A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

Pro-life is the future of America.

Pro-life is killing animals by the billions, it's pro-execution, it's pro-war, it's pro-ignoring poor kids once they're born and making sure they don't make it.

Some how "pro-life" seems to be the worst term for people who are mostly pro-killing anything, except one thing.
Oh, blah blah blah, liberals like you disgust me. Your opposition to war and capital punishment, and your support for welfare, all fails to impress Jesus Christ when you advocate the murder of his most innocent brothers and sisters.

It's amazing how people just brush off anything they don't like.

"Pro-lifer" aren't pro-life. Simple as. You can do your silly "blah blah blah" to brush it off, I don't care, but I just wonder why you'd come on to a forum to talk about things, when you won't actually confront the reality.
I'm talking about the reality that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being.

What reality are you talking about?

But you're NOT talking about the reality of killing animals as being against life, nor are you talking about executions as being against life, nor are you talking about war as being against life.

Once again we have people putting things into compartments so they can justify one thing while being hypocritical about everything else.
There are some out there who will say that a man does, in fact, have a legitimate claim in the abortion debate because the embryo was fertilized with the man’s sperm, so what’s his is his. If that’s the case, and every sperm is all of a sudden so sacred, then why wouldn’t a man be more protective with keeping his sperm to himself? Instead of acting so careless with his reproductive material, he should either keep his dick in his pants, or more realistically, use a condom so that the sperm doesn’t go anywhere except to the dimpled end of a latex sock.

But if that sperm of yours somehow finds its way into a uterus, men, then wake up: You just surrendered all sovereignty to that sperm like a repoed minivan.
Once it’s no longer inside of your man parts, you don’t get a say in what happens to that sperm, regardless of whether it fertilizes an egg, whether it continues to mingle with that egg and eventually become a human fetus, or if it gets expelled from a woman’s body (however that may happen). If you want to have control over your sperm’s fate, keep it to yourself.

Men, of course, will inevitably argue that the debate is not about enforcing dominion over a woman’s body, but rather out of a sense of heroism to “save” an “unborn child.” These types of men will justify their willingness to inject themselves into the personal events of women’s lives with a lot of bottomless explanations, but it essentially will boil down to that’s just how he feels.

Why Men Need To Butt Out Of The Abortion Debate - Role Reboot
You disgust me, and you are wrong, legally and morally.

A child who is born is just as much the father's as the mother's and he has all the same rights as she does to raise the child, determine what religion it will be brought up with, decide what school it will attend, and make medical decisions regarding the child, with the responsibility to provide child support for 18 years.

You hate men, and that becomes more obvious the more you post. And you see fathers as unnecessary accessories to a child's life. That is why you have denied a father to your four adopted children, and have given them two mothers instead. That is not the same, and not nearly as good. Children need fathers just as much as mothers, and an extra mother doesn't do the trick, not by a long shot.
I don't hate men. Not at all. But if you insist on projecting your issues with your mother on to me, I understand, more than you know.

LGBT parents do an excellent job. My kids are lucky. Even their bio parents know how fortunate their children are to have us as moms.

I feel sad for you. Maybe you sincerely want to be at peace with LGBT and with feminists, but have a few things to work out first.

I'm sorry I've been sooo angry with you. I can't tell you how many buttons of mine you push.
Well, thanks for the apology, I really appreciate it. I normally don't tell anyone about my mother because people on the internet can be very cruel, and I expect I will have to put a few people on "ignore" when they read this and start mocking me.

Because you see, child abuse is still a taboo subject even now in the 21st century. Those who admit to being abused are labeled as mentally unstable folks with "issues." So really, you have to be careful who you tell, and you would never tell an employer or anyone you do business with.

The reason you have so thoroughly pissed me off is that I started having sex with my girlfriend when we were 18-years-old. During the second or third time, the condom broke, and foolishly, I did not stop. She got pregnant, and now we are married and have three wonderful children.

While I realize I made a mistake, you have labeled me as some sort of a rapist. I do not believe that is fair to characterize me that way. I was young, foolish, and very horny when I was 18-years-old. If you start calling me a rapist because I told you this, I will report you to the mods and put you on ignore. I think it's wrong for you to be so anti-man that you would consider a mistake like this to be some sort of "oppression" or "abuse" of women, the fact is, this kind of thing happens every day, and at least half of all human beings are the product of failed attempts to prevent pregnancy. Condoms break. Birth control pills fail. Sponges fail. No matter what kind of birth control you use, eventually the woman will get pregnant if you have sex enough times with the same partner.

I have three children, and only one was planned, but I love all three. "Planned Parenthood" is a lie, parenthood is almost never planned, it just happens to people, and if you're having sexual intercourse, then you have to be ready when it happens. If you open up your heart to another person enough to engage in sexual intercourse, then you should accept the human life you create. If you can't accept that human life into your home, you have no business having sexual intercourse, because all birth control fails eventually.

Now, if I've just pushed more of your buttons, so be it. But if you take what I've told you and start spreading around that I'm a rapist, I will pay you back in kind. This kind of thing happens between men and women every day, and if you can't deal with a normal reality of what it means to be a heterosexual having heterosexual sexual intercourse, then that's on you, not me.
I believe you that you aren't a rapist. I believe you that you didn't coerce your GF into getting pregnant to bind her to you. SOME men do that though. And it's NOT even a crime, though it should be.

not all women who get pregnant ought to be mothers. Is it "better" for the pregnant woman to ALWAYS carry the fetus to term? Who can say? I sure don't know that.

Ideally, abortion would be legal. safe and RARE.
Pro-life is killing animals by the billions, it's pro-execution, it's pro-war, it's pro-ignoring poor kids once they're born and making sure they don't make it.

Some how "pro-life" seems to be the worst term for people who are mostly pro-killing anything, except one thing.
Oh, blah blah blah, liberals like you disgust me. Your opposition to war and capital punishment, and your support for welfare, all fails to impress Jesus Christ when you advocate the murder of his most innocent brothers and sisters.


So you've gone from claiming to speak for all Christians to claiming to speak for Jesus Christ himself?
I've read the Bible, and you can read it yourself, it's available at any bookstore. Or you can follow this link to the Catholic Catechism, regarding the Fifth Commandment:

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The fifth commandment
Why is it Catholics think they are the ONLY people on earth with a moral code?
We don't have the ONLY moral code, only the BEST. For 2000 years, using the Bible as a launching point, all the best theologians and ethicists have developed Catholic morality so that it is unequaled in the world. We are the only major religion in the world taking a firm and principled stand against abortion, except for the evangelicals, who are right on this because even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I was raised a Catholic, and I'm now a Buddhist. The RCC may be the best moral code for you, but it's not one that EVER made sense to me.

There is a great deal of rigidity in Catholicism but not so much compassion or wisdom. Changing religion is the best thing that came out of MY father's suicide.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Damn! I didn't even know there was a pro-abortion lobby! I'm surprised because if there is a lobby, I usually get an email asking for a donation! I don't recall ever getting an email reading, "This baby needed an abortion, but could not have one! Won't you help?"
Pro Life/ Pro Choice -

by Joseph Narusiewicz

So a girl carrying a deformed baby in her that is her father's is a murderer because she has an abortion?
When sperm hits egg it is process and biochemistry.
When a person jumps off a hundred foot bridge they probably will die because of gravity.
I don't believe God gets 10 year old girls pregnant by their fathers or rapists.
There were over 32,000 rapes last year in the USA.
Can we be pro life with our own life yet not impose our morality upon everyone else?
What if a 12 year old is pregnant by her 15 year old boyfriend and she is in the midst of a break down
and her parents decide she shouldn't have the baby; that she is too emotionally and mentally unstable?
Her parents went through a divorce and she is doing bad in school and she is cutting herself.
Happens all the time.
Do we call her a murderer?
Do we condemn her parents?
The youngest girl recorded to have given birth is 5 years old and 7 months......
there are many many 8 and 9 year olds known to have given birth.
Ideals in a imperfect world enforced by a government with its power and apparatus
can be a page out of Kafka, a nightmare of oppression.
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
There are far more examples of women who deliberately stopped taking birth control to trap their husbands/boyfriends into fatherhood. And men can't get an abortion to reverse that, so they're stuck.
You stupid schmuck. Men who control women are evil, including the ones who make their wives get abortions. That's just as controlling as the ones who conspire to get their wives pregnant when the wives don't want to be and force them to have babies to keep them in sick marriages where they can continue to beat the shit out of the women.

That's the evil I'd like to see stopped.
I note that to you, the man is always wrong, whether he wants to keep the child or have an abortion, and the woman is always right, whether she wants to keep the child or have an abortion.

Until you can take that embryo and place into the man's body for him to carry for 9 months, that is correct, it is the woman's decision not the man's.

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