A “moderate” Muslim's View


Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

Same thing Christians believe. They say only through Christ. So just like this guy hopes and assumes as they multiply and spread the word that ultimately the goal is that everyone sees the truth and converts to Islam.

If you truly believe that Jesus is the only way then you have to agree with this guy only YOU believe your way is the one true way. If you believe that then like him you should hope and assume one day Christianity will become the one true religion. Hell, you guys say it in Revelations that Jesus is going to come back and judge everyone so you better convert before it's too late!

This guy thinks it is obvious just like you think it is a no brainer that your religion is the only one true faith. So he's assuming as the truth spreads and they multiply that "hopefully" one day America wakes up and becomes a Christian/Muslim nation. Don't you think and hope that too? Wouldn't that be nice?

Most theists don't like separation of church and state. They want their religion to be the one main religion. That's why we don't open up that can of worms.

If Jesus is the only way, why would you not also hope that one day Christianity is the only religion?

Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

It is a fact that Islam is growing rapidly in the West. In the U.S. alone the number of Muslims has risen dramatically, from about 10,000 in 1900 to 3 million or more in 1991 (some authorities say 4.5 million). Most of this growth is due to recent immigration and the high birth rate of Muslims (5 children per family on average), rather than to conversion. Still, the number of those who convert to Islam is significant. In the U.S., the majority are African-American (a third of all Muslims according to most authorities), but there have also been significant numbers of Anglos to convert as well, many of them well-educated.

What is motivating people to turn to Islam? A recent article in Christianity Today reported that in the U.S., the average age of those converting to Islam (31) is about twice that for conversion to Christian faith (age 16). It listed 5 main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam's doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a "practical" religion, and lacks a priesthood.
guess it goes back to the reasoning in my post Sbobo , no one likes being number 2 . The west better start thinking American style once again , for the sake of their children , especially .
guess it goes back to the reasoning in my post Sbobo , no one likes being number 2 . The west better start thinking American style once again , for the sake of their children , especially .

Not worried about it. Just like the original Americans worried about the Germans or Italians and then they worried about the greeks and then we worried about the muslims. Everyone will assimilate. Here in America you are free to do your religion and if you infringe on anyone else then you are breaking the law. I've had no Muslims annoy and try to convert me but I have had annoying christians ask me if I know where I'm going when I die trying to recruit me.

Did you ever see the story about the Jews when they moved to America? They decided to take off the Yamakas and eat whatever the fuck they want cosher or not. They cut the locks. So too will muslims soften. They even don't wear the burkas anymore. I live near Dearborn, MI so I see a lot of them blend right in. Oh yea, that scares you. Don't worry. They're tapping their calls. Yours too. LOL

I want them wearing the burkas. That way I know. LOL.
guess it goes back to the reasoning in my post Sbobo , no one likes being number 2 . The west better start thinking American style once again , for the sake of their children , especially .

My hope is that one day 50% of us are atheists and the rest of you divide up to make up the other 50%. 15% Christians, 15% Muslims 10% Jews 10% Others. I'll even be ok with 25% Atheist, 25% spiritual and you divide up the actual people who belong to organized religions.

I live and work in 2 major cities and I hardly see any muslims ever. Relax, you got some time to out breed them. LOL
greeks , germans , irish , italian and most others were mainly Christian SBobo and they mostly came to the USA with very little hope of ever revisiting the old country . That's far different then the Somalis fighting for ' isis ' that fly from Minnesota to the middle east to do some beheading . The Euro groups you mention came to America looking to become Americans rather than dual citizens and they came if lucky to take part in and assimilate into America . People like this ' cair ' guy would like to modify and dissolve American traditions , laws here in America . This guy and cair , by the announcements they make are those type people so I see them as enemies .
whether I see muslims and orgs like cair or not , I am smart enough to know that they are here in America . One showed up in Oklahoma at a food processing plant just yesterday Sbobo !!
just a little spin and a little taqiyah ehh 'ofo' ??

Look man, neither you nor anyone else is anyone that I would have to lie to. If I was a Muslim I would declare that because I don't give two f*cks about you, pardon my French.

And I don't believe in Taqiyya; this is what the Holy Qur'an says about lying: "And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." (Surah 2:42.)

Prophet Muhammad said that his community would DEVIATE from his path and if Orthodox Muslims believe in Taqiyya, I believe that that is part of their DEVIATION from the path of Prophet Muhammad.
yeah , yeah , yeah OFO --- I know all about taqiyah and jizyah and other muslim concepts that I don't recall the names of at the moment . I mean , these muslim concepts that I refer are foreign to me so they aren't right at the tip of my tongue . Course taqiyah exists and its used all the time in tricking the stooped kafir . Otherwise , how's it goin Ofo and please keep posting ??
yeah , yeah , yeah OFO --- I know all about taqiyah and jizyah and other muslim concepts that I don't recall the names of at the moment . I mean , these muslim concepts that I refer are foreign to me so they aren't right at the tip of my tongue . Course taqiyah exists and its used all the time in tricking the stooped kafir . Otherwise , how's it goin Ofo and please keep posting ??

I have nothing to prove to you, Sir/Ma'am. I have told you that I am NOT a Muslim. Believe what you want to but I am free of guilt in anything that you believe about me. I do pray to the "God of Prophet Muhammad;" hopefully that offends you or causes you to have an issue with me (lol,) but I am NOT a Muslim...
just keep posting yer thoughts OFO , I and others may like seeing them !! Tell me anything you like about muslims or about praying to 'mo' , I like hearing / reading about it !!
not that there is anything wrong with that but yeah , I think that yer probably just a kid OFO !!
Okay, so blame me of being an Islamaphobe. How can I not be when so-called moderate Muslims make statements like this?

There is nothing "moderate" about CAIR. How many Muslim people do you know well personally?
Didn't say that you cared , I just said that yer probably just a kid , you sound like a kid !! Nothing wrong with sounding like a kid if you are a kid . Even if yer an adult , you sound like a kid , a funny , nice but mixed up kid . Yep , I guess that I kinda like you in a fatherly or motherly sort of way OFO !! Now run along and respond to my friend Unkatore , he is looking fer some attention !!
No one running around a rubble filled street with an AK or RPG is to my mind moderate or liberal. It's really a meaningless distinction calling any jihadis moderate-Muslims. The moderates are the ones who fled, not the ones who stayed to fight.
greeks , germans , irish , italian and most others were mainly Christian SBobo and they mostly came to the USA with very little hope of ever revisiting the old country . That's far different then the Somalis fighting for ' isis ' that fly from Minnesota to the middle east to do some beheading . The Euro groups you mention came to America looking to become Americans rather than dual citizens and they came if lucky to take part in and assimilate into America . People like this ' cair ' guy would like to modify and dissolve American traditions , laws here in America . This guy and cair , by the announcements they make are those type people so I see them as enemies .

I was watching religion tv last night and this guy who I believe was a Chaldean was calling Obama Barrack Hussain Obama and questioning his birth certificate. The radical christian arab nutbags were calling in to say how Obama is pro ISIS and pro the Syrian regime. Yes, we only want stupid Arab Christians who will easily fall in line and toe the line.

By the way, I see nice Muslim families going about their business. They don't give a shit if you are an Muslim just like you don't really care if they convert.

And just like we aren't bible thumpers like our grand daddies were, their kids won't be extreme muslims 1 or 2 generations from now. No more burkas.

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