A “moderate” Muslim's View


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?
good info and the guy is a bigshot in ' cair ' . I'm really not that surprised , who likes being number 2 other than western liberals that are just interested in getting buzzed up or laid .

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Until people recognize that the real issue here is one of supremacism and totalitarianism, they cannot begin to understand the true nature of the issue. Until they understand the true nature of the issue, they have no hope of combating it.

The very term "Islamophobia" is a misnomer here, because those who face political Islam honestly are not the ones exhibiting the fear. It is those who constantly defend that which is out to destroy them while wagging their sanctimonious little fingers at everybody else who are the fearful ones. They have been so conditioned to fear Islam that they defend it.

What was it Churchill said about feeding the crocodile hoping it would eat you last?
Ban CAIR. Ban Islam. Ban all religion. Ban manpigs.

Only then can the civilized world finally live in peace.

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Everything on the internet is not true, Sir/Ma'am...I can say that here in Minneapolis, MN, there is a VERY large Muslim community and they do not proselytize at all that I have experienced.

(If you were unable to infer from my words, I am NOT a Muslim.)
Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Everything on the internet is not true, Sir/Ma'am...I can say that here in Minneapolis, MN, there is a VERY large Muslim community and they do not proselytize at all that I have experienced.

(If you were unable to infer from my words, I am NOT a Muslim.)

What religion do you adhere to, then?

It's got to be one of them, because no enlightened atheist would ever defend Moonslims.

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Everything on the internet is not true, Sir/Ma'am...I can say that here in Minneapolis, MN, there is a VERY large Muslim community and they do not proselytize at all that I have experienced.

(If you were unable to infer from my words, I am NOT a Muslim.)

Is that why many of the ISIS fighters from America are from that region? Is that why the FBI has had to watch the mosques in that area? Because they are so peace-loving and don't try to create terrorists?

Anyway, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. I learned that right after 9/11 when 60 Minutes did a story interviewing Muslim school children in the US. Every one of the them were saying 9/11 was our fault. Where did these young children learn that? From home.
Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Everything on the internet is not true, Sir/Ma'am...I can say that here in Minneapolis, MN, there is a VERY large Muslim community and they do not proselytize at all that I have experienced.

(If you were unable to infer from my words, I am NOT a Muslim.)

What religion do you adhere to, then?

It's got to be one of them, because no enlightened atheist would ever defend Moonslims.

I'm not a member of any religion, but just a few days ago I decided to start praying to "the God of Prophet Muhammad" and I must say that I like the results that I'm getting from my prayers. How can I pray to "the God of Prophet Muhammad" and not be a Muslim you ask? Here is the answer (smile:)

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve." (Holy Qur'an 2:62)

I would classify as "whoever" in the above verse. I don't see myself joining the classification "those who believe" (the Muslims) anytime soon because Islam teaches that marriage is half of that religion and I have NO DESIRE to marry right now.

Is that why many of the ISIS fighters from America are from that region? Is that why the FBI has had to watch the mosques in that area? Because they are so peace-loving and don't try to create terrorists?

Anyway, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. I learned that right after 9/11 when 60 Minutes did a story interviewing Muslim school children in the US. Every one of the them were saying 9/11 was our fault. Where did these young children learn that? From home.

Well, Sir, I have learned from how the American media treats Louis Farrakhan that the American media cannot be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so I cannot discuss American news reports with you.
Is that why many of the ISIS fighters from America are from that region? Is that why the FBI has had to watch the mosques in that area? Because they are so peace-loving and don't try to create terrorists?

Anyway, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. I learned that right after 9/11 when 60 Minutes did a story interviewing Muslim school children in the US. Every one of the them were saying 9/11 was our fault. Where did these young children learn that? From home.

Well, Sir, I have learned from how the American media treats Louis Farrakhan that the American media cannot be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so I cannot discuss American news reports with you.

Then you need not reply. Ever.
just keep the info flowing and watch what you see and read , that's the best way to mess these people up . Thanks for the info in your OP Longknife !!
good observations and sharing of info about where 'isis' fighters are coming from Navyvet !! Minnesota , [yikes] Ollie Olsen and his wife Mrs . Olsen lives there !!

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. There are only two kinds of Muslims: terrorists, and terrorists who haven't gotten their marching orders yet.

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?
I have heard many Christian preachers say they want everyone to accept Jesus and the whole world become Christian.

So why is it wrong if muslims say they want the whole world to be Islamic? ..... :cool:

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