A Nation Falling Apart Piece by piece

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Great read...
The first thing we learned was that it was hard to get an appointment with a trainer at a licensed range. It took us weeks to make an appointment and we only got one when there was a cancellation. It seems large numbers of ordinary Americans are looking to defend themselves because they, like us, are shocked when they see politicians ignore looting, beatings and arson even as they kneel before thugs. Meanwhile, the media endorses the process, also throwing in a blanket condemnation of the white race, which suggests that there is nothing good that will come out the other end of what it taking place.

Welcome to the party normies!

Bonus from same publication

Obliterates lefty logic ...which isn't all that hard
Read it all white man.... thiers more in there just for you

dumb ignorance.jpeg

Great read...
The first thing we learned was that it was hard to get an appointment with a trainer at a licensed range. It took us weeks to make an appointment and we only got one when there was a cancellation. It seems large numbers of ordinary Americans are looking to defend themselves because they, like us, are shocked when they see politicians ignore looting, beatings and arson even as they kneel before thugs. Meanwhile, the media endorses the process, also throwing in a blanket condemnation of the white race, which suggests that there is nothing good that will come out the other end of what it taking place.

Welcome to the party normies!

Bonus from same publication

Obliterates lefty logic ...which isn't all that hard
Read it all white man.... thiers more in there just for you

View attachment 367358

The reasons this is happening, America stands together against any common enemy the latest attempt is the Cornavirus created by China and supported by Democraes and CNN that is ok, the Democrate/CNN race riots are similar to the Russian hoax they created in 2016 America knows that, Druggie Hillary lost because she was a mean old lady with no talenet noit even for Bloy Job Billy Clinton, Pervert Joe Biden will never win in 202 he is as corupt and dirty as Hillary and Obama America knows this and its a shame that we allow this to happene, History willprove this and America should be horified , the America 32 % that suports Joe Biden and Blacks so sick of Blacks 9 % of the population of the US go back top Africa with Biden Obama and Drunk Nancy Pelosi all the bananas free because that is all your worth
Welcome to tramps America.
A key way this is pushed in TrumpWorld is to pretend that one day, a bunch of people just decided to start burning and destroying shit. They just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided it was a good day to get violent.

They purposely avoid an honest, accurate, comprehensive examination of the larger underlying issue(s), because (a) they lack the intellectual curiosity to do so, (b) they know that doing so might expose information contrary to their agenda, or (c) both.

So they convince themselves these are just violent thugs who are committed to turning us into Venezuela, or something. This is how they "reason" in TrumpWorld.
Great read...
The first thing we learned was that it was hard to get an appointment with a trainer at a licensed range. It took us weeks to make an appointment and we only got one when there was a cancellation. It seems large numbers of ordinary Americans are looking to defend themselves because they, like us, are shocked when they see politicians ignore looting, beatings and arson even as they kneel before thugs. Meanwhile, the media endorses the process, also throwing in a blanket condemnation of the white race, which suggests that there is nothing good that will come out the other end of what it taking place.

Welcome to the party normies!

Bonus from same publication

Obliterates lefty logic ...which isn't all that hard
Read it all white man.... thiers more in there just for you

View attachment 367358


The American Taliban (democrats) want to "fundamentally transform" America or die trying
They purposely avoid an honest, accurate, comprehensive examination of the larger underlying issue(s
Thats not true

here is a quote of me on another thread reacting to the death of an armed BLM wacko in Austin Tx

“I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?”

I would like to know how these broken toys ended up the way they did
They purposely avoid an honest, accurate, comprehensive examination of the larger underlying issue(s
Thats not true

here is a quote of me on another thread reacting to the death of an armed BLM wacko in Austin Tx

“I wish someone in the news would dissect this guys personal life and background to see what was troubling him so deeply

For instance was he the product of a broken home who grew up without a steady male influence in his life?

Was he a bad student who may have graduated high school but was barely literate?

was he a failure with women and frustrated sexually?”

I would like to know how these broken toys ended up the way they did
Evidently you don't realize you're starting off with the simplistic, one-sided assumption that someone is a "broken toy".

You clearly don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not surprised.
Great read...
The first thing we learned was that it was hard to get an appointment with a trainer at a licensed range. It took us weeks to make an appointment and we only got one when there was a cancellation. It seems large numbers of ordinary Americans are looking to defend themselves because they, like us, are shocked when they see politicians ignore looting, beatings and arson even as they kneel before thugs. Meanwhile, the media endorses the process, also throwing in a blanket condemnation of the white race, which suggests that there is nothing good that will come out the other end of what it taking place.

Welcome to the party normies!

Bonus from same publication

Obliterates lefty logic ...which isn't all that hard
Read it all white man.... thiers more in there just for you

View attachment 367358


The American Taliban (democrats) want to "fundamentally transform" America or die trying
very true and Joe Biden and Moron Obama along with Drunk Nancy Pelosi are the head of this thiewr is a civiled way to do this VOTE them out IN OPERSON no mial in ballots they have that rigged like in 2016 Hillary really on recieved 45,million votes, not the 68 million reported =The people that identify as Democrat in the us 32 %
Evidently you don't realize you're starting off with the simplistic, one-sided assumption that someone is a "broken toy".
Well yeah

this nutcase was an anarchist who joined a riot every day for two months

there is nothing normal about that
Welcome to tramps America.
A key way this is pushed in TrumpWorld is to pretend that one day, a bunch of people just decided to start burning and destroying shit. They just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided it was a good day to get violent.

They purposely avoid an honest, accurate, comprehensive examination of the larger underlying issue(s), because (a) they lack the intellectual curiosity to do so, (b) they know that doing so might expose information contrary to their agenda, or (c) both.

So they convince themselves these are just violent thugs who are committed to turning us into Venezuela, or something. This is how they "reason" in TrumpWorld.


Youre way off just like youre way off center ...lol
You probably know slightly more than the dumb ******* rioting and killing each other but not by much

those of us on the right and libertarians have been bitching about and following the militarization /police misconduct for decades now..what its supposed to be about ...

Dumb marxist ******* and antifa rejects /wiggers have used the issue as an excuse to push another agenda ...see thier "mission statements" ...ferp

Workers of the world unite!
Death to the nuclear family and capitalism comrades !

In other related news moms have gone national And local groups are forming ...for mayonnaise, twinkies, social justice and the american way !


Good ol moms !

mom cookies.jpg

All leftist pretending to be centrist are shallow and full of shit ...
Please put you tds away or go and try to derail someone else's thread with your inane horseshit


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