A man harasses a woman for wearing a Puerto Rico shirt, saying it's 'un-American'

Where I live, a man was threatening a family and was outside of their house. He broke down the door started in with his fists raised and a neighbor came over and shot and killed him. He wasn't charged because he was threatening violence against the neighbor. They said it was the stand your ground defense. If you like, I can try and find it as it was in our local paper here.
Wow, just wow.

When you break and enter, that is a crime and a direct threat on your person. In addition, that is NOT what I asked you. I asked you to find someone here or in elected office that has promoted shooting someone who was yelling at a person but never put their hands on them.

Please read what is written and reply to that and that only.[/QUOTE

Well, cops shoot unarmed people who never put their hands on them almost daily. It's all over the news, also on a daily basis, but I guess because it was done by a cowardly cop, then it's okay. Their defense is that they felt threatened. Those shot and killed by them weren't even up in their faces, they were several feet away with their hands in the air, or in some cases, running away and shot in the back. And speaking of cowardly cops, that one wouldn't help that woman and none would until more showed up.
I can see you have no intention of staying on the topic at hand.

Get back to Me when you show the same outrage at conservative and right-leaning people are abused and attacked like this lady was.
Show us some examples....with the cop doing nothing.
No, but I'll show you examples of the left cheering the harassment of conservatives by people invading their space and yelling at them if you'd like. A very famous one happened in a restaurant not too long ago. In fact, they not only harassed her, they chased her companions across the street. I'm sure you remember the incident? Yes? Maybe the one where the Sec. Homeland Security? I"m sure you remember that one too!

Got any outrage for that when it was happening? After the fact to justify your outrage in this thread is hypocrisy.
Yep. The left set the rules. This falls well within what they justify.

If she were wearing a MAGA shirt, the left would excuse him if he ripped the shirt off her body.

I hope I'm doing this right. this is my first posting with a video attached. If it doesn't come through, can someone correct it for me?


how did this get here? I posted it in the political group and not here...
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Get back to us when he rips her shirt off and slaps her around ya hear?
Of course...that's what trumpanzees were hoping for.

But it's nice to know they support this guy.
Go on over to my post of this in the political group and see how many of then support this guy and blame the woman. they even said she started it without one shred of evidence.
I have already said he was not correct in his actions! Did ewe do the same with the Antifa thugs dahlink?

I hope I'm doing this right. this is my first posting with a video attached. If it doesn't come through, can someone correct it for me?


Ohhhh noooo....the guy almost touched her....the nerve.

He got right up in her face and invaded her space in a pavilion she rented. Plus he showed his uneducated ignorance about Puerto Rico.

Yup, and almost touched her. Ummm...rented a pavilion, isn't this a public park, they don't rent pavilions.

FFS! She said she rented and had a receipt!

Yeah, sure didn't hear that in the video....you aren't trying to BS us are you?

Well, if you didn't hear it it is because you weren't listening. She said it many times.
I have already said he was not correct in his actions! Did ewe do the same with the Antifa thugs dahlink?
I hope you Antifa supporters noticed the guy was arrested for ASSAULT (which he earned).

I think most don't understand the real definition of assault.

The Antifa thugs that get in the face of those they call "nazis" are actually guilty of ASSAULT and they too should be arrested.

Your hypocritical double standard is noticed, and that's why nobody tales the left seriously.

I hope I'm doing this right. this is my first posting with a video attached. If it doesn't come through, can someone correct it for me?


how did this get here? I posted it in the political group and not here...

This thread already existed on this topic, so I merged them. If there is already an existing thread on topic use that one as opposed to creating a new one. Thanks
Wow, just wow.

When you break and enter, that is a crime and a direct threat on your person. In addition, that is NOT what I asked you. I asked you to find someone here or in elected office that has promoted shooting someone who was yelling at a person but never put their hands on them.

Please read what is written and reply to that and that only.[/QUOTE

Well, cops shoot unarmed people who never put their hands on them almost daily. It's all over the news, also on a daily basis, but I guess because it was done by a cowardly cop, then it's okay. Their defense is that they felt threatened. Those shot and killed by them weren't even up in their faces, they were several feet away with their hands in the air, or in some cases, running away and shot in the back. And speaking of cowardly cops, that one wouldn't help that woman and none would until more showed up.
I can see you have no intention of staying on the topic at hand.

Get back to Me when you show the same outrage at conservative and right-leaning people are abused and attacked like this lady was.
Show us some examples....with the cop doing nothing.
No, but I'll show you examples of the left cheering the harassment of conservatives by people invading their space and yelling at them if you'd like. A very famous one happened in a restaurant not too long ago. In fact, they not only harassed her, they chased her companions across the street. I'm sure you remember the incident? Yes? Maybe the one where the Sec. Homeland Security? I"m sure you remember that one too!

Got any outrage for that when it was happening? After the fact to justify your outrage in this thread is hypocrisy.
Yep. The left set the rules. This falls well within what they justify.

If she were wearing a MAGA shirt, the left would excuse him if he ripped the shirt off her body.
But....you see....that has never happened so how would you know?
Well..I WAS probably going to root for the woman..but..after watching the vid, the dude is drunk (no excuse) but she seems to not be so innocent herself. What did she do BEFORE filming the confrontation to get him all riled to begin with? Betcha it was something for the cops to ignore the whole thing.

I'm curious what it is in the video that makes you think the woman instigated this. I didn't see any sort of instigation on her part.
Yeah. And I am curious as to what happened BEFORE she began to film. Aren't you? Or are you just going to take her word for it since there are never any two sides to any story, right?
Get back to us when he rips her shirt off and slaps her around ya hear?
Of course...that's what trumpanzees were hoping for.

But it's nice to know they support this guy.
Go on over to my post of this in the political group and see how many of then support this guy and blame the woman. they even said she started it without one shred of evidence.
And again....AGAIN....how do you know what SHE did before he became a nutbar and confronted her? Did you stop to think MAYBE the cops did nothing because of something SHE did to instigate it?
I posted this over in the Politics group and the men there are defending this asshole. They are blaming the woman for his harassing her.
And how do you know what the woman was doing BEFORE he went bonkers? You don't. So why the bullshit?

The little I saw, she TOLD a group of people they HAD to leave. Did she have that right? He apparently didn't think so
I posted this over in the Politics group and the men there are defending this asshole. They are blaming the woman for his harassing her.
And how do you know what the woman was doing BEFORE he went bonkers? You don't. So why the bullshit?
She could have been sitting quietly minding her own business and he STILL had the same right to call her out as protesters have to call Mitch McConnell out.

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