A Mother Was Given Thousands of Tax Dollars to Help Lift Her Out of Poverty. Guess How She Spent It.

The person who made the statement about nword rich.

Nobody says squat about the millionaire that gets unecessary government sibsidies.
The person who made the statement is brainwashed by establishment media, and probably has absolutely NO experience with real poor folks that are on pubic programs, public assistance, or what motivates them.

They are all the same, no matter if they live in the projects, or in the trailer parks, or multiple family dwellings. Blacks, whites, Latinos? It makes no difference. The financially illiterate and ignorant are all motivated by the same types of things.

They are all brainwashed by mass media, and put way more importance on what their family and friends think of what they own, and how they make themselves appear, than long term financial or fiscal responsibility. None of them have any discipline, nor do they do any due diligence in how or what they spend their resources on to lift themselves out of poverty, they are just too damn ignorant.

I am ashamed to say, I worked at a pay-day lending service of five weeks once. . those places SHOULD be made illegal, they are immoral. What you say about millionaires and corporations? Spot on.

I only got the job, because I had worked in the rent-to-own industry as a manger, and did collections in all those communities successfully for years. Poor folks have no respect for how the economy works, because a good percentage of them have no respect for themselves or their own families TBH. AND IT DIDN'T MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY WERE.

They all approached money and material items, and the economy the same way.

Poor folks have absolutely no fiscal or financial control, fiscal literacy, or discipline, and it makes very little difference what color their skin is.

Most of this, is a function of broken homes, and broken families. I have done extensive research on the history of education in America. . it sucks. Poor folks are purposely kept from the knowledge they need to NOT be slaves of the system.

The system is designed in such a way, to keep the generationally poor, poor - forever. This is something you just do not get. It is why reparations will never, ever happen. The ruling class either won't allow it, or won't give them enough capital, to let it make a difference. The financially illiterate would not know what to do with it, if they got them.
The person who made the statement is brainwashed by establishment media, and probably has absolutely NO experience with real poor folks that are on pubic programs, public assistance, or what motivates them.

They are all the same, no matter if they live in the projects, or in the trailer parks, or multiple family dwellings. Blacks, whites, Latinos? It makes no difference. The financially illiterate and ignorant are all motivated by the same types of things.

They are all brainwashed by mass media, and put way more importance on what their family and friends think of what they own, and how they make themselves appear, than long term financial or fiscal responsibility. None of them have any discipline, nor do they do any due diligence in how or what they spend their resources on to lift themselves out of poverty, they are just too damn ignorant.

I am ashamed to say, I worked at a pay-day lending service of five weeks once. . those places SHOULD be made illegal, they are immoral. What you say about millionaires and corporations? Spot on.

I only got the job, because I had worked in the rent-to-own industry as a manger, and did collections in all those communities successfully for years. Poor folks have no respect for how the economy works, because a good percentage of them have no respect for themselves or their own families TBH. AND IT DIDN'T MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY WERE.

They all approached money and material items, and the economy the same way.

Poor folks have absolutely no fiscal or financial control, fiscal literacy, or discipline, and it makes very little difference what color their skin is.

Most of this, is a function of broken homes, and broken families. I have done extensive research on the history of education in America. . it sucks. Poor folks are purposely kept from the knowledge they need to NOT be slaves of the system.

The system is designed in such a way, to keep the generationally poor, poor - forever. This is something you just do not get. It is why reparations will never, ever happen. The ruling class either won't allow it, or won't give them enough capital, to let it make a difference. The financially illiterate would not know what to do with it, if they got them.
Reparation defense is bullshit
Ruling class blather the same
Go out and make it and you won’t find it necessary to bitch about and blame those who did
Funny how observations snd experiences generally turn out that way. Get out of the safe space and experience the real working world and you too will see.
Do you agree with the OP that if people are poor, it is because they behaved poorly?
So she escaped from poverty if only for a moment, I won't begrudge her that. Now you know what being trapped on a hopeless Dem plantation does to people.
Guess what will happen to this thread? Even though it's a mirror image of another thread. Oh well.....

I'm not going to make any pronouncements on this. I'll leave it up to you. Read it.

A Washington, D.C. mother-of-three was given nearly $11,000 through a taxpayer-funded program for impoverished families. She spent the majority of it on a luxurious five-day vacation to Miami.
Fanni has kids?
Reparation defense is bullshit
Ruling class blather the same
Go out and make it and you won’t find it necessary to bitch about and blame those who did
No. . . it isn't. You know I am correct, and it puts a hole in your divide and rule bullshit.

If it weren't bullshit? JoeB would have responded to my post. But he knew I was correct, the federal government has rules for those public assistance programs, to purposely keep the poor poor, and to keep the wage slaves, wage slaves.

After all, if they had a chance, who the hell would the ruling class use as slaves?

The system keeps the poor ignorant because it needs a slave class.

Okay, um, $11,000 wouldn't get anyone out of poverty.
If the government allowed them to invest, without immediately stripping them of their assistance should they turn a profit on their investments in a good year? It might.

All of this? Is against the rules if you are on public assistance. No joke.

Do you agree with the OP that if people are poor, it is because they behaved poorly?
It’s not a sentence to lifetime poverty. Those that educate, work, stay off drugs, alcohol, womanizing and gambling make it. 10-20% are astonishing successes.
The person who made the statement is brainwashed by establishment media, and probably has absolutely NO experience with real poor folks that are on pubic programs, public assistance, or what motivates them.

They are all the same, no matter if they live in the projects, or in the trailer parks, or multiple family dwellings. Blacks, whites, Latinos? It makes no difference. The financially illiterate and ignorant are all motivated by the same types of things.

They are all brainwashed by mass media, and put way more importance on what their family and friends think of what they own, and how they make themselves appear, than long term financial or fiscal responsibility. None of them have any discipline, nor do they do any due diligence in how or what they spend their resources on to lift themselves out of poverty, they are just too damn ignorant.

I am ashamed to say, I worked at a pay-day lending service of five weeks once. . those places SHOULD be made illegal, they are immoral. What you say about millionaires and corporations? Spot on.

I only got the job, because I had worked in the rent-to-own industry as a manger, and did collections in all those communities successfully for years. Poor folks have no respect for how the economy works, because a good percentage of them have no respect for themselves or their own families TBH. AND IT DIDN'T MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY WERE.

They all approached money and material items, and the economy the same way.

Poor folks have absolutely no fiscal or financial control, fiscal literacy, or discipline, and it makes very little difference what color their skin is.

Most of this, is a function of broken homes, and broken families. I have done extensive research on the history of education in America. . it sucks. Poor folks are purposely kept from the knowledge they need to NOT be slaves of the system.

The system is designed in such a way, to keep the generationally poor, poor - forever. This is something you just do not get. It is why reparations will never, ever happen. The ruling class either won't allow it, or won't give them enough capital, to let it make a difference. The financially illiterate would not know what to do with it, if they got them.
All of our problems are not due to some "establishment media". Reparations have come for other groups. So you need to stop pretending that reparations have never been given. That's something YOU do not get.
Most red states are impoverished...they are majority white. That is realism.
This is a false argument.

The reason blue states have such a inflated GDP, is they have so many more international corporations domiciled in their urbanized blue cities.

You are making false arguments.

Just a few multi-million dollar corporate managerial jobs, skews all those statistics.

You are either colossally stoopid, or colossally dishonest. Which is it? :dunno:

Wealth Inequality in America​

I'm not sure which, but now you have been disabused of this fallacious argument, so you need to knock this dumb ass partisan bullshit off. You have beat your chest and expounded this dumb argument a few times on this forum, and it keeps making you either look like a liar or stoopid. .. I haven't figured our which yet. . . :eusa_think:

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