The Lord Almighty

The media will lie for Republicans, sure, but they won't doom their souls to eternal hellfire by lying to the extent that you demand. Even our nutty conservative MSM has some scruples.

Your side is crazy and violent. Own it.
The MSM is the propaganda Dept of the Democrat party.
You're justad that their lies about Biden fitness have been revealed.
Sure. Trump was nearly murdered and the media is blaming the right for violent rhetoric with no mention of BLM/Antifa or the myriad calls for violence from Piglosi, Waters, Biden, Schumer, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Booker, Whoopi Goldburg, Joy Reed, et al. SMH Rules for Radicals.
They always do the "both sides" thing when THEY have to face the reality of their neverending assault on Trump. I have nothing but contempt for these people

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