A moral code for the world


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
If you were to write a moral code that all religions, atheists and agnostics could agree to follow, what morals would be included. In other words, what morals are common among all mankind in general.
If it feels good then it's probably bad for you, so don't do it. *L*
And what exactly is it that you would have others do unto you?
When I help and elderly person with heavy labor, I feel good in my heart for doing so. Is this a bad thing?
I think cooking dinner would be considered a good thing to do for others and something all cultures of people might agree upon. It could build unity and friendship among others. Regarding sexual pleasures, should there be any limits on such things? Does it ever cause disunity and violence in our society?
good old golden rule in any of it's various wordings

and then there is Carlin
If we could just agree to stop killing each other, that would solve 90% of our problems.
If you were to write a moral code that all religions, atheists and agnostics could agree to follow, what morals would be included. In other words, what morals are common among all mankind in general.
In Comparative Religion 401 in college (an upper division senior level course), there were two principles that all religions espouse:

1 - reverence for all life

2 - the brotherhood of all mankind.

That should then serve as first principles. From this you could come up with something akin to some new 10 Commandments --

- no murder

- no theft

- no slander or libel

- no war

- no land grabbing from another nation

- no subsidizing exports

- no tariffs on imports

- no gun imports or exports

- free K thru 12 education

- school vouchers for people with kids who choose to attend private schools

- no bussing of students further than the nearest school where they live

- tax credits for rent paid or for mortgage interest

- no deductions for property tax

- flat taxes not graduated

- cost of living exclusions from tax to cover food, clothing, housing, and transportation

- tax credits for medical costs

- same tax rates for married or singles

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