A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump

They can't even get Trump for Tax evasion. They are total criminals as I see Democrats.
It's really fruit of the poisonous tree if you drill down.

The first search warrants on Cohen were based on claims from the Steele Dossier, which the FBI had known for at least 6 months to be a fabrication of the Clinton Campaign.

They were accusing him of being a Russian agent and using the "Essential Consultants LLC" entity for laundering money from a Russian oligarch and a Korean Aerospace company and AT&T.

The crimes were failing to register as a foreign agent, money laundering, and bank fraud.

With those warrants for his gmail and iCloud accounts, they found the payments to Daniels' lawyer, and the emails between Pecker and Howard and Davidson, and his tax evasion and false statements to his bank.

The accusations of money laundering and being a foreign agent vanished into thin air, and tax evasion and campaign finance violations based on the NDA's became his new "crimes".

Any evidence obtained as a result of those original warrants should be excluded as the warrants were falsely sworn.
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So why do the Trump cultists tell these really stupid and pathetic lies?

For the same reasons that the old nazis deliberately told lies about the jews/liberals. They're trying to justify and encourage even more brownshirt violence and terrorist violence from their fellow Trump cultists.

The funny part is they think it's not obvious.
Look at how long it takes to nail Bidens ass into a prison cell.
You're getting more and more rabid. That's expected. It always happens with the hardcore fascists.

They'll say awful and depraved things.

People will call them out for being such shit humans.

Rather than behave better, they react with sputtering hatred towards the people who dared call them out.

And so they go into a sanity/morality death spiral, consuming themselves with hatred.
You watch too much Fox

I was on two juries. We did not care about politics, we did not care if we liked the defendant or not.
We just looked at the charges and the facts submitted that supported or didn’t
I’ve been on juries as well. But that was before liberals were consumed with irrational hate for one specific man - as evidenced by this sham od a trial in the first place.

The fact that this is Trump will factor into their decision. The prosecutor sure factored it into his decision to bring the charges. The judge is sure factoring it into his rulings.

Don’t be naive and pretend that Trump-hating leftists from Manhattan will be fair. The trial should have been moved to Staten Island, which is more balanced between Rs and Ds,
Not my fault if you are too stupid to understand. I've posted that information several times. I can't understand it for you.
So just tell me….what is the underlying crime that makes the charge a crime?
I’ve been on juries as well. But that was before liberals were consumed with irrational hate for one specific man - as evidenced by this sham od a trial in the first place.

The fact that this is Trump will factor into their decision. The prosecutor sure factored it into his decision to bring the charges. The judge is sure factoring it into his rulings.

Don’t be naive and pretend that Trump-hating leftists from Manhattan will be fair. The trial should have been moved to Staten Island, which is more balanced between Rs and Ds,

I believe the jury will be fair
Lets hear the verdict and what the jurors say about the deliberation
You always show up to attack Republicans and defend Democrats. Shokin was not corrupt at all. Look at how long it takes to nail Bidens ass into a prison cell.
I attack your lies.
You have NO proof that Shokin was prosecuting Corruption, YET I have provided the proof that Shokin was NOT prosecuting the corruption in Ukraine.

seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus. In other words, Pyatt is critical of the prosecutor’s office for not aiding in investigations of Burisma’s owner, which was in line with Biden’s criticism that the office was blocking corruption investigations. Pyatt specifically called for the investigation and removal of officials who were involved in the failure to help the British authorities investigate Zlochevskiy:

“We have learned that there have been times that the PGO not only did not support investigations into corruption, but rather undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases.
For example, in the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevskiy, the U.K. authorities had seized 23 million dollars in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people. Officials at the PGO’s office were asked by the U.K to send documents supporting the seizure.
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It really should be an acquittal, but you know that there will be just a few hard-left radicals that don’t care about the law - only getting Trump.

My expectation is that it will be a hung jury, and my fear is that the Soros-funded DA will call for a new trial.
A hung jury benefits the democrats, a new trial would keep Trump from campaigning until Election Day.
You keep saying the same stupid shit

The jury will once again be briefed on the charges against Trump and will decide if he is guilty
Are you kidding? The jury instructions already say that the prosecution doesn’t have to identify the felony, the jurors can pick their own, and don’t even have to agree on one, they can each decide on his or her own felony of choice.
Sorry sweetie but you are dumber than a stump and I am not going to patronize you anymore.

Look up falsifying business records
That is the ”crime” they are charging Trump with, NOT the additional crime that elevated all those misdemeanors to felonies to avoid the expired statute of limitations. That crime has never even been identified, let alone charged against Trump.
If I were in Trump's frame of mind, I'd realize I was a malignant narcissist and seek help.

Trump falsified business records to hide illegal campaign expenditures.

That's what he's on trial for.

That's what he'll be convicted of because the evidence is pretty overwealming.

It doesn't help when your only witness admits he was there as part of the scheme.
Campaign expenditures that happened AFTER the election? When Trump is alleged to have committed the crime, he was already president, there was to campaign.

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