A Mothers Love

From the video. These animals should be locked up. I don't see what use they are to humanity. SICK:

In March 2002, Farhat’s 17-year-old son Muhammad entered an Israeli community, opened fire on school children and threw hand grenades at their school. He killed five students and wounded 23 others. When Farhat heard that her son was dead, she shouted in joy and handed out boxes of halva and chocolates to well-wishers. In a video released after the attack, Farhat stands next to Mohammad as he is about to depart on his suicide mission. “How do I feel, as I promise my son paradise?” she asks rhetorically. “By Allah, today is the best day of my life.”

Mariam Farhat, a former member of parliament for Hamas in Gaza, raised each of her six sons to commit terror attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. She hoped that each of them would die in the process – that each of them would become a ‘martyr’. Now, her young grandchildren are propagating the same message on Hamas TV.
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