully they will be able to influence the other 10 jurors, but I suspect the outcome will be a hung jury at best. Overturned on appeal at worst.
Let's hope the two lawyers explain it well to the Jury.
I would have loved for the public to see Trump snarling, grumbling and falling asleep during trial.

Trump robbed America of it's choice of Hillary, who won by 2 million votes.
He tried to rob America again by staging a coup on January 6th, 2021.
Trump controlled the Army, the Air Force, the Navy and Marines and had he wanted to have a Coup, jerk Biden could not have stopped it. So explain all the peaceful protestors at the Capitol that day you whine about?

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