A message from a veteran about firearms in this country

A woman is 81 times more likely to have her gun ripped from her hands and be shot with it, than to successfully use it for self defense.

Colorado Senator Evie Hudak told this fact to a gun nut during a hearing, and the NRA ended up trying to kick her out of office because they didn't like her speaking plain and simple STATISTICS

That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

So the woman that used it to protect her has no Fucking right asshole?

That reminds me of a story of a kid picking up star fish and throwing one by one back into the ocean

A guy walks up and says son there are thousands of them..you can't save them all

The little kid picks up another throws it back and says " sure mister but I just saved this one"

I thought that was what you liberals and progressives are all about?

actually....there is a lefty version of the star fish story that I actually created....it goes like this....the guy walks up to the kid.....and pushes him down.....and says..." if you can't save all of them...I won't let you save any of them...."
She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

Yeah the Swiss are armed to the gills with guns. BUT... do you understand the system? They have mandatory military service and they then get to keep their rifles, BUT the ammunition is rationed. So unless they plan on using their rifles as clubs, it isn't quite the same as the way you are making it out to be.

Wrong...you don't understand the system...only military ammunition is rationed.....private ammunition is not. And do you really think it is hard to smuggle ammo from the guy on the block who is supposed to be controlling it?
Dude, my friend is from Switzerland, and he did his mandatory military service there. He told me that all privately owned firearms, even a double barreled shotgun, are COMPLETELY ILLEGAL, and that the ammunition is kept by the MILITARY, not by local armories
My evil eye and streets smarts is enough protection for me the past 51 years , my glock 9 mm is just for fun.

Oh yea and I have my blue pit.


If you wash your pits every once in awhile they won't stink or turn blue. Though I can see how the stick would keep people away and you protected.

Ya know I can see people's point about gun nuts they used to drive me crazy at my old job, so Fucking boring on how they had to carry all the time even going to walnart pfzzt please .

The only thing that bugs me about gun nuts, is somewhat the same thing that bugs me about certain car and truck owners. They brag about the strength and size all the time like it is an extension of their personality. Just because you own a fast car, a huge truck, or a powerful gun, that doesn't make you special.
The same thing can be said about intellectuals, nothing makes them special

Being smart, strong, double-jointed... yeah those things do make you special. Just because you own a powerful gun does not. I have nothing against owning guns, I just get annoyed with all the excited talk about how powerful this one is, or how many rounds per second this one can fire... etc. To me, bragging like that is no different than praising a kid for a participation trophy. Anyone can get one.
Firearms are like fine wine, more you have the better off you are.
She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

Yeah the Swiss are armed to the gills with guns. BUT... do you understand the system? They have mandatory military service and they then get to keep their rifles, BUT the ammunition is rationed. So unless they plan on using their rifles as clubs, it isn't quite the same as the way you are making it out to be.

Wrong...you don't understand the system...only military ammunition is rationed.....private ammunition is not. And do you really think it is hard to smuggle ammo from the guy on the block who is supposed to be controlling it?

Haha, whatever man. How many people do you think are risking to go to jail by bribing the local guy that controls the ammunition to give them a few bullets? You do realize their system is set not for citizens to defend against a tyrannical government, but so that the citizens can rise up if needed to help fight an invasion. Your argument is not tangent.
I am most likely trying to study law or justice. I would love to be a civil rights lawyer, helping to strike down right wing bullshit such as voter-Id laws or marijuana prohibition.

Well good luck. Are you using your military benefits to pay for college, family helping out or did you win a scholarship? Paying tuition, room and board isn't easy.
I got a scholarship because of my high SAT scores and high school GPA. Unfortunately, since I was only given a "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge, instead of a "honorable," I am not allowed to use the GI bill

Who would of thought The military frowning on communist propaganda...

That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

So the woman that used it to protect her has no Fucking right asshole?

That reminds me of a story of a kid picking up star fish and throwing one by one back into the ocean

A guy walks up and says son there are thousands of them..you can't save them all

The little kid picks up another throws it back and says " sure mister but I just saved this one"

I thought that was what you liberals and progressives are all about?
For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved


You can't just say stuff like that.......especially to people who have been following this stuff for years and know the actual stats.....
to ensure the citizen militia was not outgunned.

Outgunned BY WHOM???? The problem with you folks is that you STILL think that someday the government is coming after your sorry ass......and if that moronic scenario were to happen, would you arm chair morons defeat the US military???
That means that we're wasting 700 BILLION per year on that military that couldn't "outgun" a bunch of idiots like we have on these forums.
Hey asswipe, no way in hell a pro Second Amendment military will back up fucked up federal government against its citizens. So take that politically correct bullshit and shove it up your ass. Lol
I am most likely trying to study law or justice. I would love to be a civil rights lawyer, helping to strike down right wing bullshit such as voter-Id laws or marijuana prohibition.

Well good luck. Are you using your military benefits to pay for college, family helping out or did you win a scholarship? Paying tuition, room and board isn't easy.
I got a scholarship because of my high SAT scores and high school GPA. Unfortunately, since I was only given a "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge, instead of a "honorable," I am not allowed to use the GI bill

Who would of thought The military frowning on communist propaganda...

It was for a prior existing medical issue that i didn't disclose at MEPS, but was discovered during my enlistment
Rustic bolt actions are for refined shooters. Assault rifles are for those who can't find the target.
I got a scholarship because of my high SAT scores and high school GPA. Unfortunately, since I was only given a "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge, instead of a "honorable," I am not allowed to use the GI bill

That's true due to the nature of your discharge. I hope the stigma sometimes associated with a General Discharge doesn't cause you too much trouble. Congrats on the scholarship.

In contrast, a “General, Under Honorable Conditions” Discharge (commonly referred to as a General Discharge) is for service members whose service was satisfactory, but involved situations where the Soldier’s conduct and/or performance of duty were not so meritorious to warrant an Honorable Discharge. Recipients of General Discharges usually have engaged in minor misconduct or have received nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ. While the “under honorable conditions” terminology is slightly confusing, there is a clear disadvantage to receiving a General Discharge in contrast to an Honorable Discharge. While recipients of a General Discharge will receive entitlement to benefits such as VA medical and dental services, VA home loans and burial in national cemeteries, they will not receive educational benefits under either the Montgomery or Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Additionally, there can be quite a stigma attached to having not received an Honorable Discharge. This stigma can have negative consequences while searching for work or applying for school.

Leaving on good terms: Types of discharges, their consequences
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

So the woman that used it to protect her has no Fucking right asshole?

That reminds me of a story of a kid picking up star fish and throwing one by one back into the ocean

A guy walks up and says son there are thousands of them..you can't save them all

The little kid picks up another throws it back and says " sure mister but I just saved this one"

I thought that was what you liberals and progressives are all about?
For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved
Here you go shit for brains...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

The Swiss are required to lock the military rifles up in a safe, and are not allowed to posses ANY ammunition. Their rifles remain government property, and can be taken away at any time. Also, all privately owned firearms are BANNED, period.

Yeah, that isn't exactly what the nra is aiming for, is it?

Here you go.......

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

The authorities made one concession, though: since 2008, all military — but not private — ammunition must be stored in central arsenals rather than in soldiers’ homes. The debate culminated in a nationwide referendum last year, when 56% of voters rejected the proposal initiated by anti-gun organizations to ban army rifles from homes altogether.


One of the reasons the crime rate in Switzerland is low despite the prevalence of weapons — and also why the Swiss mentality can’t be transposed to the current American reality — is the culture of responsibility and safety that is anchored in society and passed from generation to generation.

Kids as young as 12 belong to gun groups in their local communities, where they learn sharpshooting.

The Swiss Shooting Sports Association runs about 3,000 clubs and has 150,000 members, including a youth section.

Many members keep their guns and ammunition at home, while others choose to leave them at the club. And yet, despite such easy access to pistols and rifles, “no members have ever used their guns for criminal purposes,” says Max Flueckiger, the association’s spokesperson.


The Swiss have remained one of the best armed countries in the world since then.

Many claim they escaped most of the ravages of WWII because of their citizen army.

Switzerland is said not to “have an army” but “be an army.” Because of their universal training and weaponry, Switzerland has the largest potential army in Europe: 1.5 million men capable of bearing arms, who have the arms and ammunition and training.

After the current spate of terrorist attacks in Europe, the Swiss are buying even more guns.From usatoday.com:

GENEVA — Business at Daniel Wyss’ gun shop has been brisk lately in the village of Burgdorf near Switzerland’s capital of Bern.

He said the increased demand for firearms is triggered by a growing fear among the Swiss public that terrorists could attack their tranquil land at any time.

As nations around Europe tighten their gun laws after a series of terror attacks in several countries since 2015, the Swiss are bucking this trend by turning to firearms for protection.

Official statistics show that gun sales in some parts of Switzerland soared nearly 50% after last year’s attacks in Paris and the March bombings in Brussels. And gun sales continue to grow since the killings in France and Germany in the past two weeks.

In Wyss’ shop, “the demand for pistols, revolvers and pump-action guns rose by 30% to 50% after this month’s attacks in Nice and Munich,” he told USA TODAY.
I got a scholarship because of my high SAT scores and high school GPA. Unfortunately, since I was only given a "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge, instead of a "honorable," I am not allowed to use the GI bill

That's true due to the nature of your discharge. I hope the stigma sometimes associated with a General Discharge doesn't cause you too much trouble. Congrats on the scholarship.

In contrast, a “General, Under Honorable Conditions” Discharge (commonly referred to as a General Discharge) is for service members whose service was satisfactory, but involved situations where the Soldier’s conduct and/or performance of duty were not so meritorious to warrant an Honorable Discharge. Recipients of General Discharges usually have engaged in minor misconduct or have received nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ. While the “under honorable conditions” terminology is slightly confusing, there is a clear disadvantage to receiving a General Discharge in contrast to an Honorable Discharge. While recipients of a General Discharge will receive entitlement to benefits such as VA medical and dental services, VA home loans and burial in national cemeteries, they will not receive educational benefits under either the Montgomery or Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Additionally, there can be quite a stigma attached to having not received an Honorable Discharge. This stigma can have negative consequences while searching for work or applying for school.

Leaving on good terms: Types of discharges, their consequences

It won't affect anything. The only time someone is really affected by their discharge status is if it is Dishonorable.
you are saying the First Amendment does not protect the I-pad, the computer, or the cell phone.......since they were not around at the creation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Really?
The First Amendment doesn't protect TV and radio either, according to their logic FINALLY! They've got their excuse to shut down Rush, Beck and Levin!

Now let's see them run with that.
Have a 243 that shoots 400 yards with a 2 inch drop....best round I have found for shocking power.

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