A message from a veteran about firearms in this country

For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved

Can you link us to the names of these women?

You've had a busy first day here. Welcome.

What kind of job did you find after you got out of the Army? What are you doing now for a job?

I go to college now. I also worked retail for a while after my military service, where I saw firsthand the poor treatment and struggles of minimum wage workers in this country


Why didn't you stay long Enough to see how some climbed the ladder became $40,000 a year mangers and the driven few managed to open their own franchises?
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense
Bad source
How is slate a bad source. They are a well known, well reputed center or center-right newssite

A woman is 81 times more likely to have her gun ripped from her hands and be shot with it, than to successfully use it for self defense.

Colorado Senator Evie Hudak told this fact to a gun nut during a hearing, and the NRA ended up trying to kick her out of office because they didn't like her speaking plain and simple STATISTICS

That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....
I am most likely trying to study law or justice. I would love to be a civil rights lawyer, helping to strike down right wing bullshit such as voter-Id laws or marijuana prohibition.

Well good luck. Are you using your military benefits to pay for college, family helping out or did you win a scholarship? Paying tuition, room and board isn't easy.
I got a scholarship because of my high SAT scores and high school GPA. Unfortunately, since I was only given a "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge, instead of a "honorable," I am not allowed to use the GI bill
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense
Bad source
How is slate a bad source. They are a well known, well reputed center or center-right newssite
Their political correctness is well known, it's all opinion
For every one woman who uses a gun to defend herself, there are Eighty ONE women who have died BECAUSE they were allowed to carry guns.

Concealed carry has killed 81 times more deaths than lives saved

Can you link us to the names of these women?

You've had a busy first day here. Welcome.

What kind of job did you find after you got out of the Army? What are you doing now for a job?

I go to college now. I also worked retail for a while after my military service, where I saw firsthand the poor treatment and struggles of minimum wage workers in this country


Why didn't you stay long Enough to see how some climbed the ladder became $40,000 a year mangers and the driven few managed to open their own franchises?

Oh lord. Retail sucks balls. I've done that and it isn't worth it. I started with one company as a part time associate and in less than three years I was a district manager. Maybe it was the company I worked for, but there is so much micro-management and pressure to hit some of the stupidest sales stats, that it stresses you out.
Didn't you take an oath to defend the Constitution? Do you happen to know what it says? JW

The constitution says that "the people" as a whole are allowed to bear arms to form "well regulated militias"

Basically, there is a collective right for civilians to form an armed force to stand by in readiness to defend the country. The second amendment is therefore fulfilled by the existence of the U.S military
So they got it wrong for the last 240 years and we needed post modern socialists to enlighten us? It says"the people" odd term for an army.

ARs are great defensive weapons, you obviously are full of shit and never shot one. The founders wanted an armed population, and expressed their thoughts on the subject, we don't need to to tell us what they thought. An armed population is made of citizens. Unarmed populations are subjects.

The dude was an engineer in the military. Nuff said. He is afraid of guns and transfers his squeamish attitude on to others.

There are plenty of good tactical reasons to have as many options as the law and the Constitution avails in case there is a need and the room to break out the rifle. Home invasions, wackos with weapons, and many possibilities spawned in today's society give reason enough to have the means to take down bad people.

There is no need to "pretend" that hunting game is the reason why a big clip and an accurate rifle could be just the right tool at the right time. A shotgun and a pistol are good compliments for the AR 15. You are not going to win every confrontation with determined and skilled criminals or madmen. You will win zero confrontations without the tools necessary to even up the field.
Yeah...it isright next to the First Amendment where it states you have a Right to an Apple I-pad and Mac computer...

Precisely, since the founders did NOT include that everyone should have an I-Pad, NEITHER did they include an assault weapon...Its you guys with the proverbial penis envy that INSIST on being armed for war and mayhem.....Live by it and die by it.

And there it is.....why can't you guys talk about guns without talking about the penis.....your sexual fixation on guns is your problem, not ours.....if you can't control your fixation, that does not put us under an obligation to giver up our guns so you don't feel tempted.....
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

The Swiss are required to lock the military rifles up in a safe, and are not allowed to posses ANY ammunition. Their rifles remain government property, and can be taken away at any time. Also, all privately owned firearms are BANNED, period.

Yeah, that isn't exactly what the nra is aiming for, is it?
What makes a Veteran an expert in Constitutional law? An AR15 is just a rifle that fires a .222 bullet. Maybe bigoted lefties just hate it because it is black. An AR15 cannot be converted to fire fully automatic and it doesn't even have a bayonet lug. Maybe if the radical leftie Veterans realized that they just don't like semi-automatic rifles they might have a case against semi-automatic weapons in general but the cliche of the "assault rifle" only works with low information dummies.
Yeah...it isright next to the First Amendment where it states you have a Right to an Apple I-pad and Mac computer...

Precisely, since the founders did NOT include that everyone should have an I-Pad, NEITHER did they include an assault weapon...Its you guys with the proverbial penis envy that INSIST on being armed for war and mayhem.....Live by it and die by it.

So you are saying the First Amendment does not protect the I-pad, the computer, or the cell phone.......since they were not around at the creation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Really?
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

Yeah the Swiss are armed to the gills with guns. BUT... do you understand the system? They have mandatory military service and they then get to keep their rifles, BUT the ammunition is rationed. So unless they plan on using their rifles as clubs, it isn't quite the same as the way you are making it out to be.
That is a lie.......you can't post a link to that stat.......it is more common from a look at 5,000 stories of gun self defense by the Cato institute for the criminal to be disarmed than the victim....I can give you that link if you want it....

Please..post your link genius....and not by the gun grabber, the actual research......

We'll wait for it.......
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

You have to show where she got that......anti gunners lie....about every aspect of guns......

She got it not from one specific source, but by looking at all the statistics from police stations, victim testimonies, and doing the math herself

No....she made it up. You misread what she said....she didn't say taken away, she said killed by a gun.....and that too is a false statistic....go the WISQARS...that is the CDC, they total all deaths, by type, and list male and female......

Remember....the clinton Department of Justice study on the use of firearms for Self Defense found Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent attack......you have to find stats that exceed that number.....
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

Yeah the Swiss are armed to the gills with guns. BUT... do you understand the system? They have mandatory military service and they then get to keep their rifles, BUT the ammunition is rationed. So unless they plan on using their rifles as clubs, it isn't quite the same as the way you are making it out to be.

Wrong...you don't understand the system...only military ammunition is rationed.....private ammunition is not. And do you really think it is hard to smuggle ammo from the guy on the block who is supposed to be controlling it?
Search up "Senator Evie Hudak." She ended up losing her job because she dared to speak against the NRA. This was in 2013, right after the Newtown and Aurora shootings

She may have lost her job but it would have been for denying Rights to her electorate....

Again..link to that statistic...

This story is the only somewhat unbiased one I could find that includes what she said.Colorado Gun Rights Activists Claim Another Scalp

In the article, it talks about how she told a gun nut that a woman was 81 times more likely to have the gun taken from her, than to use it in self defense

For right wingers on here ANY....and I mean ANY assertion that an ordinary citizen should NOT be armed for war while sitting on their fat asses in their living room, is an anathema.....

Tell that to the Swiss.....they actually are armed for war.........with actual military rifles...by law..........they make us look like piker
Knives murder 1,500 people every single year.....ban knives before you ban rifles....

Could ANY knife kill a dozen people in a matter of seconds???......
and the purpose of a knife is not primarily to kill people, while an assault weapon CERTAINLY only has that purpose.

3 aircraft murdered 3,000 people...the potential of an aircraft killing thousands of people far outweigh the ability of a rifle ....yet they fly our skies every single day....

And you can't answer the fact that for all your bitching about rifles with magazines....we have 8 million of them in private hands........and they have only been used to murder 162 people in 34 years.....while knives murder 1,500 people every single year making them by far, deadlier than rifles no matter what they may potentially be capable of......in fact...a truck killed 89 people in France.....over half the entire total by rifles in 34 years.......and anyone can rent a truck.....

In fact, bare hands and clubs kill more people than rifles every single year...yet you fixate on the least deadly item.....because you have a phobia....

The Swiss are required to lock the military rifles up in a safe, and are not allowed to posses ANY ammunition. Their rifles remain government property, and can be taken away at any time. Also, all privately owned firearms are BANNED, period.

Yeah, that isn't exactly what the nra is aiming for, is it?

You're really confused.

Should America Follow Switzerland's Gun Rules?

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