A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

Of course many denominations accept sin. Scripture is very clear on that reality. Jesus told us about false prophets and false churches. Scripture warns us repeatedly about the false brethren and to stay clear of them. You seem to have this crazy notion that just because people accept sin that God also accepts it. Good luck.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Yes, I will go there. So many of you filthy jackals demand that Christians shut up and keep it at home or in our church. That isn't what the Constitution says. YOU are NOT to prohibit the free exercise (expression) of my religion. That's what it says. You don't believe that.

No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:

1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice.

2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.
Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
Yes, I will go there. So many of you filthy jackals demand that Christians shut up and keep it at home or in our church. That isn't what the Constitution says. YOU are NOT to prohibit the free exercise (expression) of my religion. That's what it says. You don't believe that.

No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:

1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice.

2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.
Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
You're very first sentence is a lie. You're pushing on my shoes and telling me it's rain.
Because you say so??
Yes. You claim no one is trying to silence Christian's. That's a lie.
I have said this many times before but you people don't get it. I don't care about what you preach. I care about how you treat others and what you advocate for,, and your sticking you noses in other peoples live and dictate how they should live.
I don't care who sleeps with who. I don't punish people for their beliefs. The left does.
The only scripture that I pay attention to is the Constitution of the United States of America. The rest is, well ….unfiltered BS. Save you preaching for the mentally defectives who believe that tripe.
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then why are you quoting an article that lies about Scripture?
No one is trying to shut you people up. It is only with the rise of the political religious right that a bastardized view of religious freedom has emerged. It has come to mean that you get to impose your religious views on others. Being free to believe, worship, live and speak your mind whenever and wherever you wish is no longer enough. You might want to take a look at this:

Source: Religious freedom & the freedom to discriminate
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
The article is stating observable behavior of the religious right wing bigots. Are you stating that you and they do not want to marginalize, demean, control and discriminate against LGBT people? Now THAT is a lie
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
I bet you find Buttigieg attractive, don't you? Also why did he choose to be a homosexual disciple of Satan and reject the Bible?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then you know nothing about Christianity!
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
Because it is a bunch of gibberish written by delusional and superstitious, uneducated goat herders, who feared the unknown and desperately need to believe in a savior- like you.
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
Because it is a bunch of gibberish written by delusional and superstitious, uneducated goat herders, who feared the unknown and desperately need to believe in a savior- like you.

Sure, because unless YOU believe something it cannot be true.
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then you know nothing about Christianity!
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
Because it is a bunch of gibberish written by delusional and superstitious, uneducated goat herders, who feared the unknown and desperately need to believe in a savior- like you.
How can you say that when you haven't read it?
That is so idiotic on so many levels . Disciple of Satan ? Really? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then why are you quoting an article that lies about Scripture?
And why are you throwing yourself in front of Graham like a human shield?
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then you know nothing about Christianity!
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
That's when you let Satan take over your once soul and you chose to become a homosexual. You must repent and let God back into your heart and defeat Satan. It's the only way to prevent from burning in hell for eternity.
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
That's when you let Satan take over your once soul and you chose to become a homosexual. You must repent and let God back into your heart and defeat Satan. It's the only way to prevent from burning in hell for eternity.
More pathetic stupidity! Do you really believe that only " homosexuals" advocate for gay rights and equality? Do you live under a rock?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then you know nothing about Christianity!
That is not entirely true. As a child, I was told that I was Catholic. I was put through all of the rituals and bullshit. The "religious training" and all of that. I was subjected to the guilt and fear of not believing. "Worship this God or burn in hell ". Then one day, in my early 20"s I realized that being Catholic is not genetic, or a congenital defect. It is a choice, and a not very good one . It was an awakening. A new found freedom to choose how I want to live and not be told how to live my the clerics who seek to control other by fear and superstition . I have been happy and free since- 50 years and counting- and know that you don't need religious doctrine or a belief in God to lead a moral and good life without inflicting pain on others, as you surly with to do. .
That's when you let Satan take over your once soul and you chose to become a homosexual. You must repent and let God back into your heart and defeat Satan. It's the only way to prevent from burning in hell for eternity.
More pathetic stupidity! Do you really believe that only " homosexuals" advocate for gay rights and equality? Do you live under a rock?
Not stupidity but fact! You don't know any facts because you haven't read the Bible like most if not all Homosexuals.
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
The article is stating observable behavior of the religious right wing bigots. Are you stating that you and they do not want to marginalize, demean, control and discriminate against LGBT people? Now THAT is a lie
Yep, I don't want queers raising children, teaching children or having an authority over children. I also don't want homosexuality taught as being as normal behavior as heterosexuality. Guilty as charged. I admit it. Why don't you also get honest and admit you want to marginalize and control Christians.
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Why not?
Because it is a bunch of gibberish written by delusional and superstitious, uneducated goat herders, who feared the unknown and desperately need to believe in a savior- like you.
Christophobic bigot.
Yes, Homosexuals are the disciples of Satan. It's not idiotic. It's the truth as written in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?
Answer me! Have you read the Bible?
Fuck no!!
Then why are you quoting an article that lies about Scripture?
And why are you throwing yourself in front of Graham like a human shield?
Graham spoke the truth. I always defend the truth.
Really, I wouldn't know. If true it does not change to point that is being made
So if you don't know, then why are you posting something you're ignorant about? Duh!!
Take it up with the author of the piece. It's irrelevant to the point being made.
The author is a liar. There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible. If the author is a liar, your article is a lie. DUH!!
The article is stating observable behavior of the religious right wing bigots. Are you stating that you and they do not want to marginalize, demean, control and discriminate against LGBT people? Now THAT is a lie
Yep, I don't want queers raising children, teaching children or having an authority over children. I also don't want homosexuality taught as being as normal behavior as heterosexuality. Guilty as charged. I admit it. Why don't you also get honest and admit you want to marginalize and control Christians.
I do want to marginalize and control Christians . But only bigoted, ignorant Christians like you . Not the decent, humanitarian Christian, that I believe most are .

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