A Maine city that's 90% White now has a Somali mayor

Its about policy not race....3rd world migrants tend to be conservative believers in our constitution and bill of rights because they come from countries with neither...this will come as a big shock to open border dems....
And I thought they were only giving those people the job of sheriff, not mayor.
Its about policy not race....3rd world migrants tend to be conservative believers in our constitution and bill of rights because they come from countries with neither...this will come as a big shock to open border dems....
Lol. If you read the article you'd see she got politically active protesting Trump and white supremacy... and has a quote in there to the affect of "I'm a black, Muslim immigrant and I'm not going anywhere!".
Well, if you want to turn a city into a shithole it pays to hire a mayor with lots of experience.
Total naivety. Those kind of people who claim they are "color-blind." But all those types are incredibly corrupt and she'll rob them blind; the FBI will drive up and haul her off to jail as they have the last TWO female black Baltimore mayors.

This kind of naivety reminds me of an old country church -- Episcopal -- in my area. They couldn't find a pastor; you can't anymore. Still, it was a nice physical plant and it had a congregation. So this dreadful woman I knew took the lead in bring in a 67-year-old acknowledged Lesbian WITH a "wife," with the idea they'd be living in the Manse. I expressed doubts how well that would be received by the deep-country older farmer congregation. "Oh, none of that matters!" she asserted. "I'd be more concerned how she manages her pastoral duties."

I wish I knew whether the church has closed yet; but Covid came in just then, so I never heard, so far.
as Maine goes, so goes...Maine!

Mayors have little power.

Govenors have power.

Now show me one black american governor in USA mainland ?

Don't bother there is none. Gee- I wonder why ?
Lol. If you read the article you'd see she got politically active protesting Trump and white supremacy... and has a quote in there to the affect of "I'm a black, Muslim immigrant and I'm not going anywhere!".
She is right.

She and her people are not going anywhere.

They are the future of the United States of America.

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