A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump

A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump​

How a jury can find Trump guilty

Find that payments were made to cover up his sex with a porn star
Not illegal
Find that Trump was aware of the payments
Not proven he was aware of the payments, but they were legal anyway
Find that Trump directed or was aware that they would be hidden as a business expense.
A non-disclosure agreement is a legal expense.
Find that it was done to cover up another crime
The “other crime” has never been identified.
I think that his way of talking is part of his appeal to the working man, actually. Like “one of the guys!”

That, however, is of no matter to me: I focus strictly on policies, and their consequences, and there is no doubt that Trump’s policies were better for America, and better for the world. The only people who were NOT better off are the illegal aliens.


Let's review, shall we?

Riots in the streets
Kids in Concentration Camps

How was this better?

You can't mix a cake in a chamberpot, and you can't make good government with a foul-mouthed, petty narcissist who appeals to the worst in Americans.

I just don’t know what has happened to Democrats to cause such hate for this country, hate for our ally Israel, and hate for Americans who refuse to submit to liberalism. I can’t believe that I was ever one of them!
that's okay, nobody believes you ever were.

The Zionists Squatters aren't our ally, they are playing us for fools.
Glad you were smart enough to ask. The actual answer is no. Clinton was impeached for two other reasons. In fact you guys refused to convict Clinton. So now you want to do to Trump what you allege was done to Clinton.
Republicans also refused to convict in the Senate, including Fred Thompson and Alren Spector.

That said, Clinton was held accountable for lying about the blow job. He paid a fine, was forced to settle the legal case, and gave up his license to practice law. ACCOUNTABILITY.

Time for Trump to fess up, too.
Not illegal

Not proven he was aware of the payments, but they were legal anyway

A non-disclosure agreement is a legal expense.

The “other crime” has never been identified.

The Jury has heard all of the testimony and seen all of the evidence
I have not and neither have you.

They will be the ones making the decision
Yup. Cohen’s former lawyer testified that Cohen told him that Trump knew nothing about it.

Except Costello was never Cohen's lawyer. Cohen specifically sent him an email saying, YOU DO NOT REPRESENT ME!

Other emails show that he was working on behalf of Trump to keep Cohen quiet. A clear conflict of interest.
Except Costello was never Cohen's lawyer. Cohen specifically sent him an email saying, YOU DO NOT REPRESENT ME!

Other emails show that he was working on behalf of Trump to keep Cohen quiet. A clear conflict of interest.

Costello blew up in the defenses face and killed any momentum they built in the Cohen testimony
Campaign expenditures that happened AFTER the election? When Trump is alleged to have committed the crime, he was already president, there was to campaign.
The payment was made by Cohen before the election, at Trump's behest, and then he tried to quietly compensate Cohen after the election by filing false claims of "legal expenses".
Spoken with the enthusiasm of a Communist.^^^^

Remember that Hillary warned us the Communists are here. Well blow me down, She has proof as the above post proves.
She does have proof.
Hillary was debating a communist.


Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit


https://www.bbc.com › news › world-europe-44852812

Jul 16, 2018 — After face-to-face talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies and said there had been no reason ...

Trump says he'd let Russia attack NATO countries that don' ...​

NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › politics › politics-news › tr...

Feb 11, 2024 — Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that ...
Costello blew up in the defenses face and killed any momentum they built in the Cohen testimony
How‘d he blow up? Because the judge read him the riot act because he didn’t like he rolled his eyes? That was done to try to damage his credibility,
How‘d he blow up? Because the judge read him the riot act because he didn’t like he rolled his eyes? That was done to try to damage his credibility,

Not just that.

But he also denied that he was working on Trump's behalf, and then the emails to his partners were introduced, showing that he was really working for Trump to try to keep Cohen quiet.
If it is a hung jury, they would have to do a new trial and complete it by September 5 to avoid the election season's end.

There won't be enough time for it.
Happy to see an admission of the true purpose of the trial.
If the scoundrel is found NG, that will be it for him, and I think he has an excellent chance to win in November.
A finding of not guilty would actually slightly reduce Trump's chances of winning. A finding of guilt will give Trump a bump in the polls.
His behavior negated his message
What? Rolling his eyes? You’re ready to discount the testimony of a credible attorney who rolled his eyes in favor of the testimony of a convicted perjurer who on in record as saying he wants to see Trump in prison?

(See? This is what I am afraid of. A jury of Trump-haters like Rightwinger disregarding the law, the fact that the prosecution’s witness is a perjurer, and that there is no proof of any crime will try to nail Trump regardless. The case should have been moved to Staten Island.)
What? Rolling his eyes? You’re ready to discount the testimony of a credible attorney who rolled his eyes in favor of the testimony of a convicted perjurer who on in record as saying he wants to see Trump in prison?

(See? This is what I am afraid of. A jury of Trump-haters like Rightwinger disregarding the law, the fact that the prosecution’s witness is a perjurer, and that there is no proof of any crime will try to nail Trump regardless. The case should have been moved to Staten Island.)

A jury considers the credibility of a witness.
A witness acting up like that is demonstrating his bias.
A jury considers the credibility of a witness.
A witness acting up like that is demonstrating his bias.
Again….a witness rolling his eyes is worse than a witness who is a convicted perjurer?

And you don’t think Fani Willis “acted up”? Why is she allowed to get away with disgraceful behavior when a Trump witness can’t roll his eyes?

Your irrational, deluded bias against Trump is what I fear sits on the jury. There might be 10 of them as bad as you.
You know….Im thinking maybe a conviction wouldn‘t be so bad at all. The appellate court would overturn it, and be required to explain why:

  • prosecutorial misconduct for purposes of election interference
  • a judge who should have recused himself due to his daughter’s role
  • a prosecution who knowingly put on a perjurer as a witness, kmowing he was likely to lie
  • a misdemeanor elevated to a felony for an “underlying crime” that was never identified
  • a credible witness offered testimony that Trump knew nothing about the payments, enough for reasonable doubt
  • hush money payments are legal
-without the identification of the “underlying crime,” the misdemeanor of falsifying records - which Trump may have known nothing about - has long expired

Let's review, shall we?

Riots in the streets
Kids in Concentration Camps

How was this better?

You can't mix a cake in a chamberpot, and you can't make good government with a foul-mouthed, petty narcissist who appeals to the worst in Americans.

that's okay, nobody believes you ever were.

The Zionists Squatters aren't our ally, they are playing us for fools.
Of the five only the last could even remotely be called Trump's responsibility. "Putting kids in cages" was an Obama policy and separating kids from their criminal parents is a universal practice in the USA. If you doubt that look for photos of children living in prison with their prisoner moms and/or dads. The reason they couldn't reunite the "families" is that the parent scattered to the four winds AND used fake names when they were apprehended. The "parents" have made no efforts that I am aware of to reunite their families for the most part.
You know….Im thinking maybe a conviction wouldn‘t be so bad at all. The appellate court would overturn it, and be required to explain why:

  • prosecutorial misconduct for purposes of election interference
  • a judge who should have recused himself due to his daughter’s role
  • a prosecution who knowingly put on a perjurer as a witness, kmowing he was likely to lie
  • a misdemeanor elevated to a felony for an “underlying crime” that was never identified
  • a credible witness offered testimony that Trump knew nothing about the payments, enough for reasonable doubt
  • hush money payments are legal
-without the identification of the “underlying crime,” the misdemeanor of falsifying records - which Trump may have known nothing about - has long expired
this case was in the works prior to anyone know Trump would run for president; he announced run for president in nov 2022, which has no change on this case.

If a relative of a judge had an effect on a judges impartiality, we would have no judges.

Cohen is a reliable prosecution witness in part because of his candor about his own propensity for dishonesty and criminal chicanery. In other words, he was honest about his own lies.

The underlying crime is one of the reasons Cohen went to jail, an illegal campaign contribution. This case is about the falsification of business records to conceal this illegal campaign contribution. How can we come to the end of this case without knowing this?
Republicans also refused to convict in the Senate, including Fred Thompson and Alren Spector.

That said, Clinton was held accountable for lying about the blow job. He paid a fine, was forced to settle the legal case, and gave up his license to practice law. ACCOUNTABILITY.

Time for Trump to fess up, too.
Stop lying, Clinton was held accountable for lying under oath in a sexual harassment trial. He was trying to avoid responsibility for his own actions

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