A lot of us see no way for the Jury to convict Trump

I think that his way of talking is part of his appeal to the working man, actually. Like “one of the guys!”

That, however, is of no matter to me: I focus strictly on policies, and their consequences, and there is no doubt that Trump’s policies were better for America, and better for the world. The only people who were NOT better off are the illegal aliens.

I just don’t know what has happened to Democrats to cause such hate for this country, hate for our ally Israel, and hate for Americans who refuse to submit to liberalism. I can’t believe that I was ever one of them!
Yes, I do not hate Trump for how he talks. But millions of democrats clearly do. I am with you on evaluating presidents. I left the Democrats back in time to elect Reagan and I saw this coming way back when Reagan was president. Now they are blatant and easy to see as corrupted.
Yes, I do not hate Trump for how he talks. But millions of democrats clearly do. I am with you on evaluating presidents. I left the Democrats back in time to elect Reagan and I saw this coming way back when Reagan was president. Now they are blatant and easy to see as corrupted.
Was Reagan your first election?

My first was the 1976 Ford-Carter race, and being a gullible, naive, and easily manipulated college student, I voted for Carter. But by 1980, I had just graduated, and even as a young woman in my early 20s, I knew what a disaster Carter had been….and went Reagan.

So did my parents, btw. Lifelong Democrats, they voted Reagan in 1980 and never went back.
I think that it is a Democrat Jury, and they will convict Trump without any evidence of a crime.
Just like they did to Officer Chauvin.
Dude, just stop being a dishonest victim.

The trial will turn on the evidence not your stupid maga crying.
You keep saying the same stupid shit

The jury will once again be briefed on the charges against Trump and will decide if he is guilty
And if done to cover up another crime it becomes a felony

Now you can’t say “nobody can say what the crime is”

So what is the ”other crime”? It’s never been identified.

You can’t just say someone falsified business records to cover up another crime, which is what makes it a felony….and then be unable to say what that other crime is!
We understood them charging the Mafia. We understood them executing the Rosenbergs. We do not understand why Democrats and them alone prosecute a former president. When the prosecution is against Biden, then you will finally understand this.
Because he paid a pornstar to kill the story of the fuck date and falsified documents to cover it up bob.
Because he paid a pornstar to kill the story of the fuck date and falsified documents to cover it up bob.
A credible witness for the defense testified that Trump did NOT even know about it. Enough for reasonable doubt.
So what is the ”other crime”? It’s never been identified.

You can’t just say someone falsified business records to cover up another crime, which is what makes it a felony….and then be unable to say what that other crime is!
They don't know.
Because he paid a pornstar to kill the story of the fuck date and falsified documents to cover it up bob.
Where is the proof. Even were that you speak of being a crime. I see her as guilty for extortion. Bet you defend the whore. Cohen has said from day 1 that he decided to pay her and next Trump did not know. Ergo no crime.
Hilarious bob

When you left the party your brain went with it.
Keep hunting. Sooner or later you will find yours. By the way, it was smart of me to take my Brain with me.
They don't know.
Of course they don’t know. And just listen to these leftists squirming as they try to explain what the crime is:

The ”felony charge” is that Trump did something to cover up an underlying crime - and there is no underlying crime.
See what the jury says
Other witnesses said he did
Who said? The convicted perjurer?

And remember….the jury has anti-Trump jurors on it who are like you, and would be willing to convict Trump for a crime that has never been identified.

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