A messsage from Ronald Reagan


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
"We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." -- Ronald Reagan.
"We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." -- Ronald Reagan.

yep and democrats love everyone of those loopholes, but you're a partisan tool that's not honest or you're just plain stupid....I dont envy either position.....so which is it?

OR are you gonna pick the truth and say both parties have rich folks that like loopholes?
"We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." -- Ronald Reagan.

yep and democrats love everyone of those loopholes, but you're a partisan tool that's not honest or you're just plain stupid....I dont envy either position.....so which is it?

OR are you gonna pick the truth and say both parties have rich folks that like loopholes?

What a weird post.

Where have you been for the last few years?

Ever heard of the Buffett Rule?
Warren Buffett isn’t the only rich guy who wants to higher taxes on the rich.

A new survey from Spectrem Group found that 68% of millionaires (those with investments of $1 million or more) support raising taxes on those with $1 million or more in income. Fully 61% of those with net worths of $5 million or more support the tax on million-plus earners.

Buffett, as you might recall, has proposed raising taxes on million-plus earners, saying the ultra-rich pay lower rates than everyday workers.

Millionaires Support Warren Buffett
reagan also raised taxes 11 times during his presidency to help pay for the 4 fold increase in defense spending and to cover his tax cuts.
Warren Buffett isn’t the only rich guy who wants to higher taxes on the rich.

A new survey from Spectrem Group found that 68% of millionaires (those with investments of $1 million or more) support raising taxes on those with $1 million or more in income. Fully 61% of those with net worths of $5 million or more support the tax on million-plus earners.

Buffett, as you might recall, has proposed raising taxes on million-plus earners, saying the ultra-rich pay lower rates than everyday workers.

Millionaires Support Warren Buffett

Mittens pays a rate of 13.9%, Kerry paid 13.1%
"We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." -- Ronald Reagan.

yep and democrats love everyone of those loopholes, but you're a partisan tool that's not honest or you're just plain stupid....I dont envy either position.....so which is it?

OR are you gonna pick the truth and say both parties have rich folks that like loopholes?

What a weird post.

How is it weird? by saying both parties have rich folks who dont want to pay taxes? I mean do you not know this? Is this a new concept? And I'm being serious.....do you agree with that statement of not?

Where have you been for the last few years?

Ever heard of the Buffett Rule?

Oh wait another law to "fix" current law, kinda like the 1986 tax bill? or the amnesty plan? yeah they worked out real well, and they were passed by democrats in BOTH houses of congress...do tell, what is the Buffet rule again?

A White House statement released in January 2012 defined the rule as part of "measures to ensure everyone making over a million dollars a year pays a minimum effective tax rate of at least 30 percent ... implemented in a way that is equitable, including not disadvantaging individuals who make large charitable contributions."[7] The White House also stated that "no household making more than $1 million each year should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than a middle class family pays."[8]

Uh oh, even it has loopholes, so which loopholes are closed, it doesnt really say, got a linik?
Romney won't reveal his tax returns because for several years he paid no taxes.
Warren Buffett isn’t the only rich guy who wants to higher taxes on the rich.

A new survey from Spectrem Group found that 68% of millionaires (those with investments of $1 million or more) support raising taxes on those with $1 million or more in income. Fully 61% of those with net worths of $5 million or more support the tax on million-plus earners.

Buffett, as you might recall, has proposed raising taxes on million-plus earners, saying the ultra-rich pay lower rates than everyday workers.

Millionaires Support Warren Buffett

Mittens pays a rate of 13.9%, Kerry paid 13.1%

I dont know about the rates, but seems logical.....and that's why taxing the rich is bad...because they will get around it and pass it on to us. Tax the crap out of Bill Gates, and guess what, you think a copy of Windows 7 is expensive now.....just wait.....so what is ironic, is by taxing the rich, you actually have a regressive tax as they will pass it to the consumers (YOU and ME). Kerry wont dock his Yacht in Mass, because the taxes are too high, I really dont make this stuff up, I dont have to.
Taxing the ultra rich by not allowing 77k tax deduction for a horse will not raise my taxes or prices? Unless I want to train a dancing horse.
Romney won't reveal his tax returns because for several years he paid no taxes.

Chris, here's the deal, he's rich, we get it, he uses loopholes, we get it... if he did anything illegal, the IRS would hammer him, so he didnt, he exploited the rules like all rich people (republicans AND democrats)...see you need to understand this....I dont really like it, but rich people have options we dont, and there are several reasons why. But I dont care how much someone makes and I dont care if they dont pay taxes, as long as they dont lie about it and arent hypocritical about it.

I think the income tax is horrible in the first place. Why should I get taxed for having a job? Why should I get taxed if I work alot of OT and hit a higher bracket, how do you get ahead if you cant work hard and be rewarded?

GE didnt pay any taxes, I didnt see liberals upset over it, a HUGE MULTINATIONAL corporation paid ZERO in taxes...sucks but what can you do.

And if you want to close the loopholes fine, but you wont get democrats to jump on board...because they use them too. They talk the game, but they wont pull the tigger, because they put them in. And that's how they get lobbyist money....it's a quid pro quo....Once we get past the class warfare and the calling each other racist, and all that crap we can solve problems, and you have to be tough and willing to take the arrows, just like a Jesse Owens or a Jackie Robinson.....
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Hiding money in foreign countries to avoid taxes is un-American!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud3mMj0AZZk&feature=player_embedded]Obama for America TV Ad: "Firms" - YouTube[/ame]
"We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." -- Ronald Reagan.

yep and democrats love everyone of those loopholes, but you're a partisan tool that's not honest or you're just plain stupid....I dont envy either position.....so which is it?

OR are you gonna pick the truth and say both parties have rich folks that like loopholes?

I don't hear any Democrats whining about being undertaxed.

Maybe we should take Harry Reid's suggestion. Let the Government take your paycheck and let them decide what you need. He said that's what they do in Europe.
reagan also raised taxes 11 times during his presidency to help pay for the 4 fold increase in defense spending and to cover his tax cuts.

The sum total of Reagan's tax cuts and tax increases resulted in a net tax decrease.
proof postive to this day they hate anything that disagrees with them, Palin too, they still try to mock her at any event. Go on with ur hate lefties, go on, bask in ur hatred.
yep and democrats love everyone of those loopholes, but you're a partisan tool that's not honest or you're just plain stupid....I dont envy either position.....so which is it?

OR are you gonna pick the truth and say both parties have rich folks that like loopholes?

What a weird post.

How is it weird? by saying both parties have rich folks who dont want to pay taxes? I mean do you not know this? Is this a new concept? And I'm being serious.....do you agree with that statement of not?

Where have you been for the last few years?

Ever heard of the Buffett Rule?

Oh wait another law to "fix" current law, kinda like the 1986 tax bill? or the amnesty plan? yeah they worked out real well, and they were passed by democrats in BOTH houses of congress...do tell, what is the Buffet rule again?

A White House statement released in January 2012 defined the rule as part of "measures to ensure everyone making over a million dollars a year pays a minimum effective tax rate of at least 30 percent ... implemented in a way that is equitable, including not disadvantaging individuals who make large charitable contributions."[7] The White House also stated that "no household making more than $1 million each year should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than a middle class family pays."[8]

Uh oh, even it has loopholes, so which loopholes are closed, it doesnt really say, got a linik?

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was actually very effective at closing tax loopholes and broadening the tax base.

The problem is that we are averaging about one new tax break, credit, loophole, or subsidy per day since that Act passed. These tax breaks are snuck into completely unrelated bills as amendments by Congressmen on both sides of the aisle literally on a daily basis on behalf of special interests.

It is time to reform the tax code again.
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