A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis

Rocket fire from Lebanon and Syria, as well as threats from Iraq and Yemen joining the Hamas war on Israel.

11 Oct 2023 ~~ By Seth J. Frantzman

The IDF said several launches from Syria into Israeli territory were identified.
The IDF said that “part of the launches crossed into Israeli territory and presumably fell in an open area.” Israel responded with artillery fire.
Meanwhile, near Gaza, IDF soldiers killed two terrorists in the area of Kibbutz Re'im and killed another two terrorists in the area of Kibbutz Mefalsim. In Lebanon, terrorists fired an anti-tank missile toward a military vehicle near Avivim. The conflict that Israel has prepared for appears to be emerging.
It is increasingly clear that a large number of incidents are coming together. This includes the horrendous October 7 invasion by Hamas that led to 29 breaches in the fence around Gaza and saw terrorists attack 20 communities. The full scale of the attack is still being understood but it is known that 1,000 people were murdered and many communities destroyed. Thousands were injured. Israel has retaken the border area and called up 300,000 people.
In the last years, it appears the Iran axis has also operationalized other units in Syria and Lebanon. Hamas, for instance, has sent its leadership to Lebanon to coordinate. This is part of Iran’s effort to “unify” various fronts against Israel.
Iran also operationalizes small terror groups in Syria that it uses as cut-outs for its larger threats. It prefers to use small groups so Iran has plausible deniability for these efforts. In some ways, Iran’s policy looked in the past like a lot of little attacks, but this “thousand paper cuts” strategy has now bloomed.

Yom Kippur, Part Deux.
Since Sunday Israel been deploying troop and equipment to these borders. A social media posters posted Monday that “it feels like the storm is about to break”.
Netanyahu has said their response would change things forever in the Middle East.
Hezbollah has been depleted from fighting the Syrian Civil War, while Assad doesn’t need more problems. He’s not really in complete control of his country.
Israel has already shut the power and nothing is going in or out of Gaza.
The shelling and bombing is taking a heavy toll on the Palestinians and rightfully so.
An old fashioned siege for a month or so should make them ask for terms and surrender. Ship then all to Iran and prosecute the terrorists especially their upper echelon.
Doing so frees up the Gaza strip and one less problem.
A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis

Rocket fire from Lebanon and Syria, as well as threats from Iraq and Yemen joining the Hamas war on Israel.

11 Oct 2023 ~~ By Seth J. Frantzman

The IDF said several launches from Syria into Israeli territory were identified.
The IDF said that “part of the launches crossed into Israeli territory and presumably fell in an open area.” Israel responded with artillery fire.
Meanwhile, near Gaza, IDF soldiers killed two terrorists in the area of Kibbutz Re'im and killed another two terrorists in the area of Kibbutz Mefalsim. In Lebanon, terrorists fired an anti-tank missile toward a military vehicle near Avivim. The conflict that Israel has prepared for appears to be emerging.
It is increasingly clear that a large number of incidents are coming together. This includes the horrendous October 7 invasion by Hamas that led to 29 breaches in the fence around Gaza and saw terrorists attack 20 communities. The full scale of the attack is still being understood but it is known that 1,000 people were murdered and many communities destroyed. Thousands were injured. Israel has retaken the border area and called up 300,000 people.
In the last years, it appears the Iran axis has also operationalized other units in Syria and Lebanon. Hamas, for instance, has sent its leadership to Lebanon to coordinate. This is part of Iran’s effort to “unify” various fronts against Israel.
Iran also operationalizes small terror groups in Syria that it uses as cut-outs for its larger threats. It prefers to use small groups so Iran has plausible deniability for these efforts. In some ways, Iran’s policy looked in the past like a lot of little attacks, but this “thousand paper cuts” strategy has now bloomed.

Yom Kippur, Part Deux.
Since Sunday Israel been deploying troop and equipment to these borders. A social media posters posted Monday that “it feels like the storm is about to break”.
Netanyahu has said their response would change things forever in the Middle East.
Hezbollah has been depleted from fighting the Syrian Civil War, while Assad doesn’t need more problems. He’s not really in complete control of his country.
Israel has already shut the power and nothing is going in or out of Gaza.
The shelling and bombing is taking a heavy toll on the Palestinians and rightfully so.
An old fashioned siege for a month or so should make them ask for terms and surrender. Ship then all to Iran and prosecute the terrorists especially their upper echelon.
Doing so frees up the Gaza strip and one less problem.

Will those Arab countries never learn? How many times has Israel been attacked since 1948 by multiple countries only to get a collective ass-whupping? They're thinking about piling on again. :itsok:
Will those Arab countries never learn? How many times has Israel been attacked since 1948 by multiple countries only to get a collective ass-whupping? They're thinking about piling on again. :itsok:
The IDF have publicly identified, several years ago, the areas in southern Lebanon where the Hizballah have stored mass amounts of missiles and launchers. They are dug in under homes, businesses, hospitals and schools. IOW, intentionally placed so as to maximize the civilian carnage to give a very willing world a reason to blame the Jews for slaughtering innocents.

The IDF made it clear that in the coming war with the Hizballah, all restraints will be gone. There are far too many precision guided missiles that can devastate Israel's infrastructure and once the battle begins they must destroy those stock asap. The bottom line is that southern Lebanon is going to resemble the surface of the moon and potentially hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded will be scattered across the hell that used to be southern Lebanon. THIS time. the merciless Muslim bastards went WAAAY too far.
Sorry bout that,

1. "You want some of this too"~Israel.
2. "Yeah here it comes dumb shits!!!!"~Israel.

I would not be surprised if the US agreed to take over the defense of northern Israel. The terrain involved is much more suitable for high-tech standoff weaponry than in Gaza.
I would not be surprised if the US agreed to take over the defense of northern Israel. The terrain involved is much more suitable for high-tech standoff weaponry than in Gaza.
Sorry bout that,

1. Israel don't need no help.
2. There is a reason why, but I won't say it.
3. It doesn't need to be said, its a given.
4. Hook set?

I would not be surprised if the US agreed to take over the defense of northern Israel. The terrain involved is much more suitable for high-tech standoff weaponry than in Gaza.
Twenty years ago, yes. But the Democrats are in such full-on support of the barbaric Muslim terrorists, that there will be pressure to stand down.
Sorry bout that,

1. Israel don't need no help.
2. There is a reason why, but I won't say it.
3. It doesn't need to be said, its a given.
4. Hook set?

Israel WILL a need help if attacked from multiple fronts.
A multi-front war now threatens Israel
It's the right time for it. Increasing Average Joe's taxes to fund both No-Krainium in Europe and Is-It-Real in the Middle East might be difficult to swallow and ... dipping into the pockets of the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex has never been an option at any time. :oops:
Israel WILL a need help if attacked from multiple fronts.
Sorry bout that,

1. Israel can be attacked on every side, and still won't be defeated.
2. Israel is G-D's baby, and they will be protected.
3. I'd be more concerned for the attackers, not Israel, heaven help them.
4. No, just kidding, they got no chance.


A multi-front war now threatens Israel​

That should be a given certainty to even semi retards .
So how did they miss the obvious ? Or , rather , the fucking obvious ?

Israelis are usually very smart even though their only ally is hardly ever accused of that talent .
So what are the real intended objectives?

A tactical pull back as per other past scripts ?
Will the missing ingredient then be revealed ?

Tell me--- apart from Oil and Gas off the Gaza coast --- I am curious .
Hezballah only has about 100 k men. So its not like they gonna form up and try to take ground by force because tbey would be annihilated.

I actually wish they would do that so killing their sorry asses off would be easy.

Iran...not gonna commit anything other than proxies. Egypt is equiped by us and so is Turkey so they are on a leash.

Syria is in no shape to join. Both Syria and Jordan are weary of War.

They will seriously need too throw a bunch of folks in prison. That shit just won't fly. These kids know how corrupt the folks running things are. . .

No legitimacy to the ruling classes at this point. NONE, none at all.

US Declares ‘War’

October 20, 2023

The Armed Forces Farewell and Hail for 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley and 21st Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Sept. 29 at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Virginia. (White House, Carlos Vazquez)

". . . .They were endorsed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley in his post-retirement interview where he proposed adding up to $1 trillion to the current defense budget in order to create the requisite capabilities.

President Joe Biden, in his weekend interview on 60 Minutes, reiterated the dominating outlook with buoyant optimism:


This is the same country whose war-fighting record since 1975 is one win, two draws and four losses —
include Ukraine. (That tabulation excludes Granada which was a sort of scrimmage). Moreover, the U.S. stock of 155mm artillery ammunition is totally exhausted – as is that of its allies.

No Discussion
This historic strategic judgment is heavily freighted with the gravest implications for the security and well-being of the United States — and will shape global affairs in the 21st century.

Yet, it has been made in the total absence of serious debate in the country-at-large, in Congress, within the foreign policy community, in the media and — most astonishing — at the highest levels of the government as well.

The last lapse is evinced by the superficiality of the statements issued by Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Milley and their associates.

We have heard nothing in the way of a sober, rigorous explication of why and how China or Russian poses so manifest a threat as to dictate committing ourselves to an all-out confrontation.

Nor do we hear mention of alternative strategies, their pluses and minuses, nor are there candid expositions of the costs that will be incurred in their implementation. Most certainly, silence reigns as to what happens if this audacious, all-or-nothing strategy fails — in whole or in part.

The stunning rise of China along with the reemergence of Russia as a formidable power are developments apparent to attentive observers for quite some time. . . . "



July 30, 2023, BRICS Map key: Blue = Members; Light Blue = Joining on Jan. 2, 2024; Orange = Applicants; Yellow = Expressed interest in joining; Gray = No relationship with BRICS. (MathSquare, Wikimedia Commons, Dmitry Averin is author of original source image; CC BY-SA 4.0)

Shaping the World Structure

". . . The approach outlined above is worth the effort – and low costs that it entails. For it is the understandings among the three leaders (and their senior colleagues) that are of the utmost importance.

That is to say, agreed understandings as to how they view the shape and structure of world affairs, where their interests clash or converge, and how to meet the dual challenge of 1) handling those points of friction that may arise, and 2) working together to perform ‘system maintenance’ functions in both the economic and security realms.

At the moment, there is no chance that American leaders can muster the gumption, or have the vision, to set out on this course. Neither Biden and his team, nor their Republican rivals are up to it.

In truth, American leaders are psychologically and intellectually not capable of thinking seriously about the terms for sharing power with China, with Russia or with anybody else – and developing mechanisms for doing so over different timeframes.

Washington is too preoccupied with parsing the naval balance in East Asia to reflect on broad strategies. Its leaders are too complacent about the deep faults in our economic structures, and too wasteful in dissipating trillions on chimerical ventures aimed at exorcising a mythical enemy to position ourselves for a diplomatic undertaking of the sort that a self-centered America never before has faced.

A drive to revalidate its presumed virtue and singularity now impels what the U.S. does in the world. Hence, the calculated stress placed on slogans like “democracy versus autocracy.” That is a neat metaphor for the uneasy position in which Uncle Sam finds himself these days, proudly pronouncing enduring greatness from every lectern and altar in the land, pledging to uphold a standing as global No. 1 forever and ever.

But the U.S. is also constantly bumping its head against an unaccommodating reality. Instead of downsizing the monumental juggernaut or applying itself to a delicate raising of the arch, it makes repeated attempts to fit through in a vain effort to bend the world to fit its mythology. Invocation of the Concussion Protocol is in order — but nobody wants to admit that sobering truth.. . . "

They will seriously need too throw a bunch of folks in prison. That shit just won't fly. These kids know how corrupt the folks running things are. . .

No legitimacy to the ruling classes at this point. NONE, none at all.

US Declares ‘War’

October 20, 2023

The Armed Forces Farewell and Hail for 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley and 21st Chairman General Charles Q. Brown, Sept. 29 at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, Virginia. (White House, Carlos Vazquez)

". . . .They were endorsed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley in his post-retirement interview where he proposed adding up to $1 trillion to the current defense budget in order to create the requisite capabilities.

President Joe Biden, in his weekend interview on 60 Minutes, reiterated the dominating outlook with buoyant optimism:

View attachment 846664

This is the same country whose war-fighting record since 1975 is one win, two draws and four losses —
include Ukraine. (That tabulation excludes Granada which was a sort of scrimmage). Moreover, the U.S. stock of 155mm artillery ammunition is totally exhausted – as is that of its allies.

No Discussion
This historic strategic judgment is heavily freighted with the gravest implications for the security and well-being of the United States — and will shape global affairs in the 21st century.

Yet, it has been made in the total absence of serious debate in the country-at-large, in Congress, within the foreign policy community, in the media and — most astonishing — at the highest levels of the government as well.

The last lapse is evinced by the superficiality of the statements issued by Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Milley and their associates.

We have heard nothing in the way of a sober, rigorous explication of why and how China or Russian poses so manifest a threat as to dictate committing ourselves to an all-out confrontation.

Nor do we hear mention of alternative strategies, their pluses and minuses, nor are there candid expositions of the costs that will be incurred in their implementation. Most certainly, silence reigns as to what happens if this audacious, all-or-nothing strategy fails — in whole or in part.

The stunning rise of China along with the reemergence of Russia as a formidable power are developments apparent to attentive observers for quite some time. . . . "



July 30, 2023, BRICS Map key: Blue = Members; Light Blue = Joining on Jan. 2, 2024; Orange = Applicants; Yellow = Expressed interest in joining; Gray = No relationship with BRICS. (MathSquare, Wikimedia Commons, Dmitry Averin is author of original source image; CC BY-SA 4.0)

Shaping the World Structure

". . . The approach outlined above is worth the effort – and low costs that it entails. For it is the understandings among the three leaders (and their senior colleagues) that are of the utmost importance.

That is to say, agreed understandings as to how they view the shape and structure of world affairs, where their interests clash or converge, and how to meet the dual challenge of 1) handling those points of friction that may arise, and 2) working together to perform ‘system maintenance’ functions in both the economic and security realms.

At the moment, there is no chance that American leaders can muster the gumption, or have the vision, to set out on this course. Neither Biden and his team, nor their Republican rivals are up to it.

In truth, American leaders are psychologically and intellectually not capable of thinking seriously about the terms for sharing power with China, with Russia or with anybody else – and developing mechanisms for doing so over different timeframes.

Washington is too preoccupied with parsing the naval balance in East Asia to reflect on broad strategies. Its leaders are too complacent about the deep faults in our economic structures, and too wasteful in dissipating trillions on chimerical ventures aimed at exorcising a mythical enemy to position ourselves for a diplomatic undertaking of the sort that a self-centered America never before has faced.

A drive to revalidate its presumed virtue and singularity now impels what the U.S. does in the world. Hence, the calculated stress placed on slogans like “democracy versus autocracy.” That is a neat metaphor for the uneasy position in which Uncle Sam finds himself these days, proudly pronouncing enduring greatness from every lectern and altar in the land, pledging to uphold a standing as global No. 1 forever and ever.

But the U.S. is also constantly bumping its head against an unaccommodating reality. Instead of downsizing the monumental juggernaut or applying itself to a delicate raising of the arch, it makes repeated attempts to fit through in a vain effort to bend the world to fit its mythology. Invocation of the Concussion Protocol is in order — but nobody wants to admit that sobering truth.. . . "

Triggered much?? Spit out whole books of spam.

Reeks of desperation.
Truth is Hamas attacked. And you are their bitch.
Nope. You can't hack a real intelligent discussion of foreign policy. Just an emotional child's game of name calling, straw-men and finger pointing.


I just don't wish to have the US play any part in the planned Israeli genocide of completely innocent women, elderly and children, that happen to be Arab and Palestinian.

Nor do I wish it to be used as a pretext for starting a war with Russia, China, Iran, Turkey or India . . . .

You can fucking sue me for having integrity, however, shove your lies right up your ass. . . . mmmmkay? :fu:
Nope. You can't hack a real intelligent discussion of foreign policy. Just an emotional child's game of name calling, straw-men and finger pointing.

View attachment 846685

I just don't wish to have the US play any part in the planned Israeli genocide of completely innocent women, elderly and children, that happen to be Arab and Palestinian.

Nor do I wish it to be used as a pretext for starting a war with Russia, China, Iran, Turkey or India . . . .

You can fucking sue me for having integrity, however, shove your lies right up your ass. . . . mmmmkay? :fu:
You are a mouth piece for Hamas. I looked back at old threads and you have been 2 faced. Always saying the same shit.

Israel has been attacked and have been forever. Self Defense needs no justisfication. Your calling for not supporting and be nice on the battlefield.

Fuck You too :fu:
Your calling for not supporting and be nice on the battlefield.
I guess it is a matter of definitions.

You define citizens of political enemies as legitimate targets.

According to the rule of international law? They are not.

You, and everyone that thinks like you, are akin to war criminals. This includes most American presidents in the 20th century, Nazis, most western leaders, most communist leaders of industrialized nations, all Palestinian leaders, all Israeli leaders, etc.

It is not my problem that you are not familiar with these rules.


The World Is Beginning To See The True Face Of Zionism & Apparently The Collective West​


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