A Muslim President? Was Ben Carson Right?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
A man’s religion is a part of who he is. While not an infallible guide to what he will do, it is often a reliable road map.

If Mormons still championed polygamy and declared that blacks could not be Mormons, would it be illegitimate to raise that issue?

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A Muslim President? Was Ben Carson Right?
We have a muslim president now, "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA," and he's worked his entire time in office to destroy America. We should never allow this to happen again...

Islam is passed to children through the father the same way Judaism is the mother. President Obama's father is a Muslim, ergo, he's a Muslim.
It makes no difference that he hardly knew his father and his father didn't raise him.He was raised by Christians.

You people are just plain stupid.

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It makes no difference that he hardly knew his father and his father didn't raise him.He was raised by Christians.

You people are just plain stupid.


Well he sure has no love for Christians and it doesn't take a whole lot of guesswork to figure that out. Surely even you are not going to try to debate that. He sure loves the Muslims though and will defend them vigorously. Why doesn't he defend Christians with the same vigor? I am not going to say he IS or IS NOT Muslim, but I would not be in the least bit surprised to hear him admit he is a Muslim after his term in office is over.

As far as Carson's comment. Liberals are screaming about a constitutional test. I agree, there is no constitutional test based upon religion that would disqualify a Muslim from the presidency. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. There's nothing in the constitution prohibiting smoking meth either. That's probably not a good excuse for doing it..

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