A nation of snitches and bounty hunters.

That's not true, in fact there are more Constitutional arguments to favor outright bans on abortion than would favor allowing it. Like I said, an amendment for or against would be the proper course.

A fetus is not a person until it is born.
That's not true, in fact there are more Constitutional arguments to favor outright bans on abortion than would favor allowing it. Like I said, an amendment for or against would be the proper course.
Of course it’s true. Just read Roe v Wade. A fetus doesn’t have rights that override the mothers autonomy until it reaches viability.

We don’t have all our rights at the moment of conception. Unless we do, it’s all a matter of when those rights are provided on our progress to adulthood.
A fetus is always a person, it cannot be anything else. That's the science, not semantics.
“Person” is not a scientific term, at least not one with a single definition. It’s more of an ethical term and it’s definitely not very clear who is and isn’t a person.
You can be anti-abortion and still be against this law as it opens a pandora's box of possible copy cat laws.
If SCOTUS allows the law to stand, Texas would never allow similar suits against guns.
But a Blue State could pass a similar law against guns where private citizens can sue gun shops, manufacturers and private owners for guns used in crimes
If SCOTUS allows the law to stand, Texas would never allow similar suits against guns.
But a Blue State could pass a similar law against guns where private citizens can sue gun shops, manufacturers and private owners for guns used in crimes
Absolutely and why wouldn't they?
It will start becoming harder for them

TikTok users are spamming it, with fake snitching as we speak, is what's being reported! :lol:
Because they’re not batshit crazy like Texas.
True. Liberal states will not turn their residents into Stasi-like spies as the so-called conservative states are doing. These Stasi-type laws need to quashed as soon as they are passed or never passed or considered at all.
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“Person” is not a scientific term, at least not one with a single definition. It’s more of an ethical term and it’s definitely not very clear who is and isn’t a person.
Wow, that was a semantic cluster fuck if ever I've seen one. Here is the science, a fertilized human egg can only become a human being. At no point is that process inert, it is a continuous process until birth, and continues until death. Only human beings are people, therefore your argument fails on every level. Anti-science liberalism is pretty sad.
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“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.
Please show the part of the Constitution that mentions abortion ?
“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.

It didn't bother you when trespassers were being persecuted by Democrat snitching.

It's almost like...

...there's a double standard! :eek:
Awww. the pagans are restricted a little in who they can sacrifice and murder. How sad for them. Next thing you know you won't be able to poop in the streets in San Francisco, and they still can't openly cruise the public schools looking for little boys to rape. The tyranny is just terrible.
While God kills with impunity.

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