A Mother Was Given Thousands of Tax Dollars to Help Lift Her Out of Poverty. Guess How She Spent It.

How about you pay me back the money I put in that helped finance whites that blacks could not get?
Thanks, but I don’t owe you anything, neither do the whites who you never financed.
Bad choices result in bad behavior
Bad choices like this?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, Iwas an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager andDirector and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousandresumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to EngineeringManagers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name.Never hired them.”

That's from Flash and he is not the only white person who has done that and certainly not the only white member of this forum who has done so.
Thanks, but I don’t owe you anything, neither do the whites who you never financed.
Actually I have. Just like every other black taxpayer whose communities don't see the return on our payment as whites do. Furthermore reoarations will not be paid by you, its a case against the government. So look in the mirror white woman, because YOU have benefitted from things like AA more than I have. Last, I worked for 42 years, so go to the kitchen and bake some brownies insrtead of running your mouth with the dumb racist garbage.
Actually I have. Just like every other black taxoayer whosecommunities don't see the return onour payment as whites do. Furthermore reoarations will not be paid by you, its a case against the government. So look in the mirror white woman, because YOU have benefitted from things like AA more than I have. Last, I worked for 42 years, so go to the kitchen and bake some brownies insrtead of running your mouth with the dumb racist garbage.
The reason you express oppression is because you live in constant depression
I said most red states are impoverished. The graphic confirms it.


No identification of red vs blue.
Your comment is not sourced nor is it supported in the graphic you transmitted
Actually I have. Just like every other black taxpayer whose communities don't see the return on our payment as whites do. Furthermore reoarations will not be paid by you, its a case against the government. So look in the mirror white woman, because YOU have benefitted from things like AA more than I have. Last, I worked for 42 years, so go to the kitchen and bake some brownies insrtead of running your mouth with the dumb racist garbage.

Lots of slogans you apparently stole from the Joy Reid show.

I found it hilarious that you claim your reparations case will be against the government so I won’t pay. You have obviously been absent from school since the 7th grade.

Where does the government money come from?
I don't blame the woman for this. Hear me out:

The people who designed this little experiment to see whether a lump sum payment might lift someone out of poverty better than a steady dole should have seen this coming a mile away. I daresay that if they had asked us on this forum, about half of us would have predicted it exactly.

The dependency class has plenty of leisure time thanks to the taxpaying class having so little, but expensive vacations is something they have had to forego in order to avoid the dreaded J-O-B. This was like giving a child a bag of halloween candy and telling him he can either have a few pieces a day or eat it all.

She seems like a typical low-information Democrat voter who had no idea that there were other uses for ten thousand dollars than to spend it on clothes, shoes and a vacation trip to show them off.

BTW, when I first saw the headlines, I thought it was a recipient of my own County (Harris County, Texas) and the socialist County Executive who have hatched a similar scheme to give 9K over 18 months to randomly selected dependents of the state. Each of those 500 dollar monthly payments will be spent on something equally foolish, but she will see no reason to hesitate to push it through.
hmmmm. . . it seems to me, this is based on a "community survey?"

This has nothing to do with red states and blue states, but who is closest to the border and has to deal with the most illegal border crossers. . .
You got it!
Last three responses I made were along same line
More lib loon fake

Also-so called poverty income vastly different from state to state, location to location, household to household . It’s largely been an unsound political measuring stick for 50 years.
hmmmm. . . it seems to me, this is based on a "community survey?"

This has nothing to do with red states and blue states, but who is closest to the border and has to deal with the most illegal border crossers. . .
Alabama is close to the border?

I know you think it’s on the East coast and all but it’s not a border state.
Blacks pay taxes every year and watch white suburban communities get tax dollars for development while black communites don't.
Why don’t blacks get dollars for development? Bet you won’t be honest
Why don’t blacks get dollars for development? Bet you won’t be honest
I have gone against city governments for economic develpoment dollars. You have to get past the individual racism of some of the city council members.
Lots of slogans you apparently stole from the Joy Reid show.

I found it hilarious that you claim your reparations case will be against the government so I won’t pay. You have obviously been absent from school since the 7th grade.

Where does the government money come from?
I don't watch Joy Reid. I have done the work. Unlike you. The case for reparations will be against the gvernment. The payment will be made wth funds the government already has. I guess they didn't teach you things like this in school and you should have stopped listening to race bait right wing victimhood radio. Noody is going to your house to ask you for a check.

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