A Meager 5%


Sep 23, 2010

American household income dropped nearly 5 percent in economic recovery
By Stephen C. Webster
Friday, August 24, 2012 10:08 EDT

American household income dropped nearly 5 percent in economic recovery | The Raw Story

That 5% represents median household income for the middle class. I assume that means the private sector middle class because household incomes for the government middle class have been rising steadily since 2009.

Trickle-down poverty

The devastation to the lowest level of working Americans is far greater than the pain 5% does to households still earning $50,964. It all makes me wonder whose side Democrats are on in LBJ’s War Against Poverty.

Charles Krauthammer nailed Barack Taqiyya’s misdirection on income inequality. Click on the link for the video:

If you watched the video you saw Krauthammer stop short of mentioning the most important factor. Income inequality is caused by the income tax. In the course of standard government larceny most tax dollars end up in the pockets of the wealthy folks Barack Taqiyya paints as villains. Whenever the wealthy are feeling the pinch a stimulus package or a bailout sets things right.

NOTE: It’s ludicrous for the people who caused the widening spread between the top, and the bottom, of the food chain to claim it is not caused by the tax on income. Barack Taqiyya & Company make that claim every time they raise the tax on income. The problem is getting the targets who are hit the hardest to see how it works.

Nor does Barack Taqiyya mention the tax dollars that go to making the people in government wealthy/wealthier; not only elected officials but top bureaucrats as well. Unlike private sector Americans the rank & file bureaucrats are not missing any meals.

Finally, nobody should be complaining about the loss of a meager 5% if it makes Barack Taqiyya look bad. Like Krauthammer said:

He talks about this in the abstract and he actually gets away with it in a way that I find absolutely astonishing, it's magical.
Employers love a buyers market.

To Mr Clean: Market realities bless the love affair in every economic system.

Question: How come economic boom and bust cycles were so bad if socialism gives us the same income inequalities in addition to eliminating individual freedoms?

Frankly, I prefer the freedoms that came with boom and bust.
I keep reading this post and still don't quite understand the point you are trying to make.

ARe you trying to tell us that the 5% reduction in median family income is due to tax increases?

If so, you have been misinformed.
High unemployment means the purchasers of labor are in a better negotiating position.

Want higher wages? Then we need high economic growth so that there is more competition for employees. Everything Obama is doing is the opposite of what's needed to spur economic growth.

He claims the Keystone Pipeline will create "only" 2,000 jobs (which is a lie, the company building the pipeline estimates 118,000 while Obama's State Dept says 42,000). He poured billions into fake green energy companies which created No Jobs, but sniffs at "only" 2,000.

And then he jetted off to Martha's Vineyard.
In couldn't be that the 5% reduction in middle class income has anything to do with the glut of workers looking for work, could it?
I keep reading this post and still don't quite understand the point you are trying to make.

ARe you trying to tell us that the 5% reduction in median family income is due to tax increases?

If so, you have been misinformed.

To editec: Read the OP over and over until my point breaks through, or get someone to explain it to you.

High unemployment means the purchasers of labor are in a better negotiating position.

To boedicca: True, and damaging, for skilled labor.

The minimum wage at other end of the scale fixes the price for unskilled workers. Ergo, amnesty for 20 million illegals will raise their pay to the minimum wage at the expense of higher income taxpayers. It’s a vicious cycle without equal. Even without amnesty taxpayers are picking up the tab for welfare state programs illegals receive; healthcare, education, financial assistance and so on.

Everything Obama is doing is the opposite of what's needed to spur economic growth.

To boedicca: There’s a method to his madness. I firmly believe he wants another Great Depression based on this fact: Socialists made their greatest gains in the 1930s. Their crowning achievement was successfully selling their tyrannical ideology to the American people at the same they began eroding liberties. In precise terms, he wants another economic disaster so he can invoke “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

When all is said and done, Socialists use taxes in order to destroy individual freedom. More than anything else they cannot live with the thought of Americans having economic or individual freedoms. The income tax took away the Right to work for one’s self. Once that Right was eliminated doing away with the other freedoms was a cinch.

He claims the Keystone Pipeline will create "only" 2,000 jobs (which is a lie, the company building the pipeline estimates 118,000 while Obama's State Dept says 42,000). He poured billions into fake green energy companies which created No Jobs, but sniffs at "only" 2,000.

To boedicca: Exactly so. Yet for all of his whining about income inequality he never mentions that those lost billions came from the tax on incomes and went straight to his supporters and his pals on Wall Street.

In couldn't be that the 5% reduction in middle class income has anything to do with the glut of workers looking for work, could it?

To Mr Clean: It could depending upon which income level you’re referring to.

The income tax is the horse that pulls the Socialist wagon. Other factors contribute to middle class income inequality. Factors such as property taxes, the decrease in the dollar’s purchasing power, state taxes, sales taxes, and the massive transfer of the nation’s wealth to the non-producers in government.

Implementing the ACA is a direct tax on income; a tax that will fall on the private sector middle class. The poor can’t pay it. In fact, they will get subsides to pay for healthcare insurance.

Parenthetically, the TRILLIONS of dollars that will pass through the insurance industry’s coffers in the next decade or two will prop up Wall Street far into the future.

For starters, a MINIMUM of four million parasites will be seated at the public trough in the first few years. Their salaries will be paid by the incomes of the workers who will be forced to buy insurance. Insurance companies will pocket huge profits AFTER they payout claims. Should profits shrink you can count on the quality of patient care shrinking even faster. My point here is this: Even without a direct tax on income the government taxes income by forcing Americans to buy something they don’t want. Once again Steny Hoyer makes my case:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Socialist scum in government must control the incomes of every private sector American one way or another. Socialism/Communism cannot survive on voluntary contributions from the faithful. Indeed, the rank & file faithful would disappear overnight should they ever be driven away from the public trough.
I keep reading this post and still don't quite understand the point you are trying to make.

ARe you trying to tell us that the 5% reduction in median family income is due to tax increases?

If so, you have been misinformed.

To editec: Read the OP over and over until my point breaks through, or get someone to explain it to you.

High unemployment means the purchasers of labor are in a better negotiating position.

To boedicca: True, and damaging, for skilled labor.

The minimum wage at other end of the scale fixes the price for unskilled workers. Ergo, amnesty for 20 million illegals will raise their pay to the minimum wage at the expense of higher income taxpayers. It’s a vicious cycle without equal. Even without amnesty taxpayers are picking up the tab for welfare state programs illegals receive; healthcare, education, financial assistance and so on.

To boedicca: There’s a method to his madness. I firmly believe he wants another Great Depression based on this fact: Socialists made their greatest gains in the 1930s. Their crowning achievement was successfully selling their tyrannical ideology to the American people at the same they began eroding liberties. In precise terms, he wants another economic disaster so he can invoke “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

When all is said and done, Socialists use taxes in order to destroy individual freedom. More than anything else they cannot live with the thought of Americans having economic or individual freedoms. The income tax took away the Right to work for one’s self. Once that Right was eliminated doing away with the other freedoms was a cinch.

To boedicca: Exactly so. Yet for all of his whining about income inequality he never mentions that those lost billions came from the tax on incomes and went straight to his supporters and his pals on Wall Street.

In couldn't be that the 5% reduction in middle class income has anything to do with the glut of workers looking for work, could it?

To Mr Clean: It could depending upon which income level you’re referring to.

The income tax is the horse that pulls the Socialist wagon. Other factors contribute to middle class income inequality. Factors such as property taxes, the decrease in the dollar’s purchasing power, state taxes, sales taxes, and the massive transfer of the nation’s wealth to the non-producers in government.

Implementing the ACA is a direct tax on income; a tax that will fall on the private sector middle class. The poor can’t pay it. In fact, they will get subsides to pay for healthcare insurance.

Parenthetically, the TRILLIONS of dollars that will pass through the insurance industry’s coffers in the next decade or two will prop up Wall Street far into the future.

For starters, a MINIMUM of four million parasites will be seated at the public trough in the first few years. Their salaries will be paid by the incomes of the workers who will be forced to buy insurance. Insurance companies will pocket huge profits AFTER they payout claims. Should profits shrink you can count on the quality of patient care shrinking even faster. My point here is this: Even without a direct tax on income the government taxes income by forcing Americans to buy something they don’t want. Once again Steny Hoyer makes my case:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Socialist scum in government must control the incomes of every private sector American one way or another. Socialism/Communism cannot survive on voluntary contributions from the faithful. Indeed, the rank & file faithful would disappear overnight should they ever be driven away from the public trough.
lost me when she mentioned Krauthammer. Anyone who pays any attention to that clown is brain dead. Just a bunch of conservative posts straight from the bat shit crazy con web sites. No value here at all. Cons hate impartial sources.

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