A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

MANY Christians are pro-choice and MANY gays are Christian.

in the USA we make private choices as individuals... yay freedom.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
MANY Christians are pro-choice and MANY gays are Christian.

in the USA we make private choices as individuals... yay freedom.
Trends are still there, however, and the gay rights movement is still allied with Planned Parenthood and the pro-aborts. I know there are outliers, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about groups coming together to form a new alliance, now that old alliances are no longer useful.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
BULLDOG, unless you're LGBT this deal isn't for you, and of course you are against it. You want LGBT to be an ally in your agenda of tearing down marriage and the family unit. What I'm saying is that is no longer in the interests of LGBT, since they now can get married and form families, they should no longer be allied with the enemies of marriage as an institution, and the enemies of the family unit.

I think you vastly overestimate the extent that gay people care about whether you think they're "wicked", or just "spiritually weak".
I'm not talking to you either, theDoctorisIn. You are a leftist, an enemy of God, so of course you don't care about Christian notions about weakness and sin.

But what I'm thinking is that most gays want to be accepted by Christians, and here is a way in. Join pro-life, take common cause on an issue we REALLY care about, and my guess is Christians will drop any opposition they have to your way of life.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.
Except of Evangelicals, gays are already accepted by a majority of Christians in this nation.

I think you vastly overestimate the extent that gay people care about whether you think they're "wicked", or just "spiritually weak".
I'm not talking to you either, theDoctorisIn. You are a leftist, an enemy of God, so of course you don't care about Christian notions about weakness and sin.

But what I'm thinking is that most gays want to be accepted by Christians, and here is a way in. Join pro-life, take common cause on an issue we REALLY care about, and my guess is Christians will drop any opposition they have to your way of life.


You think calling people "enemies of God" is going to win you many supporters?

I'm beginning to think that "hateful" was the wrong term to describe you. "Staggeringly misguided to the point of delusion" might be a better fit. I'm starting to think that this isn't some act, and that you're actually as disconnected from reality as you appear to be.
op premise fail

clayton has the right term for that, i'm sure...
Fuck the LGBT, fuck their offshoot group GLSEN that is going around schools extolling the virtues of being a queer and fuck Common Core that has mandated a same sex agenda be taught. These perverted, genetic freaks are a fucking POX on this nation.....makes me sick to my stomach to see what has become of this nation.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
BULLDOG, unless you're LGBT this deal isn't for you, and of course you are against it. You want LGBT to be an ally in your agenda of tearing down marriage and the family unit. What I'm saying is that is no longer in the interests of LGBT, since they now can get married and form families, they should no longer be allied with the enemies of marriage as an institution, and the enemies of the family unit.

You claim I want to tear down marriage and the family unit? That is a little more insult than I'm willing to laugh about you piece of shit. I know that, as a crazy teabagger, you think you can get away with saying what ever shit falls from your brain but you just put your childish stupidity on display.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
It's a good idea, and it WILL happen. Americans are growing sick of the carnage of 1 million abortions per year, so the current state of affairs is not going to last much longer.

It will be like Communism. One day, Communism was the glorious future of mankind, the next day it was discredited and in the dumpster.

All it took was a few million Poles, a brave labor leader, a Catholic Pope, and an American President, and Communism, collapsed. Like an ancient tree, it was rotting from the inside all along, but it looked sturdy on the outside until the very end.

And abortion will fall the same way, all wicked things end like that. And the pro-aborts will be left holding the bag, and will be looking to fade into the woodwork, when the media starts reporting just how abortion really is, and people are appalled and want it to stop, and want to hold accountable the people who were doing it.

What I'm offering gays is an opportunity to get away from abortion before that day comes.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
BULLDOG, unless you're LGBT this deal isn't for you, and of course you are against it. You want LGBT to be an ally in your agenda of tearing down marriage and the family unit. What I'm saying is that is no longer in the interests of LGBT, since they now can get married and form families, they should no longer be allied with the enemies of marriage as an institution, and the enemies of the family unit.

You claim I want to tear down marriage and the family unit? That is a little more insult than I'm willing to laugh about you piece of shit. I know that, as a crazy teabagger, you think you can get away with saying what ever shit falls from your brain but you just put your childish stupidity on display.
Well then, if you don't like me SAYING you are an enemy of marriage and the family, stop BEING an enemy of marriage and the family. That is your choice, I'm just calling it the way I see it.

Also, your ignorance is on display. The Tea Party Movement is not about social issues, it's about economic issues. If you're going to hate people, at least hate the RIGHT people. I'm not even in the Tea Party Movement, you dipshit.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

So suddenly you have decided that their being gay isn't an affront to your beliefs? That tells me that it wasn't religiously based to start with. It was just hateful crap. I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in playing Lets Make A Deal with their rights.
BULLDOG, unless you're LGBT this deal isn't for you, and of course you are against it. You want LGBT to be an ally in your agenda of tearing down marriage and the family unit. What I'm saying is that is no longer in the interests of LGBT, since they now can get married and form families, they should no longer be allied with the enemies of marriage as an institution, and the enemies of the family unit.

You claim I want to tear down marriage and the family unit? That is a little more insult than I'm willing to laugh about you piece of shit. I know that, as a crazy teabagger, you think you can get away with saying what ever shit falls from your brain but you just put your childish stupidity on display.

You are a stupid piece of shit...you have no problem with tearing down the traditional family because the political affiliation that you belong to adopted the Marxist philosophy in a secret caucus in 1980. Part of the communist manifesto was to tear down the family and make the children beholding to the state and away from the influence of the parents....go fuck yourself...we know what your kind are.
:lol: your kind hates freedom, dale... why do you hate America?

Faglets are free to do anything they want...but when they start insisting that we accept their perverted ways and that they be allowed to go into schools and teach their faggotry ways as if it's the norm? You can bet your ass that there is gonna be blow back....deal with it, bitch.
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.
You’re a hard-core rightwing loon.

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