A Message TO Country Folk FROM A Countryman

Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

My kind of people. Like I say. Character counts. At the bottom line, it might be the only thing that does count.
He's young and wrong about rednecks though. Comes from the people that plowed the fields on open tractors or before that, walking behind a mule. My family knew that character counts. So, I know it. They were right, just like that young man is right.
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint noways tired" amateur hour BAD southern black drawl poetry recital that sounded more like a Bubba..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap... Even Leftist "country boys" sound like NPR personalities.

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

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Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint nowhere's tired" amateur hour appeal..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap...

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

Haven't heard of a weapon being recovered have you? I haven't. Understand he had been breaking up a fight between two women. Dumb move on his part. Suspect he is going to be a rich man after her recovers.
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint noways tired" amateur hour BAD southern black drawl poetry recital that sounded more like a Bubba..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap... Even Leftist "country boys" sound like NPR personalities.

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

The police really should start using net guns. And only use them on midgets. That would be hilarious.
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint nowhere's tired" amateur hour appeal..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap...

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

Haven't heard of a weapon being recovered have you? I haven't. Understand he had been breaking up a fight between two women. Dumb move on his part. Suspect he is going to be a rich man after her recovers.

What INCIDENT are you referring to?? This is why country boy petered around and wasted my time.. I THOUGHT this about the guy with a knife shot 11 times by police YESTERDAY...

Well -- if lefty country boys can't be specific and only refer to "the incident" -- and its not EXPLAINED in the OPost -- than I have no suggestions or comments on his vaporous, demeaning, feewlings...
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint noways tired" amateur hour BAD southern black drawl poetry recital that sounded more like a Bubba..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap... Even Leftist "country boys" sound like NPR personalities.

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

Thank you.

I smelled crap too.

This guy seems to me, a suburb guy at worst, at best. . . . maybe from the township.

But true country? Nah. . . he is probably only an hour max from a dense urban center.

Real country doesn't have to exaggerate the talk, or wear all that silly corporate or branded shit. He is almost a caricature or parody of himself.

Does he really not know, or not believe that folks that have looked into the demands and funding of BLM, that it isn't exclusively about "racial equity," but that it has morphed into a Marxist organization?

Has he not looked at their agenda, at their planned attack at the fabric of the nation, the family and economy of the nation?

Once it leaves the realm of purely civil rights and civil liberties. . . it then becomes. . . well, partisan.

He is either willfully ignorant. . . or a well trained co-Intel operative.
Another psycho fuckin' Leftist pretending to be something HE IS NOT ....

Another Emotional Knee-Jerk psycho .....

This MF is about as Country folk as B. Hussein was a Christian.

It should be surprise to any normal thinking American that this racist POS who started this thread would try to pretend that this emotional knee-jerk Leftist in the video is Main Stream ...

He is not ....

He is another Leftist POS who is ruled by EMOTION and making judgement on a case he DOES NOT have the facts about !!!

Beau (if that's even his name) is a Fraud.

It' too easy to see through ....

But, C'mon guys ....

What would one expect from our Resident RACIST ?
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint nowhere's tired" amateur hour appeal..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap...

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

Haven't heard of a weapon being recovered have you? I haven't. Understand he had been breaking up a fight between two women. Dumb move on his part. Suspect he is going to be a rich man after her recovers.

What INCIDENT are you referring to?? This is why country boy petered around and wasted my time.. I THOUGHT this about the guy with a knife shot 11 times by police YESTERDAY...

Well -- if lefty country boys can't be specific and only refer to "the incident" -- and its not EXPLAINED in the OPost -- than I have no suggestions or comments on his vaporous, demeaning, feewlings...

You are actually quite thin skinned for a senior moderator. I assumed he was loosly referring to reaction to the 7 shots in the back of the guy in Wisconsin. Mostly he was talking about hypocracy of how people talk on the internet vs real life. Not being the same in both places is just the mark of a liar, hypocrite and someone that cannot be trusted. For some reason, even with you dealing with hot heads and radicals on here, who are probably much closer to normal in real society. He made the point that different points of view and philosophy can be addressed and discussed, but you got to be the same, all the time or you are one that cannot be trusted as nobody knows which is real and which is the lie. If it struck you as if being talked down to like you were a 12 year old, that is obviously how you felt and how you reacted. Not the reaction of a senior moderator on a large international message forum. Just my opinion.
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint noways tired" amateur hour BAD southern black drawl poetry recital that sounded more like a Bubba..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap... Even Leftist "country boys" sound like NPR personalities.

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

The police really should start using net guns. And only use them on midgets. That would be hilarious.

What they ought to do, is just get spid3r man on retainer. . . .
Wish I knew how to do a screen shot. All I see in the post above is "what t"
The rest is covered with the vid. Just floating there. No way around it.
Is it just on my end or is it doing it to others? Oh shit. Now its floating on top of my own post!
Wish I knew how to do a screen shot. All I see in the post above is "what t"
The rest is covered with the vid. Just floating there. No way around it.
Is it just on my end or is it doing it to others? Oh shit. Now its floating on top of my own post!
Yeah, that's on your end. . . time for a new browser or PC I thinks. . .
Wish I knew how to do a screen shot. All I see in the post above is "what t"
The rest is covered with the vid. Just floating there. No way around it.
Is it just on my end or is it doing it to others? Oh shit. Now its floating on top of my own post!
Yeah, that's on your end. . . time for a new browser or PC I thinks. . .
This is a new pc. Win10.
It didn't do it this time. I think it only does it when its quoted? Kinda floats there? No clue. I figured out screen shot, but no clue where to put it. Meh. Not important.
Another powerful message from Brother Beau...

Wouldn't you agree?

Arrrghh.. Kinda like Hillary pulling the "hot sauce" out of her purse to talk to blacks or her "I aint nowhere's tired" amateur hour appeal..

Look --- this guy is more concerned about "likes" and the tone of social media than he is about social justice... And it's demeaning to talk to "fellow country folk" about their social media behavior as tho they are 12.. He's not 12.. I'm not 12.. Cut the crap...

Police used NON lethal force tazer.. Had NO effect. Usually this is a good indication that some mighty drugs might be involved.. Not SAYING i know -- but you dont' either..

And here's some good "country wisdom" on what "SHOULD have happened in this "incident" as 12 yr Country man calls it.. There are OTHER Non lethal capture methods that police NEED TO ADOPT..

There are "net guns" and "bolo guns" that work JUST SPIFFY in "incidents" like this.. But they are NOT on their belts or person when they leave their vehicles and it's RIGHT NOW too expensive to put them in EVERY patrol car.. BUT -- maybe we need to insist..

^^^^^^ That's what "country boys" think...

Haven't heard of a weapon being recovered have you? I haven't. Understand he had been breaking up a fight between two women. Dumb move on his part. Suspect he is going to be a rich man after her recovers.

What INCIDENT are you referring to?? This is why country boy petered around and wasted my time.. I THOUGHT this about the guy with a knife shot 11 times by police YESTERDAY...

Well -- if lefty country boys can't be specific and only refer to "the incident" -- and its not EXPLAINED in the OPost -- than I have no suggestions or comments on his vaporous, demeaning, feewlings...

You are actually quite thin skinned for a senior moderator. I assumed he was loosly referring to reaction to the 7 shots in the back of the guy in Wisconsin. Mostly he was talking about hypocracy of how people talk on the internet vs real life. Not being the same in both places is just the mark of a liar, hypocrite and someone that cannot be trusted. For some reason, even with you dealing with hot heads and radicals on here, who are probably much closer to normal in real society. He made the point that different points of view and philosophy can be addressed and discussed, but you got to be the same, all the time or you are one that cannot be trusted as nobody knows which is real and which is the lie. If it struck you as if being talked down to like you were a 12 year old, that is obviously how you felt and how you reacted. Not the reaction of a senior moderator on a large international message forum. Just my opinion.

No. . . I smelled a rat, flacaltenn smelled a rat, John T. Ford can tell he is a bullshit artist? Why don't you see it? I know you want to believe the guy is real b/c of your politics. . . but c'mon dude, the guy is like a parody. . . doesn't it all smell wrong to you? :dunno:

It's like some reality TEE VEE show that is all shoehorned in to meet some fairy tale expectations of desperate housewives or innercity folks that have no idea what country is really like.. . . .

So I did some searching. Turns out, yeah, we were all right. HE IS A PHONEY.

His name is Justin Eric King

He is a professional Activist.


Turns out? He has a Federal Record and some interest in tearing down the system of law and order that we have.

Basically, he has seven felonies for smuggling in Illegal aliens. THAT is what he used to do before he started internet activism to overthrow the U.S.

i.e. FIFTH COLUMN. Duh! :sigh2:
Did you know this, Marc, before you posted the lame thread? Or do you like egg on your face and think the posters here are too stupid to bust it wide open?
Asking for a friend.
Can any of you cyber gumshoes identify any of Beau's points that are incorrect? Sherlock, Carmen Sandiego, anyone....?

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