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A Mecca Candidate


Sep 23, 2010
Trading five of the most barbarous Gitmo detainees for one soldier of questionable character ties into the attack in Benghazi. Bear with me on this.

I’ll begin with this video:

The media is making a big deal out of Barack Taqiyya not notifying Congress before releasing enemy combatants. That is pure Bullcrap with a capital B because it does not threaten Taqiyya the Liar in any meaningful way. He breaks the law with impunity and nothing is done. Another meaningless charge of criminal conduct does make Congress and the media look like they are on the ball. Judge Napolitano isn’t buying it (my emphasis):

JUDGE NAPOLITANO: As if a signing statement, a piece of paper he signs at the time he signs the law into existence changes the law. It doesn't under our system. But Megyn, this is by far the lesser of the two laws that he violated. He and his team violated the federal statute which makes criminal providing material assistance to a terrorist organization. This includes money, this includes ceramic mugs, this includes maps, this includes professional services, and this includes releasing human assets back to a terrorist organization. President Obama's Justice Department has successfully prosecuted people for providing material assistance to terrorist organizations and now he himself has done so by letting these five guys loose...

He violated the law by allowing assets to go back to a terrorist organization. You can’t erect a telephone pole, you can’t repair a laptop, you can’t repair a tooth if you’re a dentist for these organizations without violating federal statute.

Megyn Kelly was not happy with the federal statue Napolitano hung around Taqiyya’s neck as her final comment in the video showed:

But the 2nd part of the statue requires intent that the support be used to cause harm against us.

Unless Kelly can demonstrate Taqiyya’s intent is as pure as the driven snow she should NOT spring to his defence so qickly, or at least provide a full debate on the law Judge Napolitano was referencing so the audience can decide for itself.

In 2008, Taqiyya began promising to close Guantanamo. Megyn Kelly can start looking for intent in this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8USRg3h4AdE]Obama's Promise to immediately close Guantanamo - YouTube[/ame]​

Closing Gitmo was one of Taqiyya’s sick attempts to establish himself as the nation’s spiritual leader. In case you missed it he made no “moral” demands on Islam, nor has he ever demanded moral accountability from the Religion of Peace. Indeed, he implied that rough interrogation techniques are worse than the butchery Muslims engage in routinely.

Also, I am not aware that captured enemy combatants are entitled to habeas corpus. I am aware that his broad universal principles means the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those are the Rights that Muslim countries ignore.

In addition to giving the enemy a helping hand by releasing those five specific prisoners, Taqiyya is keeping his promise to close Gitmo irrespective of the law. It is too bad that he is not as committed to honoring the promises he made about keeping your doctor and your heath insurance.

(Hang in there. I’m coming to Benghazi.)

Prisoner of war

The White House sent an idiot, Chuck Hagel, and a liar, Suzy Five Shows, to last Sunday’s talk shows to justify the 5 for 1 swap. They labeled Bowe Bergdahl a prisoner of war in order to make the exchange standard operating procedure; so it is fair to say the five Muslims were our prisoners of war. I could be wrong. This Administration is so goofy they might mean that Bergdahl was a prisoner of war while our 5 Muslims were ordinary criminals. Why is that important? Answer: Enemy combatants from Gitmo were tried in a federal court with the full protection of the US Constitution before the worst of them were released?

We have seen the negative consequences of attempting to bring al Qaeda-trained operatives to trial in U.S. civilian courts before. In 2009, under the direction of Attorney General Eric Holder, the trial of suspect Ahmed Ghailani was moved from Guantanamo Bay to federal court in New York. Ghailani helped plan and carry out the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Due to the legal rights and protections given to Ghailani by moving that trial, critical evidence was made inadmissible and as a result prosecutors were only successful in convicting Ghailani on a paltry conspiracy charge. He was acquitted on the 200 or more murder charges and a myriad of other charges. This case showed how vulnerable our justice system is to manipulation by al Qaeda operatives.

Terrorists Shouldn't Be Tried in the Same Courts as U.S. Citizens
By Danny Gonzalez March 12, 2013

Terrorists Shouldn't Be Tried in the Same Courts as U.S. Citizens - US News

Now comes the Benghazi tie-in

Taqiyya the Liar continues to promise:

The fact is: Capturing and punishing the Muslims who killed our people in Benghazi is the last thing Taqiyya the Liar wants. After promising to capture and punish the attackers was put out there by the White House somebody must have asked: “What are we going to with them if we do capture them?” They could not put them in Gitmo because they were in the process of shutting it down.

At some point they had to realize they could not try the Benghazi attackers in a military court because that would have been an admission that the homemade video story was an absolute lie, a lie they are still denying.

They could not try the Benghazi attackers as criminals in a federal court because it was sure to come out that the attack was a well-planned military operation.

Bottom line: Nobody is looking for the attackers.

My point: Defining the Bergdahl swap as a prisoner of war exchange strengthens the Select Committee’s hand in a way that the White House did not see coming. The question of who issued the order to stand down is now undeniably a case of military versus military rather than our military verses a ragtag spontaneous demonstration. Everybody who has been following the coverup knows that it was always military versus military. The PRISONER OF WAR exchange sets it in cement. There is no reason to waste time inquiring about a homemade video nobody saw.

Finally, Americans quickly grasped the possibility of a real Manchurian candidate, while they cannot come to grips with a Mecca candidate. The only explanation I can offer for that anomaly is that a fictional Manchurian candidate had to be brainwashed while Barack Taqiyya is a true believer in every sense as defined by Eric Hoffer in his masterpiece The True Believer:

[The true believer’s] innermost craving is for a new life - a rebirth - or, failing this, a chance to acquire new elements of pride, confidence, hope, a sense of purpose and worth by identification with a holy cause. An active mass-movement offers them opportunities for both. If they join the movement as full converts they are reborn to a new life in its close-knit collective body, or if attracted as sympathizers they find elements of pride, confidence, and purpose by identifying with the efforts, achievements, and prospects of the movement. (p. 12-13)

But the true believer who is wholly assimilated into a compact collective body is no longer frustrated. He has found a new identity and a new life. He is one of the chosen, bolstered and protected by invincible powers, and destined to inherit the earth. His is a state of mind the very opposite of that of the frustrated individual; yet he displays, with increased intensity, all the reactions which are symptomatic of inner tension and insecurity. (p. 126)

All active mass movements strive, therefore, to interpose a fact-proof screen between the faithful and the realities of the world. They do this by claiming that the ultimate and absolute truth is already embodied in their doctrine and that there is no truth or certitude outside it. The facts on which the true believer bases his conclusions must not be derived from his experience or observation but from holy writ. (p. 79)

To be in possession of an absolute truth is to have a net of familiarity spread over the whole of eternity. There are no surprises and no unknowns. All questions have already been answered, all decisions made, all eventualities foreseen. The true believer is without wonder and hesitation. (p. 82)

The act of self-denial seems to confer on us the right to be harsh and merciless towards others. The impression somehow prevails that the true believer, particularly the religious individual, is a humble person. The truth is that the surrendering and humbling of the self breed pride and arrogance. The true believer is apt to see himself as one of the chosen, the salt of the earth, the light of the world, a prince disguised in meekness, who is destined to inherit this earth and the kingdom of heaven, too. He who is not of his faith is evil; he who will not listen shall perish. (p. 99-100)

[The true believer] subordinates creative work to the advancement of the movement. Literature, art and science must be propagandistic and they must be "practical." The true-believing writer, artist or scientist does not create to express himself, or to save his soul or to discover the true and the beautiful. His task, as he see it, is to warn, to advise, to urge, to glorify and to denounce. (p. 155)
The media is making a big deal out of Barack Taqiyya not notifying Congress before releasing enemy combatants. That is pure Bullcrap with a capital B because it does not threaten Taqiyya the Liar in any meaningful way. He breaks the law with impunity and nothing is done.

Andrew McCarthy moves the impeachment ball a little further down field:

He said Obama’s actions in releasing the five terrorists were not impeachable on the basis that many were citing, a requirement that the president give Congress 30 days notice before transferring the inmates, because that law itself is flawed.

In this situation, McCarthy said the argument that Obama ordered the terrorists moved without permission wouldn’t wash.


However, the law also forbids any “material support to terrorism,” he noted. And he said the president actions likely violated that provision.

“And because high crimes and misdemeanors (the offenses cited in the Constitution as reason for impeachment) are not statutory offenses but political wrongs that endanger the United States, the return of senior terrorists to the Taliban while we still have soldiers in harm’s way is, in my view, a ‘high crime and misdemeanor,’” McCarthy told the Mail.


The Constitution cites offenses that are cause for removal for a president including treason, bribery or “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

McCarthy argues that there are a multitude of reasons for Obama’s impeachment, and the release of the terrorists probably isn’t even in the top ranks.

“I would never impeach based solely on it, but I would add it to a larger indictment,” he told the Mail, which reported his book lays out allegations involving Obamacare, the failure of his foreign policy and practice in Benghazi, the coverup of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal and the IRS agenda that let to deliberately targeting conservative organizations.

WTC prosecutor: Swap is reason to impeach Obama
McCarthy: Return of detainees to Taliban a 'high crime and misdemeanor'
June 4, 2014


Frankly, impeaching Taqiyya would be a mistake even if possible with so many Democrats in the Senate. The House alone can turn him into a fish out of water. They can start by defunding the EPA, Planned Parenthood, the education industry, Public Television, and a host of parasitic bureaucracies as well as driving all of those parasites away from the tax tub.

Aside from the folly of moving Biden into the top slot, leaving Taqiyya in office puts the heat on Congress to do something about him. If Congress fails to act the public kills two myths with one stone. After all, Congress is much more responsible for America’s ills than is Taqiyya the Liar. It was Congress that created the imperial presidency now occupied by an America-hating Mecca candidate. Impeaching him would be a sideshow that leaves the presidency intact so future Congresses can continue blaming the president for everything Congress does —— such as the welfare state topped by the Affordable Care Act.
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Trading five of the most barbarous Gitmo detainees for one soldier of questionable character...

Ignorant rightwing partisan nonsense.

None of the five detainees released were found guilty in a court of law of any crime; indeed, their detention alone absent due process was illegal.

Bergdahl is also entitled to due process, where allegations of his wrongdoing have no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the conditions of his release.

All of these events are the consequence of GWB’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan, he bears sole and ultimate responsibility for Bergdahl, the detainees, and the long-term effects of the Bush Iraq/Afghanistan debacle.
rightwing partisan nonsense.

To C_Clayton_Jones: As opposed to what?

None of the five detainees released were found guilty in a court of law of any crime; indeed, their detention alone absent due process was illegal.

To C_Clayton_Jones: Prisoners of war are not entitled to trials in a federal court.

We have seen the negative consequences of attempting to bring al Qaeda-trained operatives to trial in U.S. civilian courts before. In 2009, under the direction of Attorney General Eric Holder, the trial of suspect Ahmed Ghailani was moved from Guantanamo Bay to federal court in New York. Ghailani helped plan and carry out the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Due to the legal rights and protections given to Ghailani by moving that trial, critical evidence was made inadmissible and as a result prosecutors were only successful in convicting Ghailani on a paltry conspiracy charge. He was acquitted on the 200 or more murder charges and a myriad of other charges. This case showed how vulnerable our justice system is to manipulation by al Qaeda operatives.

Terrorists Shouldn't Be Tried in the Same Courts as U.S. Citizens
By Danny Gonzalez March 12, 2013

Terrorists Shouldn't Be Tried in the Same Courts as U.S. Citizens - US News

Bergdahl is also entitled to due process,

To C_Clayton_Jones: And he’ll get it at his court-martial.

Dempsey: Army will investigate Bergdahl for desertion
posted at 9:21 am on June 3, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

Dempsey: Army will investigate Bergdahl for desertion « Hot Air

where allegations of his wrongdoing have no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the conditions of his release.

To C_Clayton_Jones: Nice misdirection. The five butchers who were freed to kill again is the issue.

All of these events are the consequence of GWB’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan, he bears sole and ultimate responsibility for Bergdahl, the detainees, and the long-term effects of the Bush Iraq/Afghanistan debacle.

To C_Clayton_Jones: Does the date September 11, 2001 ring a bell with you?

Bush took the fight to the enemy in Iraq without the UN’s final approval. Afghanistan is an extension of the war started by Muslims on 9-11-2001.

Afghanistan is a United Nations war; yet America-haters never assign any of their “blame” to the UN. I’ll keep it simple for dumb bunnies like you. If the United Nations is not to blame neither is Bush.
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How many times did liberals tell us that criminals should be coddled because they were abused by mom and/or dad? I’m wondering if they will apply that philosophy to Bowe Bergdahl who was surely damaged by the touchy-feely garbage I sense coming out of his father:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV8o_vLombU&feature=player_detailpage]Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's parents Jani and Bob Bergdahl, emotional address - LoneWolf Sager - YouTube[/ame]​
Everything I’ve seen in the past few days confirms what I said in the OP:

The media is making a big deal out of Barack Taqiyya not notifying Congress before releasing enemy combatants. That is pure Bullcrap with a capital B because it does not threaten Taqiyya the Liar in any meaningful way. He breaks the law with impunity and nothing is done. Another meaningless charge of criminal conduct does make Congress and the media look like they are on the ball. Judge Napolitano isn’t buying it (my emphasis):

JUDGE NAPOLITANO: As if a signing statement, a piece of paper he signs at the time he signs the law into existence changes the law. It doesn't under our system. But Megyn, this is by far the lesser of the two laws that he violated. He and his team violated the federal statute which makes criminal providing material assistance to a terrorist organization. This includes money, this includes ceramic mugs, this includes maps, this includes professional services, and this includes releasing human assets back to a terrorist organization. President Obama's Justice Department has successfully prosecuted people for providing material assistance to terrorist organizations and now he himself has done so by letting these five guys loose...

He violated the law by allowing assets to go back to a terrorist organization. You can’t erect a telephone pole, you can’t repair a laptop, you can’t repair a tooth if you’re a dentist for these organizations without violating federal statute.

Brian Williams hits on the 30 day notification crapola:

Brian Williams glossed over the V.A. scandal during his interview of President Obama on Friday's NBC Nightly News. Williams did devote time to the ongoing controversy surrounding the release of senior Taliban leaders in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl – specifically the White House failing to inform Congress 30 days before the Islamists were let go from Guantanamo Bay, as required by federal law.


Harry Reid’s life preserver might just as well have been thrown by Suzy Five Shows. That’s probably why Williams did not mention it:

However, the anchor didn't mention that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed that he was informed of the trade for Bergdahl on May 27, 2014 – a day before it actually happened.

NBC's Williams Skips V.A. Scandal in Obama Interview; Omits Reid's Claim on Bergdahl Swap
By Matthew Balan | June 6, 2014 | 23:32

NBC's Williams Skips V.A. Scandal in Obama Interview; Omits Reid's Claim on Bergdahl Swap | NewsBusters
How many times did liberals tell us that criminals should be coddled because they were abused by mom and/or dad? I’m wondering if they will apply that philosophy to Bowe Bergdahl who was surely damaged by the touchy-feely garbage I sense coming out of his father:

Army investigators are debriefing the wrong Bergdahl:

EXCLUSIVE - Revealed: Twin sisters lived in fear of Bowe Bergdahl's 'stalker' father who was caught 'peeping into their windows while they were in the shower'

Lacey and Allie Hillman, 31-year-old twin sisters from Hailey, Idaho, went to police after a series of harassing incidents involving Robert (Bob) Bergdahl in 2011

They claim that Bergdahl, a UPS driver, drove by their home 'several times a day' even though he had nothing to pick up or deliver and left 'creepy' notes

Allie claims that he once banged on her door and accused her of cheating on him, saying 'What are you two-timing me b****,' even though they never dated or were even friends

The sisters claim Bergdahl took a small gnome from their garden and later approached Lacey to ask her if 'something was missing' from their yard

She later notice that the gnome was indeed gone, only to have it reappear days later

By Ryan Parry In Hailey, Idaho
Published: 09:02 EST, 13 June 2014 | Updated: 09:53 EST, 13 June 2014

Bowe Bergdahl's father 'stalked' twin sisters and 'peeped into their windows' | Mail Online
Also, I am not aware that captured enemy combatants are entitled to habeas corpus

Well, they finally got one —— or so they say. My guess is that Ahmed Abu Khattala made a deal to bailout Suzy Five Shows by saying the homemade video triggered the attack.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Libyan militant suspected in the deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi has been captured and is in American custody, the Pentagon said Tuesday, marking the first time the U.S. has apprehended one of the alleged perpetrators.

Officials said Ahmed Abu Khattala, a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terror group Ansar al-Sharia in Libya, will be tried in U.S. court.

Pentagon: Benghazi suspect in US custody
Jun 17th 2014 12:05PM
By Julie Pace

AOL.com Article - Pentagon: Benghazi suspect in US custody

Incidentally, you heard it here first. Jeff Dunham made the arrest:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=YOXCAKL9ESc]Achmed the Dead Terrorist (Good Quality Version) - YouTube[/ame]​
Finally, Americans quickly grasped the possibility of a real Manchurian candidate, while they cannot come to grips with a Mecca candidate. The only explanation I can offer for that anomaly is that a fictional Manchurian candidate had to be brainwashed while Barack Taqiyya is a true believer in every sense as defined by Eric Hoffer in his masterpiece The True Believer:

I’m sticking with Mecca:

“The Manchurian Candidate” was a movie about a U.S. politician who was secretly a “sleeper agent” working to overthrow American democracy. (Manchuria is the region of Russia and China where the agent had been brainwashed into working for the other side.)

So is Obama a Manchurian?

Beaton: Is Obama a Manchurian?
June 21, 2014
Glenn Beaton

Beaton: Is Obama a Manchurian? | AspenTimes.com

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