A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
BULLDOG, unless you're LGBT this deal isn't for you, and of course you are against it. You want LGBT to be an ally in your agenda of tearing down marriage and the family unit. What I'm saying is that is no longer in the interests of LGBT, since they now can get married and form families, they should no longer be allied with the enemies of marriage as an institution, and the enemies of the family unit.

You claim I want to tear down marriage and the family unit? That is a little more insult than I'm willing to laugh about you piece of shit. I know that, as a crazy teabagger, you think you can get away with saying what ever shit falls from your brain but you just put your childish stupidity on display.
Well then, if you don't like me SAYING you are an enemy of marriage and the family, stop BEING an enemy of marriage and the family. That is your choice, I'm just calling it the way I see it.

Also, your ignorance is on display. The Tea Party Movement is not about social issues, it's about economic issues. If you're going to hate people, at least hate the RIGHT people. I'm not even in the Tea Party Movement, you dipshit.

Fuck off you piece of shit.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?
"What I'm offering gays is an opportunity to get away from abortion before that day comes."

Too funny.
Wow, there sure a lot of hostile people here. Have I struck a nerve?
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?
Because, you arrogant ass, you’re in no position to ‘offer’ anything to anyone.
"What I'm offering gays is an opportunity to get away from abortion before that day comes."

Too funny.
Yes, that day will come. In Germany, they fired all the Communists in the universities after unification. Some of the border guards who shot people were prosecuted for murder. It wasn't good for anyone's career to have a Communist past, and they can't emigrate to the United States either.
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?
Because, you arrogant ass, you’re in no position to ‘offer’ anything to anyone.
You don't know that. I am connected to the pro-life movement, and I am an attorney, and my job is persuading people. Persuading people to do what I want is how I make my living. I could offer my services as a liason between the gay movement and the pro-life movement if people were open to this idea. Or I could find someone who would do the job, if I was inadequate to the task. I'm more of a "behind the scenes" kind of guy, anyway.
I have been branded as "hateful" by some for my comments on the "gender identity" paragraph in the 5th edition Players Handbook. Even a mod called me "hateful."

What I'm saying is that I'm not "hateful" at all. My son has a gay friend, who has a gay husband, and if they come back to Nevada, they are both welcome to play D&D in my campaign.

And what I'm doing here is offer an olive branch to all members of LGBTQ. You are not the real enemy, because what you do is not through wickedness, but through spiritual weakness (one theory), or through genetic destiny (another theory). To me, you are no more evil than an alchoholic, gambling addict, or anyone who has impulses that they can't control (almost all of us).

But pro-aborts are enemies because they hate human life itself and destroy it. If they do not seek forgiveness, they are certainly damned to hell.

Why does the LGBT movement want to continue down this road hand-in-hand with people who kill babies? It makes no goddamn sense. They helped you when no one else would, but you helped them back. You don't owe them anything.

I think if you come to Christians and say, "I want to help you save babies," Christians will drop all opposition to you and welcome you with open arms.

This is an olive branch. Think about it, and don't listen to leftists who say this peace accord can't happen. They don't understand Christianity, and never have. They can't get in the minds of Christians, and can't predict what we will do.
Appease me for a minute and give me a simple answer to a simple question as I am genuinely curious: Do you believe that aborted babies go to heaven or to hell?
Wow, there sure a lot of hostile people here. Have I struck a nerve?

Liberals suffer from arrested development...they can't debate shit. I have been here for almost 8 months and they can't debate tough topics. They have a script to go by and they can't stray from it and they bail at having to explain their viewpoints...they spew insults and then walk away with their pants down around their ankles showing their ass.....they like the attention.
This is the internet, the modern cauldron of democracy, the town square of a world-wide town. If I say it can happen, it can happen, and I can start it just by talking about it on Facebook, Twitter, and forums like this.
Wow, there sure a lot of hostile people here. Have I struck a nerve?
That hostility starts with you and others on the hateful social right who seek to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

That hostility starts with you and others on the hateful social right who seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The American people are sick and tired of you and other social conservatives who, as a consequence of your fear, arrogance, bigotry, and hate, continue to pursue a hostile agenda against gay and transgender Americans.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?


Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
I have been branded as "hateful" by some for my comments on the "gender identity" paragraph in the 5th edition Players Handbook. Even a mod called me "hateful."

What I'm saying is that I'm not "hateful" at all. My son has a gay friend, who has a gay husband, and if they come back to Nevada, they are both welcome to play D&D in my campaign.

And what I'm doing here is offer an olive branch to all members of LGBTQ. You are not the real enemy, because what you do is not through wickedness, but through spiritual weakness (one theory), or through genetic destiny (another theory). To me, you are no more evil than an alchoholic, gambling addict, or anyone who has impulses that they can't control (almost all of us).

But pro-aborts are enemies because they hate human life itself and destroy it. If they do not seek forgiveness, they are certainly damned to hell.

Why does the LGBT movement want to continue down this road hand-in-hand with people who kill babies? It makes no goddamn sense. They helped you when no one else would, but you helped them back. You don't owe them anything.

I think if you come to Christians and say, "I want to help you save babies," Christians will drop all opposition to you and welcome you with open arms.

This is an olive branch. Think about it, and don't listen to leftists who say this peace accord can't happen. They don't understand Christianity, and never have. They can't get in the minds of Christians, and can't predict what we will do.
Appease me for a minute and give me a simple answer to a simple question as I am genuinely curious: Do you believe that aborted babies go to heaven or to hell?
I don't know and that is one of the main reasons I am so upset by abortion. The Catholic Church does not have an answer to the question. They used to say unbaptized babies go to limbo, a place of bliss that is not heaven, but now they've admitted limbo doesn't exist, and was never an authentic teaching of the Catholic Church.

So this issue disturbs me deeply, and that's why I will fight abortion until l die. And when I meet Jesus, and if abortion is still legal at that point, I can say, "I did my best." If I don't try to stop abortion, I don't want to explain to Jesus why I didn't try.

So, you see, arguments like "It's the settled law," have no effect on me or anyone else who feels the way I do. Seriously, it will not be settled, not ever.
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?


Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
By reconciling him with his Catholic relatives. If his Catholic relatives already accept him, that's fine. But I think we can improve on acceptance, and achieve reconciliation.
...when the media starts reporting just how abortion really is, and people are appalled...

:lol: stop the presses...

since the beginning of time, including mentions in the bible, women have understood exactly what they are choosing in the privacy of their own womb... so no, women don't need some media reporter to draw a gruesome picture, or a government mandated vaginal probe to rub their face in a moving 3D image just so YOU can feel better about yourself.

most Americans AND most Christians understand that such government overreach into reproductive privacy is unduly oppressive AND immoral...
You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?


Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
By reconciling him with his Catholic relatives. If his Catholic relatives already accept him, that's fine. But I think we can improve on acceptance, and achieve reconciliation.

Do you really not see how ridiculously arrogant it is to believe that you can speak for mdk's Catholic family?
Wow, there sure a lot of hostile people here. Have I struck a nerve?
That hostility starts with you and others on the hateful social right who seek to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

That hostility starts with you and others on the hateful social right who seek to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The American people are sick and tired of you and other social conservatives who, as a consequence of your fear, arrogance, bigotry, and hate, continue to pursue a hostile agenda against gay and transgender Americans.
You haven't paid attention to what I'm saying, you're just repeating a recorded message that's playing in your head.

What I'm offering is peace between Christians and LGBT people. Take one step towards us, and we will, like the father in Jesus' parable, rush to embrace you, put a ring on your finger, and kill the fatted lamb.
I have been branded as "hateful" by some for my comments on the "gender identity" paragraph in the 5th edition Players Handbook. Even a mod called me "hateful."

What I'm saying is that I'm not "hateful" at all. My son has a gay friend, who has a gay husband, and if they come back to Nevada, they are both welcome to play D&D in my campaign.

And what I'm doing here is offer an olive branch to all members of LGBTQ. You are not the real enemy, because what you do is not through wickedness, but through spiritual weakness (one theory), or through genetic destiny (another theory). To me, you are no more evil than an alchoholic, gambling addict, or anyone who has impulses that they can't control (almost all of us).

But pro-aborts are enemies because they hate human life itself and destroy it. If they do not seek forgiveness, they are certainly damned to hell.

Why does the LGBT movement want to continue down this road hand-in-hand with people who kill babies? It makes no goddamn sense. They helped you when no one else would, but you helped them back. You don't owe them anything.

I think if you come to Christians and say, "I want to help you save babies," Christians will drop all opposition to you and welcome you with open arms.

This is an olive branch. Think about it, and don't listen to leftists who say this peace accord can't happen. They don't understand Christianity, and never have. They can't get in the minds of Christians, and can't predict what we will do.
Appease me for a minute and give me a simple answer to a simple question as I am genuinely curious: Do you believe that aborted babies go to heaven or to hell?
I don't know and that is one of the main reasons I am so upset by abortion. The Catholic Church does not have an answer to the question. They used to say unbaptized babies go to limbo, a place of bliss that is not heaven, but now they've admitted limbo doesn't exist, and was never an authentic teaching of the Catholic Church.

So this issue disturbs me deeply, and that's why I will fight abortion until l die. And when I meet Jesus, and if abortion is still legal at that point, I can say, "I did my best." If I don't try to stop abortion, I don't want to explain to Jesus why I didn't try.

So, you see, arguments like "It's the settled law," have no effect on me or anyone else who feels the way I do. Seriously, it will not be settled, not ever.
I understand that... You can't possibly get all your answers from the Catholic Church though, they have proven through history to be wrong and misguiding on many issues. You should know in your heart what your God would do with an aborted baby, Do you really think that soul would spend an eternity in hell?
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?

You incorrectly assigned a bunch of labels and positions to me, but you're the one whining about dirty pool. Too funny.

Pressing you on how more gays becoming pro-life would suddenly make the Christian Right embrace gays isn't hostility. I am just trying to make sense of your convoluted proposal.

You want gays to change their positions on abortion even though you won't change yours concerning same-sex adoption. Your olive branch is swiftly becoming a twig.
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